Dragon Raid scenario.. :)



I've done some reading on other dragonraids, and come up with this plan:

First off, we need everyone. The more, the merrier. A great, great many are going to die. (Sorry, but we need cannonfodder. ;)

1. Everyone below 40 and not a healer is dragonbait. There are several reports on the dragon's breathweapon being finite, and we need to wear that down first. We send 1 person (ungrouped) in, to tease the dragon into using it's breath, slaying the intruder (Who we rezz afterwards), time and time again, until the breathweapon slows down.

2. We need a pop-crew who takes care of the appearing execs. This is crucial.

3. Once the dragon's breath has been worn down to once every few minutes, we switch to the next phase -- Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Hunters, anyone who can swing a weapon. NO RANGED ATTACKS. If you're a caster, cast from next to the dragon. We don't want to pull it from it's lair and eat up the waiting forces. Here we have a choice -- if the breathweapon has been depleted, all attack from whatever entrance they come from, if not, 2 from each entrance, so the dragon needs to turn around a lot to get to them. They die and get rezzed, while the next team goes in to continue. No need for a full rez, 10% health is enough to continue to fight.

4. Repeat ad infinitum until dragon is dead. When it's down to 15% health, it might start to summon others, or teleport people away.. at that moment we ALL attack, or risk ending up on the other side of Malmo.

Addendum. Dragons heal once they leave combat mode.. this is undesirable, since it doesn't help us to kill it. 10secs is the timelimit after the last enemy dies before it starts to regenerate, so we need to keep it busy.

Addendum 2: If the Execs are taken care of by the pop-crews, it is quite possible for the healers to stand INSIDE the lair and do their rezjob. I was standing in one of the corners rezzing and taking screenshots during the fight. ;)




Originally posted by Kelmon

1. Everyone below 40 and not a healer is dragonbait. There are several reports on the dragon's breathweapon being finite, and we need to wear that down first. We send 1 person (ungrouped) in, to tease the dragon into using it's breath, slaying the intruder (Who we rezz afterwards), time and time again, until the breathweapon slows down.

Ok, i can do this part, cause i love the feelin when my face touch the cold stone...:) Otherwise i would not try to explore spindel alone...

LVL 35 Thane, if i hit 40 before next raid, u have to find another for the suicide... :)

old.Ozird Rinfut

Hmm if im not 100% misinformed, the dragon cant use AE when in melee. So keep it in melee and it wont be to hard.

And the 10-20% health left teleport is for everyone inside the rings I believe.

Ive posted on midy alliance webby what is close to the perfect solution I believe. If ppl request it I can repost it here... (dont have all logins with me atm).


Sounds like a good plan there Kelmon if the breath weapon can be depleted. It opens up a ton of new possibilities.

Ozird, the dragon will AoE repeatedly, also in melee. I too have heard this myth about the dragon not doing so once engaged in melee, but I can assure you it's completely false. However, it seems that when only attacked by 1 player, it seldom or never uses it's breath.

BUt very interesting plan Kelmon. I'm all for trying it whenever you want to. Msg me on IRC.


Oki i wroted some on EoO forum i think, but i had planned like this next time anyway. Cause what i learned last time is that it did ae when we charged and i didnt even get 2 the dragon be4 wipeout and i was the charger..
But i had planned like this.
40-44lvls dmg dealers stands in every direction or as mutch we have ppl 4 maybe 2x8 groups of them and next 2 them are the ressquads. And if its a pop then those ppl take care of it and i dont know if the ae works throw the wall. But anyway if doesnt they stand there and healer run in and ress when they can and when out of power going back 2 those 40-44 ppl and rest behind the walls. And all 45+ dmg dealers charge in all at same time from every direction. the more direction the better.
Cause the first attack we did was the best and it wasnt suppose 2 be like that but many charged anyway and that we noticed was the best idea.. And those healers who have a nice ress spell, dont use it on the tanks only healers and perhaps rm/skalds?
And perhaps all 35-40lvls ppl can go and attack if no1 is meleeing it so it doesnt regen.. But i think we can be able 2 melee it all the time if all charge like i said.. Cause if all 35-40 ppls are there who can defend our frontiers?
So thats my plan anyway and ressers 25+?
Think we will need every1.. So...
40-44lvls take care of spawns and stand on every direction
45-50 all charge from diffrent direction
Ressers stand with the 40-44 ppl and ress and take care of spawn. This is what i think is the best idea..
Perhaps it stops doing its ae if we go and try 2 end it first.. But i doubt it actually. And if we do this it maybe go up in the sky and starts its ae altso it did it last time.. Started 2 fly and ae..
But like i said this plan is what i think is the best idea..

