drag tax?



big thx and gtz to aussi first of all for arrangin another dragon raid

standin at teh side observin pl gettin killed and a dragon bein hit i started thinkin about teh allround dragon tax
atm procs and arrows are allowed but castin however not
cuz if u cast on teh dragon and get hi agro hell start ranged fartin cuz hes to lasy to move or whatever
(or thats what i think wht casters cant nuke on em)
however scouts are allowed to range him with arrows
wich is same principle as teh ranged factor of castin
procs do a lill nuke on em

its just an idea but i think u just cant go ranged on em
same deal with pets these r melee attacks from close range so whats the prob with those?


you what? sorry but that made little sense..try typing in english and we might get it

old.Gombur Glodson

We used nukes/dots/smites/debuffs/nearsight on prydwen
Worked like a charm
and he didnt AE at any moment.


lol give me a break
i was drunk as hell when i posted this thread :D


well, it seems it isn't to lazy to move when agro is drawn from an effect not targeted at him, takew for example, i was stood at the side i think, my team was dying so i used FH, then immidieatly, it came charging at me :(
I was cleaning out my leggings for a week

old.Gombur Glodson

We just killed him again last night with same tactics at last time.
We used all nukes besides fire and he didnt AE once.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by fl-gorre
big thx and gtz to aussi first of all for arrangin another dragon raid

standin at teh side observin pl gettin killed and a dragon bein hit i started thinkin about teh allround dragon tax
atm procs and arrows are allowed but castin however not
cuz if u cast on teh dragon and get hi agro hell start ranged fartin cuz hes to lasy to move or whatever
(or thats what i think wht casters cant nuke on em)
however scouts are allowed to range him with arrows
wich is same principle as teh ranged factor of castin
procs do a lill nuke on em

its just an idea but i think u just cant go ranged on em
same deal with pets these r melee attacks from close range so whats the prob with those?

translation :)

Big thanks and grats to Aussie firs of all for arranging another dragon raid

Standing at the side observing people getting killed and the dragon being attacked i began thinking of the overall dragon tactics.

Atm tactics are arrows and proccing weapons are allowed but casting spells arn't because if you cast spell/nukes etc on the dragon it increases the amount he aoes because agro switches to the caster which are far from the dragon = aoe nukes. (or thats what im lead to beleive is the reason for no casters nuking the dragon)

How ever scouts can shoot at him which is ranged agro same as nuking him??

I think you cant get agro with ranged attacks or he aoes

Its the same thing with mele pets but they get agro close up so i cant see anyproblems with these

think that what he meant :p


i got the impression that he hates insta heals: Faith Healing IP etc.

maybe NO healing just people rez from a distance.

the other thing is instead of killing the elders get sorcerers to confuse them so they hit the dragon.


the thing with the pets is that they transfer 25% of the agro they make to the caster. Not much agro. but if all thr 50 tanks manage to miss for 5 mins then its a slight chance the theurg will get agro if noone has used heal or hit the dragon.

So i would say that pets dont make him aoe.

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