Dragon Raid for 13th June 2003



Date : 13/6/03[friday]
Time : 8:30pm GMT (9:30pm CET)
Meet : Malmo Entrance
Attendance : Invitation
Entry Requirements : 12 guilds who can bring a full grp [making 12fgs] needed the first 12 who reply to this

1}Bad Omen
2}Bulle af Fetstryk
3}Shadows of ragnarok
4}Clan Chaos
5}White Rose
7}Mjollnir Fury
8}Klan Nidstang
9}Forcete Cricle
11}The guildless
14}Jordheim Peoples Front - hoden

If your guild is listed and you do not wish to participate please let me know via PM. If on the other hand your guild is not listed then please let me know and i will add you. I would like to keep this raid to the previous limit of 12 guilds only so that stones can be split evenly between the guilds.

All i ask from this raid are 2 things.

1. people turn up ;p
2. I get to claim 1 career respec stone. nothing else from the raid.

Please try and be ready and waiting at malmo entrance by 8:15pm(9:15pm CET) at the latest so we can get the raid moving and ready for action by 8:30pm (9:30pm CET).

All items from the raid are to passed to me so i can distribute them out to the various guilds. There will be some stones left over and i shall lotto those between the guilds that joined the raid.

If you have any questions at all either PM me here or post a message on the forums.

Hope to see you there and /pray we kill the ewul biatch.

I shall be creating a mix `n` match group so if people wish to join the raid that are not guilded or who`s guild cba to turn up. Let me know here and i`ll see what can be done. Bare in mind that 8 people is the limit once those spaces are gone there wont be anymore unless people pull out from the raid.

See you guys on friday

One small thing i left out before.. For guild groups it doesnt matter on level. thats upto your GM`s. For my random group i only accept lvl 50 players.

If i dont get a sufficient response by Thursday 12th, 6pm GMT(7pm CET) the raid will be called off to save people the trouble of getting to malmo only to be let down.

fingers crossed that wont be the case.


One thing I would say is that many people dont play on friday nights, (alchopops beckon) a mid week night or monday may prove more fruitful.

Shadows of Ragnarok dont exist anymore, however if you want Sons of Nidhug to come then I am sure that we can muster 1 or 2fg. (will need to confirm with the bosses though before saying for sure :)

Kharok Svark

Can I have a space in the Random Group Please

Level 50 Berserker ... Can bring a Ram to hit the Dragon with if needed :)


lol theres an idea..shall we bring a few catapults? :p


Bahh I take my hug's back..was posted as sunday on the NE board..guesses the date was correct but the day not...wont be there...


Stick me in random groupage plz and which gimp do you want me to bring? :)


JPF will be there , denthor why are you sad about not making the random grp your guild is going you big muppet that means you can go :)


Hi again everyone.

Well i presume things are going to plan. look forward to meeting you all tomorrow in malmo ready to gank some dwagons.

please try and get there on time :D

good luck and have fun.


Originally posted by hoden
JPF will be there , denthor why are you sad about not making the random grp your guild is going you big muppet that means you can go :)

wayhay :D u guys usually drink too much on friday nights


Ohh and vestax plz do plan a relic raid

its not like it is hard to suicide on the dragon and then you got 12 groups of mids incoming to kick arse...


Im sorry to announce that we cant attend with a full group to tonights raid so our spot is open.

Due to IRL events this wasnt certain until about 1 hour ago, again Im sorry if this causes troubles for you.

Kharok Svark

For all those guilds listed in this thread, that said not a word ...

... how difficult was it to PM somone to say you could not attend

... how difficult to check with your GM, 99% of guilds (a person in) read these boards

... and don't use someone elses work to arrange a hunt to create your own smokescreen RR

Sheesh, sorry you have gone to so much hard work so many time to be treated so badly by so many in your own realm Emma :(


Maybe i should plan a relic raid next time.

Bet people would turn up an hour early at the thaught of getting RP`s. instead of not turning up at all for PvE raids.

My apologies to those that did turn up, hope it doesnt happen to other people that make the effort and spend there time organising these raids.


Originally posted by old.Emma
Maybe i should plan a relic raid next time.

Bet people would turn up an hour early at the thaught of getting RP`s. instead of not turning up at all for PvE raids.

My apologies to those that did turn up, hope it doesnt happen to other people that make the effort and spend there time organising these raids.

No offence but you make it sound like your doing/did the Dragon raid for mid when your not. Your trying to do it because you need a respec stone, I know for a fact if the raid was succseful you wouldnt have done another raid unless you needed other stone. Basicaly your pissed because after 3?4? trys you still dont have your respec stone. When Roo did it did he claim a stone for him self? did Zap claim one for him to? I dont think they did. Whats it take to run a Raid not much all you do is contact <insert guild here> Post on some forums, tell people the time and hope they turn up. you make it sound like alot of plaining has gone into each time you tryed to make it happen when it erm hasnt. Only person that is garanted anything for the Raid is YOU, seems kinda selfish in my opinion :rolleyes: .


