Dragon Drop Distribution

  • Thread starter old.MallusTheGimp
  • Start date


Basically all items will be going to guilds. Guilds can only enter a lotto for an item if they have a lvl 45+ of the particular class or classes that would get best use out of that item. If they win the lotto the item will be handed over and that guild WILL NOT be able to get anymore items. So, choose wisely before you start entering all lotto's ;).

Once a guild decides they want an item they must message me with a number between 1-100, the guild name, and the name of the person the drop would be for. Once I have all the items that were dropped I will then go out and kill a mob, taking the last 2 digits of experience as the lotto number for each drop. The guild closest to this will get the item and be ruled out for anymore drops.

The list of items is as follows (* indicating I actually have been given the drop):

Virulent Soul Sapper*
Robes of the Magus <------ NOT GETTING
Cloth Cap*
Heart of the North <-----NOT GETTING
Magmas Imbued Gloves*
Helm of Opposition*
Dark Crystalline Arms*
Dark Crystalline Helm
Protector of the Stone Oracles
Sturdy Crushed Breastplate*
Belt of the Protector*
Polished Granite Staff of Wind*
Robe of the Spirit Stone*
Granite Seer's Cap of the Spirit*
Granite Seer's Sleeves of Matter*

Guilds can start entering for the lotto's as of now, so contact me in game with your details etc. Assume that all items will be given to me and are up for the lotto (hopefully I can convince some of the people currently holding them to hand them over).

It took a lot of discussion and different ideas of how the loot was to be distributed to come up with this chosen system. Most thought it to be the fairest and best way to ensure everyone that came to the raid has at least got a chance of getting something they can use. It's not possible to please everyone (judging from the abuse I been getting ingame) so hope most will accept the terms of the distribution. Just don't bitch too much or no one will want to come on another raid again :)


What a brilliant idea. I award 20 cool points to Mallus!


Ok, and not to step on anyones toes here but I see only one flaw with that way of doing it.

The unguilded player.

Excluding them from being elligalbe for the drops means that they are gonna be reluctant to go on another dragon hunt, not to mention any other item hunts with ppl in guilds.

I just don't think that we should use these ppl for help in killing things and them exclude them from the rewards.

They should at least be able to enter the lotto as well.


:rolleyes: As I said can't please everyone


hi but i kinda dissagree a little with you dreama, if you go to a dragon hunt with 200 + people expecting a drop even if your guilded then yous kinda dreaming.
how can a solo player expect a drop out of 200 ppl ne way its just not going to happen imho :p


So just cos you in a guild.. you can expect a drop with 200+ ppl present?

That's not fair either.

should be indiviuals entering 45+ of the classes that can use the item.

Anything else excludes ppl, and makes it unfair..


Whoa, back up...missed the point...not saying that the person should expect a drop but just because you chose not to be guilded doesn't mean you should excluded from EVER getting a drop on a realm wide hunt. Maybe it would be ok if the drop distributer guy took a list of the ppl (they would be responsible of giving thier name to the drop guy) unguilded and add all of those ppl as a seperate guild in the draw....i.e...those 10-15 ppl or whatever have a chance of getting the drop...and if that grp of ppl win the draw then a seperate draw is held to see wich of them gets it...

I'm really not saying that they should expect one but to be outright excluded form the possibility all be it a rare possibility of getting one isn't right.

And I know that you do try to please everyone...and you're doing a good job imo.....this just started as an I wonder what happenes then kinda thing. No, you can't please everyone but to outright blatently exclude ppl because they aren't in a *club* is kinda wrong

am I alone in this thinking???


Oh, and one more thing and then I'll shut up

it should not be ppl lvl 45+ to enter the drawing Justinian. If it were then the hunt itself should only be for ppl 45+. If everyone entered a drawing then it should be everyone who went on the hunt.

However, a drawing that size isn't practical. Could you imagine getting sends from 200 ppl and then killing the mob and taking the last 3 numbers and matching it up to one of 200 sends? OMG I would NOT want to be the one saddled with that task


Why dont you organise some sort of a race. Like the first who gets from a to b gets it! /em bangs drum weeeheee! :p

Nah i think the lottery is a very good idea and there's always people who disagree. There's never a right way to do it and i think via a lottery is the best way and if you only let people in who can actually use the item it's even better.


Nah, races would suck, lousy minstrels with the last speed song ;)

Imho, 45+ is a good idea, limits the number of players a bit :p
(Note that it'll exclude me too! )

But I'd like to add one except, dont know much about other classes... But 2 or 3 drops where cabalist drops... Dont know if you ever did a /who cabalist but the list is rather short :rolleyes:

I think there are only 2 cabalists above 45, we happen to have one thats 41 or 42... Thats why I just wanted to butt in ;)

And I'd say that also solo players should be able to enter the lottery (if they are above 45 and have no guild)... But thats just my idea ...


Followed the discussion on guild chat yesterday when our GM was talking it over in cg. There were a number of ideas and this one seems to be one of the best. So a big congratz on making a decision that seems to please most guilds.

Dreama does have a point about the not-guilded people. They should have a change, even a very small one, to get an item. On the other hand, this would make the lotto an enormous puzzle I'm afraid.
But anyways, I think it will work out fine in the end. After all, this is the first dragon kill and the first 'lotto'. Sure there will be more dragon raids now and we will eventually come to (further) improve the drop system.

Bleri McThrust

Although I cant say I 100% agree with the decision reached, I do feel a good compromise was reached by all.

