DR NDA lifted


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Lifted from http://vnboards.ign.com/Darkness_Rising_Discussion_Forum_/b23027/92065617/?0

What is Darkness Rising all about?

It´s the latest expansion for DAoC, featuring horses, champion level sub class ablilities and champion weapons. The capitol cities will be
revamped as well. There will be new quests and tasks as well.

Will there be non - English versions of this FAQ?

Yes, when enough volunteers are found

Can this FAQ be distributed freely?

Yes, , you can post this FAQ anywhere you like but not alter a jota. If you want to add corrections please pm me (Iarn.Greiper @vn for example).
When will Darkness Rising be released ?

11th of October 2005 is the US release by Mythic. For non US servers like those run by GOA no date is given, but the timeframe from
chrismas till February seems realistic.

What are the minimum specs for Darkness Rising?

Pentium III 1.4GHz or AMD equivalent
512 MB RAM
Requires compatible 3D Acceleration card with 64 MB Video RAM
DirectX 9.0 or later

How much does it cost?

US $19.99 [corrected in v0.02, thanks Kunou],no specifics yet for oversea versions.

Is this a box or a download?

This is a download. It is save to assume that there will be ways to get a CD, too. No specifics yet for oversea versions.

Do I need any previous expansions?

You need catacombs. However, if you buy them bundled, you get both for US $ 29.95. No other expansions needed so you can in theory get
the 14 day trial and buy Cats&DR bundle and be fine. However there will be soon a boxed package with a new account key and all expansions for shop sale.

Do I need to buy DR for all my accounts?

If you want to use the new features on the characters on that account or want to enter the new zones, yes. You need to have Catacombs
enabled on every account you want to have DR enabled. For buffbot accounts see below.

Is DR needed for buffbot accounts?

Not really in my personal opinion. The only advantages are minor:
- your BB can ride as fast as you can
- you can enter a few zones botted, but right now the content of the new zones is more quest orientated, so I personally don t expect much
farming there
- your BB might get a new minor buff like a low powered damage add via subclassing (see below)
In the end you have to dicide if you want to spend 20 or 30 bucks on DR. However in no way, DR is as mandatory for BBs like TOA was because of health and mana fonts.

Which patch version will introduce DR?

1.80, so for US server players whis will be the next patch.

Horses were promised since day one. And now I have to buy an expansion for them?

There will be two kinds of horses. One will be free (only in RL terms, you have to pay for it in game). It is aimed for medium level (35) players
and of moderate cost in game (250gold). Then there will be advanced horses which have higher costs and other requirements (see below).
You need to have DR enabled on that character account to own or ride such a horse.

Will Darkness Rising feature new races?

No, but it will bring new lore for existing races.

Will Darkness Rising feature new classes?

No, but you can aquire sub-classing ablilities as you progress champion levels (see below). These abilities are supposed to round your
character, but you will not gain much in power.

How do you advance your character in Darkness Rising?

Once you have spoken to the king´s advisor (see below) you have a new exp bar called Champion Level Exp. See a full description below.
You will start a new quest of epic dimensions as well. Completing the quest will give you benefits like levels you will gain from CL Exp.
Furtunately they interlink and you will get CL Exp for this quest as well.

What are the mechanics of CL exp?

You will get champion level exp for everything that will give you normal exp. That is killing mobs (grinding), doing quests (level 50 quests tend
to give tons of exp, now we now why), or killing players. You get a better CLexp / exp ratio for killing other players but it will be very hard to
gain champion levels by RvR. Doing you champion quest will give you enough exp for some champion levels.
The CL exp needed is the same for any level in contrast to normal exp. There are 5 champion levels. You start at champion level 0.
[numbers needed]

What are champion levels needed for?

Purchasing special horses, purchasing and using horse equipment (see below), getting a hot champion weapon (see below) as well as a
subcassing ability point per level (see below as well).

What do I gain from doing my champion quest?

First you gain champion level exp for every step (the low level steps give little exp, expect to see better number as you advance the quest).
Second after you helped your realm in need of a hero, you get a special weapon by the king at the start of champter 3. When you are done with the quest or CL 5 it will recieve another ability.
As an alternative way you can get that weapon by getting to champion level 5 alone.