Originally posted by 1234Taz
No offence but you make it sound like your doing/did the Dragon raid for mid when your not. Your trying to do it because you need a respec stone, I know for a fact if the raid was succseful you wouldnt have done another raid unless you needed other stone. Basicaly your pissed because after 3?4? trys you still dont have your respec stone. When Roo did it did he claim a stone for him self? did Zap claim one for him to? I dont think they did. Whats it take to run a Raid not much all you do is contact <insert guild here> Post on some forums, tell people the time and hope they turn up. you make it sound like alot of plaining has gone into each time you tryed to make it happen when it erm hasnt. Only person that is garanted anything for the Raid is YOU, seems kinda selfish in my opinion :rolleyes: .

which is why i wont be doing/planning any more raids.


actually if u want to be sure people show up it takes work :/

Pm every guild GM 4-6 times in the days b4 and some members from the guild, make sure its in MOTD of every guild u invited and even post plan and loot deviding on diff guilds homepage.



The Reason nobody comes is because you plan them on stupid days
fri = people go out
sat= people go out
Sun = alliance hunts

Arrange hunts on better days and people are bound to attend


helps if u logg in few hours before not preciasly the minute we are suppose to be gathering. i think like this atm.. since all other raids have lead to ppl not showing up its better to wait for others to be there etc instaid of waste 1 hour and do nothing.


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
helps if u logg in few hours before not preciasly the minute we are suppose to be gathering. i think like this atm.. since all other raids have lead to ppl not showing up its better to wait for others to be there etc instaid of waste 1 hour and do nothing.



regardless of who is right or wrong, who is greedy and who isnt, it doesnt take a lot of effort to post up here (as BL did) that u cannot attend, woulda saved those who did go a lot of time.


Roo Stercogburn

Don't know the details surrounding raid, so can't comment on what did/didn't go on or what peeps plotted and planned.

Regarding what passes for organising in my case:

I generally annoy people regularly over a period of days leading up to a raid/hunt. Its not so much to remind them as to remind me that something is happening. I find if I say it over and over again I remember better. I don't always remember who I told so inadvertantly lots of Mids find out something is happening because I accidently tell lots of different peeps. Somehow, this seems to work. Emails, forum posts, sexual favours (in my case, this means promising to leave people alone though in one instance I had to have a shipment of sheep delivered <cough> Kharok <cough>), etc.

Regarding loot:

Often, the people that run the raids/hunts are expected to claim something - believe it or not this is the norm rather than the exception and you have to have tried to run one of these things to really understand why. I don't think its really appropriate to criticise people that do want to get something out of it. Lets face it, if a dragon raid produces 25 respec stones of each type and the person that sweated to make it happen claims one, you still have a load of happy realm buddies with goodies. Broad brush, big picture, don't be petty ;)

I'm generally considered a bit odd because have never wanted anything from a raid and Zap I know is quite certifiable. On the first dragon raid that me 'n' CertifiableOneEye concocted I did actually manage to win a respec stone in the lotto. I laughed like a horse and gave it away faster that England give away goals. Horrible nasty thing tempting me away from the path of darkspeccness ;)

In short, regardless of any potential benefit to Emma, I think its a bit petty to criticise when so many others would have also gained from the raid. Often, raid leaders are given first pick of loot. All Emma did was say up front what would be claimed.

I get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing Mid/Pryd kicking as a team (even though work stops me being in-game a lot these days :(), its something we've been bloody good at in the past. Please don't let this change because of some differences in-realm.

Bit dissapointed chaps to read this thread, have to say.


Originally posted by 1234Taz
Whats it take to run a Raid not much all you do is contact <insert guild here> Post on some forums, tell people the time and hope they turn up. you make it sound like alot of plaining has gone into each time you tryed to make it happen when it erm hasnt. Only person that is garanted anything for the Raid is YOU, seems kinda selfish in my opinion :rolleyes: .

yea well sounds like a fair bit actually
and what r u gonna do, turn up /stick and hit f6?
compare the lvl of difficulty..


AFAIK the list of guilds was cut and pasted from an earlier list that guilds had asked to go on. This list was plonked on the Nemesis chat board http://nemesis.deebar.org/forum/ last week but no one actually agreed to it from our end. As it was apparently 10 Nems turned up anyway and played chicken with the dragon.
I may be wrong and I don't want to add more "advice" to the pile but please get peoples agreement before you sign them up for a raid!

Emma your heart was in the right place at least - we can't have jsut a couple of people shouldering all the burden of doing this job :)


Notice its only an alb giving Emma slack

more to this game than an uber drop from the dragon...

and as Roo said, its the teamwork and team spirit that makes midgard / prydwen special

just take a look at excal midgard and the hate between guilds, characters, and players

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