dragon hunt (27th)



just to say welldone to everyone for a valiant attampt at killing the dragon yesterday. everyone who was there tried their best. even though we failed to kill her i hope all had a good time. thanks go to baltasar for organising and leading the event. did anyone else notice that as soon as we started taking the dragon the Hibs/Albs went keep crazy?
again WD to all :D


hmmm never even heard about a dragon hunt .. thanks for including everyone in your raid .... guess thats why it failed


yep, they didnt want too much peolple , silly gits...


Well the dragon have been downed with 90 people, why would you invite all of mid then? If you just use the right tactics you don´t need em, and they´ll just be there for lagging it down anyway.


lol they obviously didn't know the right tactics then

If they pulled it off they would be happy .. now their select band just look silly


Would've been easy if the dragon would've not used AoE like 5 times each fight.
Propably someone casted on the dragon ? Or what else makes him use the AoE ...


Common sense dictates you use a ranged attack when you are not in melee range of your opponent.

Common sense dictates that Dragon uses AE breath when the person holding aggro is out of melee range

Common sense dictates ALL people should move to the mound and fight/cast/heal in melee range.

Problem is thisn game was not made with Common Sense in mind, soooooooooo......

.......Guess what I say holds little value :D

Anyway better luck next time :D


Originally posted by old.moriath
hmmm never even heard about a dragon hunt .. thanks for including everyone in your raid .... guess thats why it failed

Me either :/


OMG what a stupid replies......

We did an Dragon Hunt with 6 other guilds, whats wrong about that ?
The Respecstones need to get divide after it, and we had thougt of a system to divide the fairly...
What will happen when all the guilds in Midgard get invited and there will be 300 man standing there ?
Ever figured a way of dividing the stones then nice ?
The problem was that we had now 100-130 peeps there of who more than 50 never did an dragon raid. So we learned about it, at least we tried and prepared a raid ourselfs.
What a bullshit thing to make such a dumb replies now instead of just helping finding a way to get her down :)


I have to agree with the grammatically challenged, yet fairy spoken Renegar here.

Since when has a Dragon Hunt had rules dictating it to be REALM WIDE?

It's as bad as a bunch of Mids whining they were not invited to a Legion hunt or a TG hunt.

If people are going to get pissed off and be unhelpful 'cos someone is asking for advice on killing the Dragon but not inviting you, thats rather petty imo.

If you manage to kill the great Bitch with your 6 guilds, more power to ya imo, and good show, if not, nm better luck next time.

For starters it doesnt require 400 Mids to kill a Dragon, secondly the zone woud most likely crash before you even got to the lair with the entire realm attending.

Renegar perhaps try IGN for some useful info, at least you can be certain that amongst the WhineGN faithful you will find something of use.


soz for my bad english , im dutch and suck in english i know ;)

Well i've had some info about the dragon hunts, and know that the other guilds who were with us are also making tactics to kill here, so we are going very soon again.

I can tell the system we had made to divide the stones :

If we would get up wit 100 people every people would then be worth 0.5 respec stones, so when we started everybody needed to get an invite to the CG by me and i would write their guild name down, so i could count the numbers of peeps form one guild and so divide the stones fair.
I know there will always be somewere an gray area but i couldnt think of anything better.

So all suggestions are welcome....


Originally posted by Reneger
OMG what a stupid replies......

We did an Dragon Hunt with 6 other guilds, whats wrong about that ?
The Respecstones need to get divide after it, and we had thougt of a system to divide the fairly...
What will happen when all the guilds in Midgard get invited and there will be 300 man standing there ?
What a bullshit thing to make such a dumb replies now instead of just helping finding a way to get her down :)

agreed reneger. i created this post as a well-done better luck next time kinda post and some people just had to take the piss.


What a bullshit thing to make such a dumb replies now instead of just helping finding a way to get her down

Sure invite then :)


Originally posted by Reneger
OMG what a stupid replies......

We did an Dragon Hunt with 6 other guilds, whats wrong about that ?
The Respecstones need to get divide after it, and we had thougt of a system to divide the fairly...
What will happen when all the guilds in Midgard get invited and there will be 300 man standing there ?
Ever figured a way of dividing the stones then nice ?
The problem was that we had now 100-130 peeps there of who more than 50 never did an dragon raid. So we learned about it, at least we tried and prepared a raid ourselfs.
What a bullshit thing to make such a dumb replies now instead of just helping finding a way to get her down :)

blah blah blah ^^


Originally posted by snoz
blah blah blah ^^

Well i dont have to make a funny reply now :) your reply says it all .........

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