General information
Raid official starts at 19:00 GMT at Gna Faste.
People are supposed to be there in time, that means before 19:00 GMT.
We will leave when all groups are gathered.
Modifications to raids
As last time only 23 of us will be going which leaves 2 extra of each stones.
One combo will I take and other combo will be among rest lotto to spice things up.
The slots that are being deleted are spot 17 and 23. This will in no way affect how fast we kill the dragon or anything else.
Requirements to attend· Level 50
· Capped COLD resist
· 6sec PBT for PBT RM
Signing up and confirming
As always I need your confirmation when I annonce my list. This is very important in order to keep your spot.
Signups are starting today and last until Friday morning.
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
Confirmation period is then from Friday to Sunday 14:00 GMT.
I would like to point out that if you forget to confirm then you aint supposed to show up. If you are late for the raid you will be booted.
As on all previous raid I start to find replacements at 19:05 unless anything else is agreed with me. Etc if someone contacts me and says he will be a few mins late but his character is already logged at spot.
I will claim Dragonstorm.
If you have no experience with Dragon raids or what so ever. Please check out my website which should contain all information needed to get your answer (atleast how to find me)
Its located here.
I signed up as one of the first? Why am I not on the list?
Please, before sending me post like that check the posts yourself.
Only VERY few people are favored on my list. These can be my close friends or people that can constribute to the raid in a good way. Etc FOPs/DET fields or high rr warriors for main taunting.
Remember, flaming will get you nowhere.
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
Raid official starts at 19:00 GMT at Gna Faste.
People are supposed to be there in time, that means before 19:00 GMT.
We will leave when all groups are gathered.
Modifications to raids
As last time only 23 of us will be going which leaves 2 extra of each stones.
One combo will I take and other combo will be among rest lotto to spice things up.
The slots that are being deleted are spot 17 and 23. This will in no way affect how fast we kill the dragon or anything else.
Requirements to attend· Level 50
· Capped COLD resist
· 6sec PBT for PBT RM
Signing up and confirming
As always I need your confirmation when I annonce my list. This is very important in order to keep your spot.
Signups are starting today and last until Friday morning.
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
Confirmation period is then from Friday to Sunday 14:00 GMT.
I would like to point out that if you forget to confirm then you aint supposed to show up. If you are late for the raid you will be booted.
As on all previous raid I start to find replacements at 19:05 unless anything else is agreed with me. Etc if someone contacts me and says he will be a few mins late but his character is already logged at spot.
I will claim Dragonstorm.
If you have no experience with Dragon raids or what so ever. Please check out my website which should contain all information needed to get your answer (atleast how to find me)
Its located here.
I signed up as one of the first? Why am I not on the list?
Please, before sending me post like that check the posts yourself.
Only VERY few people are favored on my list. These can be my close friends or people that can constribute to the raid in a good way. Etc FOPs/DET fields or high rr warriors for main taunting.
Remember, flaming will get you nowhere.
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild
NOTICE! Please sign up with class, rough spec, any useful ras/mas and your guild