Dragon Raid the 11th


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 16, 2004
- General Information:

Raid starts at 20:00 CET at Gna. BG will be up at 19:30 CET.(/bg join Lalin)
Raiders must be at Gna before 19:55. We will leave at 20:10 Maximum.

You Must be Level 50 and have Capped Cold Resists.

- Signing Up: Say what Spot(number)class/spec & RR.

- Confirming: The Day befor the Raid i will post the list over the ppl going.

I will Keep making Dragon Raids till the item i claimed will drop. With 2 days break(I will make new post when the next DR will be)

- LOOT Rules:

I will claim Dragonscale Bracelet When it Drops. If it dont drop i will /random like every one else

Every other Raider will get 2 Stones. (1 Exerpise & 1 Exeregum)

All MP + Remain will be rolled for. By using /random 100 Highest gets to pick first

- Setups: (Some of the spots will be taken by Groove members)

Group 1
1) Pac/Mend Healer (That will be me)
2) Mend/Aug Healer
3) Mend/Aug Healer
4) Warrior
5) Warrior
6) Savage/Zerk
7) Aug Shaman (47 Augmentation)
8) 6 sec PBT RM

Group 2
09) Mend/Aug Healer
10) Mend/Aug Healer
11) Pac/Mend Healer
12) Savage/Zerk
13) Savage/Zerk
14) Savage/Zerk
15) Savage/Zerk
16) Aug Shaman (FOP)

Group 3
17) Pac/Mend Healer
18) Mend/Aug Healer
18) RM - DMG Add (49 Darkness)
20) Aug Shaman (47 Augmentation)
21) Bonedancer/Svage/Zerk

22) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding SE gate
23) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding NE gate
24) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding SW gate
25) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding NW gate


- Tactics!

General tactics
1) ALL raiders must stay within melee range of Dragon. We need to keep him at Central Stone.
2) If Gjanpinulva says your name run to a Corner of the LAIR but don't leave it. When he says your name it means he will AE nuke with you as epicentrum. This is why you must run from other raiders.
3) Sometimes a message will appear: “Gjanpinulva is taking a breath”. This mean that he will nuke everyone and it is very important that everyone runs to the corner of the Lair, but NEVER go out!
4) Never stick the dragon.
5) Never go AFK or you will loose loot rights.

Solo Tactics!

1) Use small heals to heal the Main Tank. Buff PoM & Rezzed Targets.
2) Cast Celerity Every 20 seconds & Resists after someone is Rezzed.
3) Use small heals to heal the Main Tank. Buff & rezzed Targets.
4) Taunt the Dragon and guard number 5. Protect number 2
5) Taunt the Dragon and guard number 4. Protect number 3.
6) Deal Damage to Dragon without getting Aggro.
7) Heal the Raider who has got Dragon Flare. Buff Specs to your Group. Buff Damage shield to number 4 & 5. Buff Damage Add to all tanks % Cast Cold Resists
8) Kill the Dogs as soon as they spawn.

09) Heal your group members with Small Heals. Rezz & Buff Death Targets.
10) Cast Celerity every 20 seconds & Resists after someone is Rezzed.
11) Heal your group members with Small Heals. Buff PoM at Rezzed Targets.
12) Deal Damage to Dragon without getting Aggro.
13) Deal Damage to Dragon without getting Aggro.
14) Deal Damage to Dragon without getting Aggro.
15) Deal Damage to Dragon without getting Aggro.
16) Heal the Raider who has got Dragon Flare. Buff Specs to Rezzed Targets. Cast FoP Every 5 Minutes % Cast Cold Resists

17) Buff Bases to Rezzed Targets. Mezz Dogs as soon as they Spawn.
18) Rezz & Buff Death Targets.
19) Buff Damage Add to ALL Tanks. Kill Dogs as soon as they Spawn
20) Buff Specs to ALL Rezzed Targets & Cast Cold Resists.
21) Kill Dogs as soon as they Spawn. If Bonedancer do abs buff on everyone. If Damage Dealer Help with the Dragon

22) STOP (Mezz/Get Aggro) The Dogs before they Leave Lair.
23) STOP (Mezz/Get Aggro) The Dogs before they Leave Lair.
24) STOP (Mezz/Get Aggro) The Dogs before they Leave Lair.
25) STOP (Mezz/Get Aggro) The Dogs before they Leave Lair.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
signing up with my savage Terralot again. all caped and rr7


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
signing in as gate guard With gargul the skald or DMG add with Slatko (50 darkness)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Signing up for spot 2 or .. well.. :)

Solise RR5l1 AUG/MEND Healer, capped cold resist, PR, MCL2 etc, ML 10, sojourner tho sadly


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Singing up with Warrior MoB 3 MoP 2 Deter IV Purge
28% Cold


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Would like to join as the Damage Add rm, name Pallas, 50 darkness, guild Legends of Midgard, toa'ed ofc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Mystia 50 skald, capped cold, purge, as gateguard or lvl 50 thane :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 17, 2004
Signing up with fop shammy (ML10, RR2, MotA2), 47aug/26mend, 25% heal/buff/pow and capped cold.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Signing up with Helstrom, 40 mend 36 pac, capped cold resist obviously, mcl2 purge and wild healing 2.

Everone seems to forget a 100% res is nice ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 16, 2004
Group 1
1) Pac/Mend Healer (That will be me)
2) Mend/Aug Healer : Ingrid
3) Mend/Aug Healer : Sykepleier
4) Warrior : Pulteney
5) Warrior : Somberlain
6) Savage/Zerk : Brutalos
7) Aug Shaman (47 Augmentation) : Radhoc
8) 6 sec PBT RM : Cemio

Group 2
09) Mend/Aug Healer : Libido
10) Mend/Aug Healer : Solise
11) Pac/Mend Healer : Helstrom
12) Savage/Zerk : Terralot
13) Savage/Zerk : Striktor
14) Savage/Zerk : Coro
15) Savage/Zerk : Hitt
16) Aug Shaman (FOP) : Gimpmetoo

Group 3
17) Pac/Mend Healer : Ruudoniac
18) Mend/Aug Healer : This spot will not be used!
18) RM - DMG Add : Pallas
20) Aug Shaman (47 Augmentation) Wolffarius
21) Bonedancer/Svage/Zerk : This spot will not be used!

22) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding SE gate : Bjorne
23) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding NE gate : Amakiris
24) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding SW gate : Gargul
25) Skald/Bonedancer > Guarding NW gate : Mystia

This are the ppl going


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Not 100% sure if I´m coming or not, if I´m not there by 8:10 cet then find a rep :touch:

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