Dragon Loot from raid 4/5/2003

  • Thread starter Roo Stercogburn
  • Start date

Roo Stercogburn

Thanks to the E&E peeps, and a much appreciated speedy response from Kemor, we now have the loot from the dragon.

I will be online tomorrow evening at 8pm GMT/9PM CET in Svasud Faste to distribute loot. Each guild involved can have 1 person able to speak in the CG I create. After we have the nominated person for each guild, I will open the cg to all who want to join, but they will be only in listen mode.

Any whining in CG or via PM will result in said person being booted from CG and being put on ignore. I recommend all guilds choose a representitive that is level headed and above all fair ;)
This isn't the last time we take down dragon :)


For all you stat lovers, here's what we got. If I mistyped stats, I'm sure someone will correct me.

Seriously bad news though, Mug Of Everlasting Beer didn't drop :(

We got 25 of both types of respec stone. Interestingly they show as level 80 item. Ok, not that interesting. Memo to me: get out more.

Great Shadowed Impaler (1 of these)

Composite Bow

Composite Bow 6, Stealth 3, Dex 12, Str 10
10 charges of Dex/qui bonus 75
DPS 16.5, Spd 4.4


Lost Hauberk Of Valhalla (1 of these)

Chain Armour Hauberk

Hits 60, Str 12, Dex 12, Slash 10%
10 charges of str/con +75
Effective AF 136


Cloth Cap (LOL? ... 1 of these)

Cloth armour (duh)

Hits 48, Pie 22, Dex 15
10 charges of acuity +75
Effective AF50


Azure Soul Quencher

1H Hammer

Pie 16, Chr 16, Str 16
Proc: lifedrain 65
DPS 16.5, Spd 3.8


Timorous Drakulv Ebon Jerkin (2 of these)

Leather Jerkin

Con 12, Dex 7, Qui 7, Str 7
Effective AF98


Ageless Dragon Etched Coif (1 of these)

Chain Helm, Shaman only

Cave 4, Pow 4, Pie 12, Crush 4%
Effective AF120


Dragon Singed Ebon Boots (1 of these)

Chain Armour

Con 12, Dex 12, Matter 8%, Cold 8%
Effective AF120


Barbed Ebon Coif (1 of these)

Chain Helm, Warrior only

Con 12, Str 13, Crush 8%, Slash 8%
Effective AF122


Soulbinders Jerkin (1 of these)

Studded Armour

Hits 45, Dex 12, Str 12
Effective AF110


Soul Forge (1 of these)

2H Hammer

Hammer 6, Parry 4
Proc: DD95
DPS 16.2, Spd 5.4


Soulbinders Belt

Hits 36, Spirit 10%, Cold 10%


Souldbinder's Boots (1 of these, er, 2 technically, dont get picky. 1 pair then :D)

Studded Armour

Dex 22, Matter 10%, Body 10%
Effective AF110


Bloodbound Book (1 of these)

Pie 13, Body 6%, Spirit 6%, Cold 6%


Ancient Bloodbound Pants (1 pair of these (see I learn))

Cloth armour

Con 12, Dex 6, Pie 6, Heat 10%
effective AF44

EDIT: Apologies, posted in wrong section, what a noob :D


tomorrow as in 'tomorrow after the dragon raid' -> monday 21:00cet Svasud


tomorrow as in 'tomorrow after this post' -> tuesday 21:00cet Svasud ?

Roo Stercogburn

Tuesday :)

I can't guarantee to to be online Monday evening, apologies.


thanks Roo ;)

just a thought for the distribution of the stones

how about that the representitives for the groups/guilds claim before hand if a respec-stone is 'needed' or 'wanted'.
Since everyone who was there has right to be in the lotto for the items, but not neccesarily(sp?) needs them, maybe (and just maybe) it's possible to serve needs before wanted.

needed as in :
Some Shamy specced full Aug. , be it Buffbot on intention or a traded Account that got respecced to full Aug after the fullrespecs got granted in 1.54(?).
Now the player wants an active 'playable' shamy as main.