/Blejsarus 50thane Eye Of Odin

Screens from last night

If u wanna upload more 2 me send me on irc or upload 2
my little ftp host: login:daoc password:daoc


After the many times those elite 40+ told anyone who hasn't reached lvl 40 to piss off when they are doing Malmo hunts, you actually have the nerve to ask those you were dissing before to act as cannon fodder?
Is it ignorance or arrogance? :puke:

You don't help me xp, I won't help you xp/getting leet items/earning bragging rights for slaying a dragon. What goes around, comes around. And I hope the other <40 people will do the same.


Originally posted by Zhildrua
After the many times those elite 40+ told anyone who hasn't reached lvl 40 to piss off when they are doing Malmo hunts, you actually have the nerve to ask those you were dissing before to act as cannon fodder?
Is it ignorance or arrogance? :puke:

You don't help me xp, I won't help you xp/getting leet items/earning bragging rights for slaying a dragon. What goes around, comes around. And I hope the other <40 people will do the same.

Earn exp with groups your own lvl instead of expecting higher lvl ppl to powerlevel you.
You will struggle to even hit some of the mobs in malmo so when a 40+ group really needs another damage dealer why would they take someone that can't even hit anything?


What a load of crap Zhildrua!

Isnt it logical you don't want to take ppl that are lower then a certain with you to an exp spot?

eg : If a level 5 asks a level 12 to take him to to Nisse's and pull the exec all the time won't he say no ?

I guess you just wanted to be PL'ed and got rejected because you were too low a level.

Spend your time in spindel like all of us did (so you can brag about the "leet items" you found there ) and dont whine because in the end exping = exping and malmo might look exciting but having to kill the same mobs over and over again, argueing about who gets the item that drops ( luckily this hasnt happened to me yet) gets as boring as killing scavs and trows.

However, tons of lower level players this is a super chance to actually see the dragon (even though they act as cannon fodder) and even poke it so i dont think youre little reactionary movement will have too much followers.

ps: what's with the language ? you sound like a 16yr old from South Central that just stole a computer and looked up the "how do i pretend to be a hacker"-manual (it'll probably say h4x0r though)

old.Ozird Rinfut

Originally posted by Grizlas
Ozird, the dragon will AoE repeatedly, also in melee. I too have heard this myth about the dragon not doing so once engaged in melee, but I can assure you it's completely false. However, it seems that when only attacked by 1 player, it seldom or never uses it's breath.

That kinda ruins my whole scenario then.... damn I really thought I had the perfect plan ;)


Zhild u know like malmo is like a 44+ lvls place?
if u wanna be near the lair if u can join and are below that u should be really happy cause thats like powerlevling if u arnt a healer o rm class. if u perhaps 40 do spindelhalla/emain i dunno that u notice but its places 2 xp other then malmohus..
And they dont need 2 come if they dont want 2.. All do what ever they feel like..



- I wasn't talking about a huge level difference like 7 or 20 levels. More like 1-3.

- Your guess that I wanted to PL is also wrong. I just happened to stand in Gna chatting with a higher level friend who was about to go on that hunt, when some troll came from behind and said: "Only 40+ on hunt, piss off". And no, before you ask, that wasn't the only incident.

