DR Subclass planner


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
Hi there fellow freddies

Sometime around nov/dec last year i saw a subclass planner for DR in graphics (1), where you could choose how to spend your subclass points, with out you putting point in abilities you couldnt due to prerequsit.
You started by choosing your own class, and it automatickly blocked out all subclass abilities from your own baseclass.

Well end of it all is that i forgot to bookmark the page - and is missing it now.
If anyone have an idea of the page im thinking off, can you remember where it was, and share the link?
I think i found it on VN, but not sure. I tried browsing through VN again, but no luck.

(1) was kinda like the skill planner that was/is around for WoW.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
Ryuno said:
Could of been this?
It wasnt that 1, but this can do also.
The other was somekind of java or flash application.

Ohh - and a 'bonus' question.
Can i put subspec in 2 different baseclasses, like put 2 pts in mage and 3 pts in fight?
or do i have to put all 5 pts in the same baseclass, but can distribute them among the 3 different lines in that baseclass.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2005
While we are on the subject of sub classing. If a necro picks the mage path does the pet or the shade cast the spells?

Will be handy if the shade casts them :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I bet the necro would have to go out of shadeform like most of the ML abilities. ;p Necros always get the shaft. (And otherwise, it'll be the pet)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
I duno about the necro thing, but the points question.

yes you can out points in different trees.

The basic rules are. You cant put points in your own base line. I.e if your a paladin, you cant take fighter stuff.

Other rule is you must follow the tree.
So you cant get the 5th ability in a line without getting 1-4 as well.

But you can do the following like you said (for example):

Say im some caster;

Fighter 1st, 2nd, 3rd ability.
Acolyte 1st, 2nd ability.

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