DR vs Laby Client. Why is Laby crap?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Here is what my problem with Laby client is.
1. the updater takes like 3 times longer than dr just to load past. its 2-3 sec on dr and around 10 sec orso on laby.
Laby client flaws(for me)
once you choose quicklogin character on laby and you press login it opens up the loading screen. there it freezes with music for around 15 secs before the loading bar even starts to move. from there it takes around 45 seconds to get to the zone screen loader. and from there yet another 30 secs orso,.

so it basically takes atleast 1 minute to login with laby

With Dr it takes me around 10 seconds MAX from I press the login button to be ingame. there is no login lag or anything either which laby has problems with.

Is there any setting or whatever that can sort this or is laby client just much heavier?
very wierd since graphics are equal.

My issue is that sometimes like never but sometimes :p I actually go to labyrinth zone

Those things that happen here are equal with 1 or 2 clients so laby isnt slower with duallog at all just slow at all times. and laggy.

Im running a C2Q 6600 pc with 3 gig ram and geforce 8800
on vista.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
fancier grafics on laby client. thats all there is to it. same with the patch client. more shit to load = longer to load it.

and zomg, a WHOLE 1 minute! :) thats like...... a trip to hawaii and back! :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
fancier grafics on laby client. thats all there is to it. same with the patch client. more shit to load = longer to load it.

and zomg, a WHOLE 1 minute! :) thats like...... a trip to hawaii and back! :p

Time is money friend


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
if defrag was the issue(on vista we dont run defrags all that often) why is DR client superb and laby not tho


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
I do have the same " issue " on my comp (but then its LOADED with crap) , but both wifeys and our BB comp (BB comp just a Laptop) loads quick as hell on Laby client aswell , aprox 20 sec (patcher , loading screen and all)

Ps : and my comp is waaaaay more powerfull then the other 2 :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
if defrag was the issue(on vista we dont run defrags all that often) why is DR client superb and laby not tho
Well its not an issue if you did a defrag ;p

Must be more data to load then or something. My lab client is about 900MB bigger than dr client.

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