- xping in Spind: Thanks for your advice, but I prefer Skona/Vanern. Not crowded, less lag, less floor bugs.

- My opinion about that "super-chance" was already stated in my first post in this thread. Reactionary movement? At least look up the meaning and usage of a word before throwing it in a text where you guess it *might* fit.

- Your language comment: First of all, after your "16-yr-old from south central that just stole a computer", you sound like a prejudiced racist.
What you probably meant was the usage of the word "leet" or "elite". Ever heard of irony? Isn't that part of the dewdspeak some powerlevelers and CS guys use?


"when some troll came from behind and said: "Only 40+ on hunt, piss off". And no, before you ask, that wasn't the only incident. "

- I seriously doubt this, since imho chances of getting 100% ignored are alot bigger then being spoken to in such way

"Your language comment: First of all, after your "16-yr-old from south central that just stole a computer", you sound like a prejudiced racist"

-I dont see any ethnic groups nor races mentioned in this sentence you're really the "prejudiced racist" here :p

Anyhow, i stick with my original thoughts, and hope to see tons of "previously rejected cannonfodder eager to see and get fed to gjalpi" soon and wish you the best of luck on you're exping trips to reach the magical zone-revealing level .


Well then, we agree to disagree, good luck on your hunt and I hope those "tons of previously rejected cannonfodder" won't forget the many rejections before and just decline this oh so generous offer from highlevels to help them loose xp (You're gonna announce it as power-delevelling session?:rolleyes: )


Let's get back on subject, shall we? I included players below 40 so they can do their part and have fun too. (Though the chance of them actually hitting the dragon is near nill.)

People, don't forget that this is a game, and meant to be enjoyed. If you're still playing it when you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong. ;)

As for the 'You're not good enough'-mentality, well, there's little that I can do about that. It's just the way people are. Ignore it, and move on, or start your own party and collect those that find themselves with the same problems.

Grizlas: I'll try. I don't regularly use IRC, nor do I have a clue where to find you. ;)


www.mirc.com for kelmon =)

whole eoo can be found on server irc.quakenet.org , channel #eyeofodin

to Zhildrua : there comes a time for everything mate ..

i didnt go to nisse when i was lvl 5 did you ?

i didnt go to vendo when i was lvl 15 did you ?

i didnt go to spindel when i was less then 30 did you ?

well .... you see my point .. you level , new areas open to you with new monsters , new items , new shit

thats what they call a game ...

and about malmo , chill man , i was so happy to go there and got bored of it allready , i suggest xping on different places while you can :)


Re : lower level people being treated or called cannon fodder

Imo to the dragon everyone is cannon fodder or aint it so, prove me wrong pls even a bunch of level 50 people dont stand a chance and eat grass or enjoy the cold stone in couple of minutes


Originally posted by ivan
Re : lower level people being treated or called cannon fodder

Imo to the dragon everyone is cannon fodder or aint it so, prove me wrong pls even a bunch of level 50 people dont stand a chance and eat grass or enjoy the cold stone in couple of minutes

yes, but higher level people can cause some damage while lower may not.

PS: oops where am I?:p


Hehe it's OK for me to take lower levels in but don't except me to hit dragon much since my FPS will be 0-1 ;)

And it's true that it's damn hard to get into Malmohus to exp when lower level (levels 40-45 were the slowest levels ever) but when u finally hit level 45+ (after exping in lower level groups in Raumarik, Emain, Vanern Swamp and even in Spindelhalla) those damn trolls who make hunts to Malmo will luv u ;)

Finrod Felagund
50 levels in Midgard

old.Impressive Hulk

If once u started hitting , u went into first person, u would just see the side of the dragon, which wouldnt be so hard on your pc me thinks...

just occoured to me


Well i still dont think that "cannon fooder" -40 dmg dealers should be there anyway. Cause imo it would be best if we altso could have ppl in our frontiers and if all ppl -40 are there we dont have that big of defence..