What are the requirements for the Champion quest?

You need to be level 30 to start it and be level 50 for the final steps. Obviously the level 50 steps will be the hardest and best rewarded ones.

How do I start the champion quest?

To begin your journey in Albion, seek out an NPC within your Profession's halls (for example, all members of the Defenders of Albion should
speak to Sir Amren). In Hibernia, those of the Paths of Essence and Focus should look in Mag Mell, while those of the Paths of Harmony and
Affinity should look within Alainn Cuir. In Midgard, consult with the Visindakonas within the Temple of the Aesir. They will send you to the
advisor of your realm´s king.
Be careful as those NPC are also connected to the new armor epic intorduced in version 1.79. This used to confuse quite a few players.

How hard is this quest series?

You can master this quest series with a solid group. No über group required, but certainly having a balanced class setup helps a ton. You can
do the low level steps mostly on your own. The first steps are a lot of Fed Ex work, but the excellent story helps.. Farther down the steps
beome more group and combat orientated, with some nice extras like large scale battles with NPC support.

How do I subclass?

At each of the five Champion Levels, you will be given an opportunity to increase your skills and knowledge by selecting Subclass abilities.
These abilities are taught by base-class trainers in the starting cities (for example, the Acolyte trainer in Cotswold), and you may learn the talents of any base-class except your own.
At the moment this is a problem for Midgard since Migard has only a single caster baseclass, but Albion has two. Maybe there will be some
changes later.

Is there a list of subclassing abilities?

I hope we can compile one, soon [any helop is appreciated since I can t access the old forum threads on the subject)

How can I combine subclassing abilities?

[help needed, can you start 2 different trees, train one to 2 and the other to three?]
You choose a branch of the subclass you chose from a selection of 4 or 5 [?]. With every level you advance you can get deeper in that branch
and get another ability. You can not choose an ability form a different branch. As an example when cou train Midgard Seer A1, A2, A3 you
can not train E4.

Are the subclassing abilities game-shaking or most haves?

No, but depending on your character template, they can come quite handy. However don t expect high delves, most spells are more level
20-25 effetcs. However they are not resisted as much.

Do the subclassing abilities follow the the mechanics as standart abilities?

First they delve lower, and have lower values on every aspect (range, radius, other percentages like lifedrain return). Second they have fixed

cast times.

I don t have mana? How can my tank cast spells?

Each class has a manapool based on his acuity stat. For tanks this is strength for example. As it seems now, you can not boost that pool by

How much does a mount cost?

level 35 horse = 250gold
level 45 horse = 1plat

Champion Level Horses
level 1 coloured horses = 2plat
level 2 coloured horses = 3plat
level 3 coloured warhorses = 6plat
level 4 coloured warhorses = 8plat
level 5 quest horses = 15plat + quest

[need more specifics]

How do I use a horse?

You have a new button called "Mount" on your central charater screen. When you click it a new window opens. You can place a horse from
your inventory in the specific slow as well as equpment (armor, barding and saddle bags). Then you need to drag that horse in your hotbar as
well. When you click your hotbar or press that hotkey you whistle and after a few seconds you appear on top of your horse. On your horse
you can move as normal but use mounted animations.When you jump your horse jumps.

How do I dismount?

Ideally by clicking your hotkey. However if you take damage you dismount forcefully and take extra damage. In my personal experiences
mobdamage dismounts you as well as lava. Falling seemed to not dismount you, but this could have changed.

Can I emote on horses?

Yes, there are a few new emotes for rider and mount [need list as old forums are gone]. Some traditional emotes like /dance have a mounted
animation as well.

What are the benefits of horse equipment?

Armor and barding are fluff, saddle bags allow you to carry more weight as you can put items there.

Where I can buy horse equipment?

At the local crafter of your choice. All recipes are skill 1000 for various trades. [need specifics]

What are champion tasks?

The name is highly misleading. In fact this is another way to get exp on your way to level 50 via short mini-quests; you will be able to choose
the type of task that you wish to perform from various categories. Look for Lieutenant Mauvere in Tir na Nog, Lieutenant Lomnar in Jordheim,
or Lieutenant Purgis in Camelot for more information.

