Dragon Raid - THE TRUTH


Bleri McThrust

As many of you know 300+ Residents of the Realm of Albion/Excalibur met up on Saturday night with the desire to kill Golendstadt The Dragon.

To start with I had this crazy feeling that my last alcohol intake had resurfaced and I found it difficult to move my self in a straight line. Someone told me that this strange alchoholically induced state was known as "Lag".

However the strange "Lag" phenomenon cleared as we proceeded to wend our way through Dartmoor with little problem.

When we approached the Dragons Lair, Golendstadt could clearly be seen lying on his nest protecting what we could only imagine was the horde promised us by those etheral beings in the sky. "The GOA".

But "The GOA" had seen us approaching and feared us because we were many. They feared the consequence of our defeating mighty Golendstadt.

Like all ethereal beings "The GOA" rely on belief to prosper. They feared that if mighty Golendstatd was to fall we would no longer believe. We would see that the treasure we sought was not there. That "The GOA" did not have enough believers paying them penance to allow them to nurture that belief with riches.

So "The GOA" performed a mighty spell on the residents of Albion/Excalibur. They put everyone to sleep and removed Golendstad. When everyone re-awoke there was mighty uproar.

But "The GOA" didnt mind. "The GOA" have survived through uproar before. In fact "The GOA" spoke to those that awoke telling them "Go forth and wreak havoc on the residents of Midguard".

"The GOA" knew that this would be a futile excercise. They knew that the forces would be ill prepared and that many deaths would ensue. However they also knew that attention could be moved from Them. They knew that a more mortal being would take the wrath away from them. And that is what ensued.

As mortals we require something to believe in, that something is "The GOA". "The GOA" also requires us to believe in them as soon as belief fades they will fade to.

On Saturday they were afeared, there spell was mighty and it was succesfull. After all we did not see that the mighty Golendstad's treasure was a myth. We did not see that the Gold we pay there healers had gone on nothings. That the penances we pay, in the belief that our future will be looked after, had been withered away.

That my friends is the truth of the Dragon raid and all that remains is for me to say is may "The GOA" be with you. For I believe I have to believe.


sure the dragon wasn't doing its patrol?


Zones have been known to regurally crash under such loads, so tbh what happened isn't a big surprise. I also have heared of several instances on the USA servers so it ain't a GOA related problem, servers simply become unstable when such large concentrations of players prop up.

Also the code is from Mythic, which again is something GOA can't do much about (they only translate and serve).

Basically, it's just bad luck ...

Bleri McThrust


Is there no humour is this land anymore :(

Is everything so serious ;)

For the love of "The GOA"


On second thought let's not go to camelot. Yes, 'tis a silly place!



my post is a quote from the monthy python flick 'the quest for the holy grail' btw, no harm intended ^^

peace out :)

Bleri McThrust


My post was really a piss take of all those that blame GOA when anything goes wrong.

Guess my on individual brand of sarcasm only works on me :(.


don't be so hard on yourself bleri, i thought it was funny - hence my joky comment! :D

[edit]: the post that is.. funny.. you know what i mean :]


maybe he was meeting with the other two dragons, discussing how they like to cook their adventurers.

i hear the glimmer king likes to steam his... have you tree-huggers been making him all health concious? :eek:

old.Solomon Kane

This thread is well sureal if you just skim through it fast :uhoh:


Strange stuff I must say. It seems like other parts have crashed due to too many people lately :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Xarr
On second thought let's not go to camelot. Yes, 'tis a silly place!

Run away! Run away!

old.The McScrooges


I soooo want to us that as an excuse.

Drunk? Me officer?
No I'm merely lagging.

<falls to floor>

Bugger. Been gray ganked again.
Can you rez?

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