Dragon Raid - Saturday 26 July



Dragon Raid - Saturday 26 July (5 slots)

Date : 26/07/2003
Time : 8pm GMT
Meet : CWS
Attendance : Pre-Arranged
Entry Requirements : 12+ Members (45+)
Guilds Confirmed :

1) Black Falcons
2) The Prodigy
3) Knights of Pendragon
4) Legion of Darkness
5) ASq
6) Caballeros Pikones
7) Crusaders of Albion
8) Herfolge Boldklub
9) Shadowlords Society
10) Guardians of Light
11) First Cohort
12) Black Legion

Apply your guild by reply or PM to me plz.

Normal rules will apply. Any questions feel free to ask
There won't be pre-claimed stuff

..... SOME RULES ...

- 4 retryes;
- No ranged dmg;
- Keep an eye in dragon time if we're still arranjing stuff;
- Respect mine and/or assigned leaders orders;
- Each group leader is resposable for the loot in that group, so i sugest you tell your group to turn autosplit off (/autosplit s) to make your life easyer;
- Sorcs crack everyone that uses power specialy classes with res before thinking about nuking the dragon or so;
- Sorc keep an eye on support classes spot (usualy each way lair entrace) for adds and mez them;
- Necros transfer power to res classes. Best way is to be in a duel with cabalist (power stealing from cabalist pet);
- Tanks tank ofc :p
- Stealthers tank
- Wizards EB before u think about pbae or DD;
- Theurgists AIR or Earth pet spamm (try get a wizard to eb your pets);
- Not a rule but will apreciate if every class with power take power potions or power stones (bp stones);

This is some of the rules i decided to put here so no one forgets =)


Supose everyone knows that already.

Thanks anyway =)


works perfectly and can you guys please leave this thread for what it was created? Will be alot less confusion........!



Originally posted by Hit ^_^
1,62=respec stones for all (allmost anyway) so not like it matters that much..
oh and singel respec too i think.

It matters to those whom can't fix there problems with single-line. Like me... :)

And it also matters to me cause it's greedy and wrong. I know the old argument and FACT that it's his raid, his rules, come if you want, else don't etc.

I'm a democrat, I support democracy in all situations. In that perspective it's bad morals to just preclaim things, rather than asking if you can claim a stone or two when the raid is over, like WF did. He asked if anyone objected.

And, the problem is you are booking a popular day for raids, even dragonraids. These times should rather be "booked" by Wildfire or another man with good principals NOW (eventhough he claimed earlier).


Originally posted by skile
I'm a democrat, I support democracy in all situations. In that perspective it's bad morals to just preclaim things, rather than asking if you can claim a stone or two when the raid is over, like WF did. He asked if anyone objected.

You still got the same chance as everyone else on the raid to win something on the lotto.

PS. My god you are the biggest whiner ever when it comes to raids and stuff, although i have never seen you do jackshit for your own realm.


Originally posted by Tyka
You still got the same chance as everyone else on the raid to win something on the lotto.

PS. My god you are the biggest whiner ever when it comes to raids and stuff, although i have never seen you do jackshit for your own realm.

Hi Tyka, skip the personal insults. Cause I don't see the I as important, I don't see myself as an individual, therefor "I" can't be insulted.

However, you can object against those arguments I've posted.

The only relevant thing you posted was that "everyone has the same chance of winning something" and "organise something yourself".

1. No, everyone does not have the same chance, 1 person has a 100% chance (if the dragon is dead) to win 2 stones. Which isn't fair, wheter u are leading a raid or not, it's selfish.

2. People don't trust in me, and I don't see myself as a good leader. Why should I organise a raid?

It's a shame you don't like people complaining without doing the same thing themselves. Tell that to the guys whom works in Media looking over the Government and the Society, do they need to start a party just to look over the actions by the Government/Society. No, they don't.

Another example is = Does a moviecritic (dunno what the proper word is ^^) need to make their own movie to critisise those made? Na, they are doing their job.

Compare this to me defending democracy within the realm of albion, complaining about selfishness and greedy acts. I see that as doing something good, as I would suck as a leader myself.

If you see this as something bad, you should look over your principals. And appriciate democracy rather than elitism.


Originally posted by skile

1. No, everyone does not have the same chance, 1 person has a 100% chance (if the dragon is dead) to win 2 stones. Which isn't fair, wheter u are leading a raid or not, it's selfish.

2. People don't trust in me, and I don't see myself as a good leader. Why should I organise a raid?

1. Selfish in your opinion, but on the other hand he makes 50 other people glad by getting them stones.

2. To set an good example, since you say you know how it really should be.


Apart from the lack of consideration shown doing 'junk posts in this thread'...


Now, please, give some respect and keep comments to yourself.



Nice Nobrains :). Well done.

Tyka: I'm not saying there wouldn't be 23 stones to hand out, but this raid is being held on a weekend, and would be (if it was still preclaiming) blocking another event from taking place, basically. Which is imho extremly selfish.

Ofcourse you might have differerent values on what you deserve to get on a raid, however. Take one thing in note. By deciding yourself what u can have and can't and not asking the attenders on the raid while dragon you aren't accepting the publics view on the matter. They are most likely liberals (like you?!) and will think "the more you work the more u should get paid" and say it's ok to claim 1 or if lucky even 2 stones.

I'm ok with the 2nd alternative. Power to the people!

I think you should review your opinion on leadership. For example, take a group in school, working on a project. Would u actually support the leader of this grp, voted by others etc, demanding an higher grade, just cause HE thinks he has put more work into the project. Would u pad him on the back or think he would be selfish?

Well I don't know how you would react, myself however, think leadership is about putting in the extra effort without gaining any advantage compared to the rest.


Originally posted by NoBrains
Apart from the lack of consideration shown doing 'junk posts in this thread'...


Now, please, give some respect and keep comments to yourself.


You should look up the word "respect" :).


Emain RvR - Saturday 26 July (no zerging)

Date : 26/07/2003
Time : Whole day
Meet : Random places
Attendance : 1 Hib medallion for albs/mids
Entry Requirements : 1FG, no lvl reqs.


I've asked 3 times now...

Stop posting useless stuff in this thread!

And don't come to me with democratic and what so ever if u can't even respect my appeal not to post useless stuff here and leave the space for the important posts to the raid.



Thanks for attending in name of HB mess

If you guys happen to pop only with 8 it will be 1 of each stones (if we succeed) 2/each if 12+

(All stones that are not assigned to a specific guild will be lottoed)



Guilds i'm waiting confirmation:

Guardians of Light
Army of Light


The Brethren
First Cohort
Anyone else?



The Bred
Army of light

give confirmation plz :)

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