What can I expect from my champion weapon?

You can expect a weapon that is looking very nice in most cases. You can see a lot of threads of various message boards featuring the graphics like this one: http://vnboards.ign.com/Darkness_Rising_Discussion_Forum_/b23027/92002740/?23
Only few are not appreciated by the player base (berserker and to a lesser extent friar), maybe they will get revamped soon.
However, there is one thing you have to be aware of: because the weapons are unique to a class, friend and foe can learn your class from your weapon. However their stats are nice even compared to the most powerful artifacts and truely stunning on alternate ruleset (so-called Classic) servers.

What kind of weapon can I get? Is this choice final?

You can get any weapon that your class can wield per default. You can choose 2h or 1h if your class can and any kind (slash, pierce etc) if your class can use such weapons.
You can exchange your weapon for a different kind at any time at the throneroom of your realm. The weapon needs to be in perfect condition,
so you can t safe repairs by trading a weapon.

Do champion weapons decay?

They can be repaired as many times as needed. If you want to trade it for a different type (see above), you need to repair it first.

What stats can I expect?

All champion weapons are 100% qua level 51 weapons. Most are slow with a few classes that tend to like fast weapons. Caster stats feature 4 casting speed and damage, most melees have 4% melee speed and damage. Healer types have spell range and speed. All weapons have a souple of + stat and + pool, too.
All weapons have two useables. Most casters have a power replentish /use like Tartaros staff. The second useable is unlocked by finishing the champion quest or reaching cl 5. Just trade your weapon in.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
this?only this?
at least if I get healing on my ranger then I won't have to switch BB client to give myself a heal.

and I always wanted to have a MoCcing, Eld DDing Nightshade. Here I come !


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004

Nice, so here are the notes from beta thus far :

DR beta said:

- At level 35, you can seek out a basic horse. Look for a Horse Merchant in your primary city, and he will explain further: In Camelot, you'll find him near the Round Table; in TNN, look within Alainn Cuir; and in Jordheim, search the greathall near the Vault Keeper.

- At level 45, you will be able to purchase advanced horses from a vendor near the Horse Merchant: Marji in Jordheim, Lana in Camelot, and Lantana in Tir na Nog.

- IMPORTANT NOTICE: For testing purposes only, we are directly selling all horses at prices that will encourage testing. The horses will not be directly sold like this when Darkness Rising launches.

Champion Tasks

- New Champion Tasks provide an additional source of experience as you level your character up, via short mini-quests; you will be able to choose the type of task that you wish to perform from various categories. Look for Lieutenant Mauvere in Tir na Nog, Lieutenant Lomnar in Jordheim, or Lieutenant Purgis in Camelot for more information.

Champion Quests

- Defend the realm against a new threat by journeying through Champion Quests! Starting at level 30 and progressing on through level 50, these quests will pit you against the darkness that is threatening to engulf the land. To begin your journey in Albion, seek out an NPC within your Profession's halls (for example, all members of the Defenders of Albion should speak to Sir Amren). In Hibernia, those of the Paths of Essence and Focus should look in Mag Mell, while those of the Paths of Harmony and Affinity should look within Alainn Cuir. In Midgard, consult with the Visindakonas within the Temple of the Aesir.

- Please note that Chapter 3 for these quests is not available at this time.

Champion Levels & Subclassing

- The Kings of the lands, in response to the growing tides of evil that are looming, have put out a call for the most skilled heroes to step forward! Upon reaching the pinnacle of your training, you would be wise to request an audience with your King, as they will set you upon the road to your Champion Levels.

- At each of the five Champion Levels, you will be given an opportunity to increase your skills and knowledge by selecting Subclass abilities. These abilities are taught by base-class trainers in the starting cities (for example, the Acolyte trainer in Cotswold), and you may learn the talents of any base-class except your own.


Test Version 1.80f Release Notes


- Champion titles are now listed on the character information sheet.

- Champion level requirements now display when delving objects.