I would like to congratulate Mallus on leading the discussion. It went on for about 2 hours and at times became abusive and angry.

A distribution system where everyone would be happy is an impossibility bearing in mind the number of people involved.

I'm not going to comment any more on it as I wouldnt want to start up the arguments again :). However I would be interested in Mythic introducing an emote to allow the possibility of sleeping with people :p


5 items ?

You have been given 5 items out of all of them ??

Must say this kinda dropgrabbing attitude of some ppl stinks a lot and makes me actually sort of happy I did NOT join on the raid.

Shame on all those peeps that sacked the loot and ran off with it.

The lotto system is fair and square for drop hunts even though there will be plenty of whiners still, that didn't get any but feel its theirs. Thats sad but normal. Good luck to all participating for the lotto :)


I think Mallus is doing a very good job here and from what I've seen I trust him to be very fair.

Just two points (You knew I wasn't going to leave it there :))

Unguilded players. You can't expect every unguilded player to be entered into the draw, this would reduce the large guilds chance of getting any drop significantly even though they brought 50 people. What should be done is all unguilded players are treated as one guild, with one lotto number. If their lotto number comes up then another lotto is drawn to see which of the unguilded players gets it.

My second point is that guilds should be allowed more than one choice. This would require maybe a thread or email to Mallus. Each guild should list the drops they want in order of preference, with the relevant receipient, so that if their lotto number comes up they wont be denied a drop just because the one they want is no longer available.


- Pathfinder -

Heh can't you simply message the people who ran off with the loot? After all there's a log system allowing you to check who got what ;)


Who got what drop btw? Because I couldn't get online yesterday (arrggg why am I not living in the US)


heh i surely hope the drops havent been given yet cuz i wasnt online either... :(


i agree with Dreama

Leaving out the unguilded players who helped you defeat the dragon is wrong you must find a way to include them in your lottery its the fair thing to do, on a separate note what is the lvl limit for the dragon hunt ? i ask, as i asked someone who i had to speak too about coming along and was told to "piss off you are too low" :eek6:
i might be only lvl 41 but i heal ok ??? only wanted to take part in the experience :(


Hmm perhaps it would have been better if the dragon didnt drop anything. Sure would solve this problem.


45+? Are you kidding? I would be *so* pissed off if the bow the Hib dragon MIGHT drop, would go to some newbie 45 ranger. Limit the lotto so that every level 50 player present at the raid has the change of getting the drop, instead only the people in guilds.


Sounds like a fun realm with fun rules you got there kthxbye.


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
45+? Are you kidding? I would be *so* pissed off if the bow the Hib dragon MIGHT drop, would go to some newbie 45 ranger. Limit the lotto so that every level 50 player present at the raid has the change of getting the drop, instead only the people in guilds.

ssssssssssssssssst =P
well better give it to a lvl42 who can play the scout then a lvl 50 rpc0w ^^


At the end of the day Mallus organised the raid, if you don't agree with his solution then you don't go the next. You were either following him or you were leaching from us all.



Think Mallus' idea is fine and everyone should accept it.....

......in a perfect world of course

Zag Barr

The way the drops are distributed are fine for me, even thought it gives big guilds a disadvantege over small guilds - but then, who cares about drops :)

I have one request tho. Since you have to pay for game.banshee now, it might be a good idea to post the stats of the drops - some of them I don't know anything about.

Zag Barr

Ohh - I forgot one thing:

We should do this lotto in a few days - with all the drops that were handed in, by that time.

All the people that haven't given the drops to Mallus by - lets say -friday, should be made public on this forum.

Since they have proven to be completely anti-sozial, I would'nt mind to see them banned from all social events in the future. They should be banned from guilds, not invited into groups or chatgroups and generally considered outcast.

I really don't understand the whole fuss about these drops. In the near future, crafters will be able to make items better then most of those and the new epic-armor beats all the droped armor by far. Let's kill the dragon more frequently and everyone gets a drop sooner or later. If we make such a big deal about items that weren't handed in - we will never do a dragon raid again.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by old.TheAussie

ssssssssssssssssst =P
well better give it to a lvl42 who can play the scout then a lvl 50 rpc0w ^^

he means me for those who dont know :D


45+? Are you kidding? I would be *so* pissed off if the bow the Hib dragon MIGHT drop, would go to some newbie 45 ranger. Limit the lotto so that every level 50 player present at the raid has the change of getting the drop, instead only the people in guilds.

50 Ranger, Silver Hand, rank 6
Beware Evade

I think that is the best idea, only 1 scout lvl 50 at the raid, he should deserve the bow but mallus and the others dont think so, why lotto the bow with ppl that cant use the bow at the mmoment and were not in the raid?


Cant help but think the guild lottery is the best way round all this.

There is absolutely no fair way to do it but it seems like as good a choice as any.

If you start trying to weigh up the contribution someone has made to RvR or the dragon hunt or whatever else on an individual basis.. you are heading into squabble territory, and im sure some pretty pathetic behaviour.

I dont have a personal interest meself (dont really want any of the gear) but it would be nice to see the items passed out to the guilds and that'd be that.

Oh, and to the monkeys who kept a hold of the drops...

get a grip.. have you made NO friends in this realm? Are you not ashamed by your own pathetic behaviour? Why have you wasted your time playing to let it come to this?

guess you must just be stupid


why not give the unguilded a chance ?

if there was 15 odd ppl there seems ok to count [unguilded] as a guild for the drops lotto ?

if there wasnt 15 only like 6 or so then is really too low a number to have made a difference etc ;)

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