Dragon Raid V


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Started off promising. Aussie yelled the orders several times over; enough, one might think, for anyone with an IQ below 50 to understand. 2 minutes into the raid a lot of people were dead, 5 minutes into the raid, everybody was dead. Hmm...

Not entirely sure what happened but rumours were flying around about some spastics who were nuking the dragon. What a surprise! ~rolls eyes~

Anyway, I commend Aussie for organising something like this. I think I would have blown a fuse trying to rally everyone around like that.

If anyone knows why the raid was fubar'd could they post up here because I would like to know what went wrong.



i dont knwo why it screwed but could of been ppl using procc weaps, and i did see clerics trying to stun him (i dont know if this upsets him ) but i wouldve thought he would resist anyway :) but thankyou aussie and i saw in another post you said you didnt think you were going to organise another i think you do a good job at it , and i think you should just a shame some fools dont listen at times...........


everything looked dandy, orders were clearly stated and every1 was rdy to go.

things seems to start to go pear shaped when there was a delay in the person who was gonna suicide ( cant remember who ) attackin the dragon. next there was a sizeable death spam - some ppl charged, some didnt and that was that was the beginning of the end....

the outcome was then predictable.....

nm, was well organised and tomorrow is another day :)


was 4e raid btw, not 5e =)
he nuked a bit more then before :D
bad luck , not blaming anyone.
Only thing I saw was that there was alot less interres in Dragonraid, Only 80 +lvl 40 now. Prev raids it was 110-120
dunno why, i'm not organising those extra raids for me but for Albs and to satisfy as much ppl as possible.
so I wont organise a raid tomorrow, i'll try to do another raid (maybe the worm in DF) next week.

Dragon 2 - Albs 2 =)


Aussie, as someone who never seems to be able to get online to attend these raids :( all I can say to you is JUST ONE MORE PLEASE :D

I will drag myself across hot coals to get to the next one you organise, and I'll try bring at least 1fg of lvl40+ with me, even if I have to drag them over said hot coals also ;)

Raid's like this (success or not) are something that all albs but especially lower levels, will look at and be inspired to see going on. It's all part of what this game is about.

Well done for your efforts :clap:


nice job once again aussi
keep up the good work m8!

to bad somebody banged towards the dragon from too close and a grp got whiped out and confusion was all around so soem of teh grps got whiped out before most wer hittin teh dragon
but no blame to anyone
lill mistakes and missconceptions always will happen
mayb re-emplement the cleric/mins rezzin batteries as we did before if we are with 90-

btw im still very confused concernin the usage of procs on the dragon
does it makes em fart or not?

keep up the good work m8!


Dragon farts when someone out of melee range gets agro.(casters, archers, healers)

I was abit confused yesterday:p

first Aussie says that theurgs should EB and use earth pets, so i did. Then some muppet(dont rember his name just that he was a yelling muppet) started yelling at me about not using pets and that it was soo bad and blablabla.

And then someone yelled at me because i charget do early hehe. But that was because i started seeing deathmsgs so i thoguth the raid had started:p(we should realy get a fence up at GoL's side next time:p)

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