or a Healer who tried full Aug. and is stuck with it now but would prefer do be Pac/Mend specc for a better 'use' in groups.

or a Warrior with 50 weapon 50parry 28shield

or a SB with 50stealth 50Env (not like I ever heard of something like that)

but you get the idea... needed as in 'My Char is gimped to hell and back and no fun to play' (or atleast less fun than it can be)

wanted as in :
a Full Aug Healer who loves his specc. If hell froze over and Albion would get nerfed he 'might' consider using a respec.
Just wants the chance, maybe sell it, or safe it up for who knows what 'might' come.

or a Zerker with 50Weap 50LA 28parry ... there's just nothing else they -could- specc to (atleast nothing with a major impact)

But I guess you get the idea of what I mean with 'needed' and 'wanted'.

Most likely every guild/group has atleast one who needs one of those respec stones, be it Specc or RA, but for the slim chance that there's one or two guilds/groups who doesn't need it 'cause everyone is happy with their speccs.
Might be a chance to make as many people as possible happy.

just my 2cents


Imo, the respec stones should be divided between the guilds and then let the GM/officers decide who need them in their guild.

Distribute them by guild numbers on the raid, same as the regular items.


only problem : 337 Mids (roughly / 42FG

you can't give 1 of each type to every guild/group, it just won't work.


how many active hunters are there? 3 ? 4 ?


Maybe just consider them "normal" drops, the guild with most ppl on the raid get to choose first. Pick a stone or an item, doesnt really matter :)

I know Roo have already setup the way of distributing the stones, and please, do go ahead with it. People would be annoyed and maybe even angry if the loot distribution were changed :p

But maybe consider it for another raid?

Roo Stercogburn

Loot method has been set and am indeed sticking to it. I don't mind peeps posting ideas here, because no method is perfect and I'm always happy to refine it for the future :)


maybe explain the loot method then ? we all want to know :)


initial plan was 1 item per fg, suppose those guilds with most fg's will get to chose first now.

Roo Stercogburn

Mundane items are lotto'd per guild and its weighted so that guilds with a higher turnout of 45+ get higher chance of first pick of item, but its not guaranteed. This way even the small guilds have a shot at an item.

Respec Stones are done differently: I have a list of the group leaders for each group and we lotto them per group. Again, the larger guilds with more groups have a higher chance of winning a stone, but again its not guaranteed, and even the small guilds have a shot at it. In the case of mixed groups its up to the group leader to decide who gets it.

Not perfect, but as fair as I could think of with the turnout we were expecting and this is the method I posted in various forums and emailled to people prior to the raid :)

When we do dragon raids with smaller numbers (and hence people actually sticking to the plan ;) it will be easier to sort it out stuff, but I think we should always be mindful of the small guilds that struggle to have a shot at things like this.

Roo Stercogburn

Forgot to say: a group can only win an item once. That means that large guilds have a chance of several stones, but not all the stones if the dice go their way ;)


gifv respec stone to my shadowzerker plzzz!!!111 ;)



<Points to the lineup of crying bears from Mularn to Gna faste in line for a respec stone>






Mwahahahahahahahahahha etc


gifv respec for me... Emma has been inactive for a while now due my just not enjoying her anymore :(

actually all my mids have been semi inactive because the only char i want to play just isnt fun anymore.. (read gimp)


Well I would do it this way (very close to what Roo those tho)

k say there is 130 ppl

40 from guild x
20 from guild y
15 from guild z
55 from guild v

do random 130

1-40 guild x gets, 41-60 guild y gets, 61-75 guild z gets, 76-130 guild v gets.

Do this with every single item, it is 100% fair ppl have a even chance per member, only down side is that this does not insure that "everybody" gets something to bring home fomr the raid, this seems to be very important for some ppl


Would love to get my hands on a realm respec stone...how much are they going for? Are they less needed than the skill respec stones?