Anyway i try to tell my suggestion how we will approtch the dragon one more time.
PPL wanted
40+ hunters,skalds,thanes,warriors,berserks,shadowblades,
Around 30+ Runemasters/Spiritmasters.

And then after the chatgroup are up, we count and see how many ppl that can charge it is. Those who are gonna charge is the 45+dmg dealers with runemasters/sm

Then we count how many we are and from how many directions we can attack from.

The 40-44 dmg dealers stands with the healers. And take care of the spawn from the directions the 45+ charges from.

And the healers that have high in mending use your lowest ress on tanks and the best on ressers cause they get power to ress and sutch if you use the best u have..

And Runemasters job is to fend and just debuff it intill it sticks to it since u cant do dmg to it.

And what i have heard from like everyone the best strategy is when everyone charge. Cause if we send in one at the time i doubt it will ae nuke. And altso risk that it will start fly and take us. So i suggest what i said get as many ppl as possible and then charge from as many direction as possible. And then we see what will happend :) This is imo the best plan.


I have never been there, only read the article from the previous one and saw the photo's (which seems very exciting :))

But I think blej is right. Whilst "draining" the dragons forces, you might:

* endanger the whole group which is at that moment standing there with no attacking plans

* be torn down on resources yourself (power, end, life?) while ressing / ... the cannonfodder. Then when your intervention is needed, you might be on half/lesser power...

Those are just some thoughts of course :)

I hope I will be there when at the next trip. And I have no problem with the idea of being mob fodder. It's the fun that matters, and the end goal, not my personal enritchments. I know i am too low for that.

Cya there

Ociri, 3X RM White Rose


Oki after some discussion about the dragon raid senario its decided now that ppl that are in these levels are very welcome



The tactic will be that we first gather our ppl
then chatgroup will get started 1 from eatch group
then we will notice how many ppl that can charge from eatch direction of the lair.
First we will take care of the mobs inside the lair and then 35-44 ppl will charge at once and after 20seconds or something like that main force with the 45+ ppl will attack all at once from diffrent directions.

1 group should be like this if possible
2 skalds with both dmg song on
1 runemaster
1 healer/shaman (buffs)
and rest other ppl :)

runemaster/sm should just do debuffs intill it stacks
same with disease,poison.
after u got ressed just go and attack it at once.
and when all are attacking it spread out as mutch as possible.

Think i got it all...


I charged the dragon last night when she was facing another direction, to my surprise she didn't even attack me. I got 5-6 hits and a couple more misses before a mezzed executor came after me. Maybe we should try this tactic instead... :)


Originally posted by Quemine
I charged the dragon last night when she was facing another direction, to my surprise she didn't even attack me. I got 5-6 hits and a couple more misses before a mezzed executor came after me. Maybe we should try this tactic instead... :)

You hit like a sissy Que - no wonder she didn't bother :D


maybe dragon was thinking what she did last night, and wondering funny itchy between legs.


100 tanks in malmo today didn't do much more dmg to her than I did... :)

Maybe if we craft a giant mousetrap, then place it in the lair when she's on patrol. That could kill her perhaps...


I will gladly join in with this one. Level 35 shaman at your service <bows>.

How's about loading down with as many chanting/fending runies as possible? It might actually be able to absorb some damage, if not much. Plus, with an arseload of casters, chain de-buffing/stunning might actually work. Not ALL of them can be resisted (although most will, probably).

So, my simple tactic: CHARGE! Keep healers and shaman back, runies out of AoE range and chant to buggery. I don't know how much damage you'll do to the dragon, but warriors keep taunting and any good SB keep on with the crit strikes.

As I've never took anything more than about lvl 48 in any group, I'm obviously not the best tactician here, but maybe someone can glean something useful from my ramblings.

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