Dragon got nerfed?



Was in malmo today when i made mini, decided i want to leave just cause i was sick of the place for the night and didn't have much longer left to use the pc. So anyway i headed off to sucide to dragon. Got there, charged, parried, fumbled, took a hit, missed, parried, hit him then died.

Now ive got 10 + 5 in parry and im a 49 norse skald, ive killed myself to dragon plenty of times with my thane and skald and i've never hit him while solo, let alone parried.

I read he was being nerfed to make encounters last longer but this is overkill me thinks ;P

http://www.boards.ie/members/vacilator/wtf.jpg - screenie..

If hes this easy to defend against i say we get a raid sorted :p


Actually taking hits from the dragon was never a problem, I've seen people take three hits from it before they died. It's the AE breath that makes it mean


When i dinged 49 i ran to the dragon and manage to hit it with the shield style numb, dam i was laughing as i manage to run away and pulling the dragon with me to the entrance of her lair.. Aye her nuke is hard.... :(

Old Nicodemus

Go easy on the old girl!

You wouldn't be quite the same if someone disturbed your afternoon nap!

Or was it the Poison Dwarf she ate earlier? :p

Spiritmaster in epic clothing! Yay!
Moooo! RP COW! :m00: Hit me!

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