Roo Stercogburn

Mak, thats exactly the system for the ordinary loot drops :)

Its just the stones that are being lotto'd by group and its not a whole lot different, just equal chance per group. If a guild brings 4FG, they have 4x the chance of a guild that brings 1FG. We'll see how well the group lotto works, if it proves unsatisfactory, then next time we just use same system as for mundane loot. TBH if just doing a smaller scale hunt with set guilds, I'd use the mundane system for both types, but since this was a If-You-Are-A-Mid-Haul-Ass-To-Malmo type afair its not really appropriate this time :)

If I do another raid, I think I'd ask in advance that the peeps organising the raid are allowed to hand out 5 respec stones of each type at our discretion. I know at least 3 people that badly need stones (rather than merely want to change to a fotm spec or sell them) and tbh are unlikely to get them.

Not this time though, as it wasn't arranged in advance and agreed with everyone.

There are 50 stones in total, 25 of each. I'm thinking we should do the skill ones first as these are the ones everyone badly wants. I have to check spreadsheet, but I think there were around 42 group leaders on the list. This means after the skill stones are handed out, the remaining groups are guaranteed realm respec stones, leaving us at the end with a few realm stones to lotto again.

This method means every group is guaranteed a respec stone of some description and that about 8 lucky groups will get 2, possibly one of each kind.

The only flaw in this is the groups that contain mixed guilds, and there its possible that people will get stressed out. With so many guilds involved, I'm afraid its the best fit and its up to the individuals that made those groups to keep a level head.

And in case peeps are wondering, I am aware that some groups had less than 8 peeps in them, however it was never going to be perfect. Look at it this way, I was the group leader in a pet team group. We had at least 4 different guilds in my group. Gonna be fun and games if my group wins the lotto and I know its the same for the other pet group and the 2 healer groups.



100 people attend a willow raid:

30 willow dirge flutes drop

6 guilds was there, everyone interested naturally cos the flute is quite good with uber stats, not craftable etc...!!!11 :p

first guild brought 40 people, next 25, next 15, 10, 5 and 5.

So, the first guild had 40% of the people on the raid, they should get 40% of the loot, ie 30x0.4=12 flutes.

next guild gets 30x0.25=7.5 (yea doh), 30x0.15=4.5, 30x0.1=3 flutes, 30x0.05=1.5 and final 30x0.05=1.5

So guild 1 ends up with 12 flutes because they brought most people, next guild ends up with 7, next 4, 3 and 2 each for the last 2.

Guild 1 gets to pick their first flute, guild 2 next etc etc.


Might not be the best example numberwise, but you might want to consider the stones as regular drops, because some guilds might not care about the stones and rahter want an item intstead, and virsa versa. If you do it this way, the guilds have a bigger chance of getting what they really need/want. And you still give the ones with a bigger turnup a chance to choose what they want so the "advantage" of bringing more people to the raid still appears.

Imo the group thing isnt that good, not every guild ends up with 8/16/24/32 people so the groups are matched 100% :)

Disclaimer: Im still not telling you how to do it, i think you did a great job here, but consider it for the next one? Might make things abit easier to understand for some people :)


what do we want flutes for!!!! gib respec stones ;)


Minus healer gl's and pet grp gl's etc I assume? as they should be counted as part of their represetative guilds groups


Roo has numbers of people each guild brought. Not first time Roo does the loot and I trust him 100% to do it fair for all.



The way Roo will distribute loot is the most fair way splitting loot from large scale raids, imo. Big guilds have bigger chance in getting more loot than other smaller guilds.

Everyone with standard knowledge in statistics theory knows this.

Giving small guilds unbiased and a fair chance in getting loot must be in everyones interest when doing a big raid ´cause big guilds just don´t have the material for doing the raid by them selves. The smaller guilds are needed.


I don't doubt Roo for a minute - I'm just pointing out not to count the healer/pet etc groups as a 'guild' group in case it had slipped through the net.


You should all have done as me, and chopped a piece of her tail, or foot, or scales, and hauled that home for your very own dragon stew!

ps. you go Roo and Zapsi! it was an amazing turnout you managed to get together, more than half of midgard was there! 337 non anon out of 609 mids online.

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