- Azazel, Utgard-Lok and Crom Cruiach now have fully functioning encounters associated with them.

- Players may no longer use barding or armor on the standard chestnut horse.

Quests - General

- (All realms) Credit for killing the members of the Circle of Five in the Chapter 3 dungeons (step 2 of the Inferno quest) is now contingent upon players being within the appropriate radius upon the monster’s death. This also applies to being eligible to receive each of those mobs’ special loot items.

Test Version 1.80e Release Notes


- Dead players will no longer be able to summon mounts.


Horses and Horse Equipment

- The temporary vendors who sold horses and horse equipment in Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog have been disabled. Players will need to acquire horses through the intended means of questing and gaining Champion Levels. Horse equipment will only be available from tradeskills.

- Final prices, sell-back values and Champion Level requirements have been set on horses and horse equipment.

- Crafters who wish to test out the horse equipment recipes can purchase the new ingredients from any NPC merchant who sells fletching supplies, in particular feathers.

General Notes

- Lighting has been adjusted in the throne room in Tir Na Nog.

- Azazel, Utgard-Lok and Crom Cruiach have new encounters and artwork associated with them.

- One time drops of the Circle of Five now have customized spells to make them more fitting to their origins.

Sub Classing Notes

- The Disciple Subclass ability, Acidic Storm now correctly has a 2 second cast time.
Items - Champion Weapons

Items - Champion Weapons

- Each realm’s King shall now bestow a Champion Weapon to all players who have attained Champion Level 5. It is still possible to begin, continue and complete all Darkness Rising chapter 1-3 quests, after obtaining the Champion Weapon in this fashion, although a second Champion Weapon will not be awarded.

- Weaponmasters now provides spell specific keywords for Champion Weapon upgrades, which also correspond to the keywords provided by the Royal Illuminator.

- The Armsman Pierce two handed weapon "Belial War Pick" has been renamed to "Armsman Belial Lance" and the icon has been adjusted accordingly to not look like a polearm.

Quests - General

- Champion recruiter NPCs have been added to each realm’s home city, to provide guidance about Champion Levels and Champion quests.

- Encounters for all of the bosses for the Chapter 3 dungeons were modified. All five bosses from the 'Circle of five' quest should have encounters now.

- To facilitate testing on Pendragon, the spawns for the chapter 3 dungeons have been slowed to have an easier time getting to the circle of five encounters.

- Remains for trophies have been added for the following monsters. See your local taxidermists in the housing areas for details:

Albion: Geryon, Astaroth, Belial, Moloch, Abaddon, Xaphan, Azazel

Midgard: Rugak, Soltinn, Myrkr, Banahogg, Farbjodr, Ofridr, Utgard-Lok

Hibernia: Bres, Grimeil, Uamhas, Glamaim, Teugmhail, Malairt, Crom Cruiach

Quests - Albion

- The spawn timers for Kelec and the summoned demon Bashnak in the Conspiracy: Rite of Binding quest (Chapter 2 – Albion, Salisbury Plains) have been modified slightly.

Quests - Hibernia

- Credit for killing each of the Circle of Five lieutenants in the Cave of Cruachan (Hibernian Chapter 3 dungeon) should now be awarded properly.

Quests - Midgard

- The Midgard Champion Quests have been modified with a new story line. The previous Champion Quest will no longer be accessible. You can clear these quests by speaking with the Quest Journalist within the King's Throne Room prior to Friday. You can speak with the Visindakona and begin the quests again.

- Players on step 8 of the Conspiracy: Dark Development quest should now be teleported properly back to Jordheim from Iraeda’s Tower by Morkosis.

Test Version 1.80d Release Notes
Darkness Rising Beta
September 22, 2005


- Fixed a bug which was causing items in Saddlebags to weigh more than they should.

- All classic travel route horse models have been transitioned to the new Darkness Rising horse models.


Quests - General

- Players who have reached Champion Level 5, but have not completed the Champion Quest, may now speak to the King to be rewarded with their Champion Weapon.

Albion Monsters

- The encounters for the Champion Quest are adjusted based on player feedback. Please continue to report problems found so we can fix the bugs and improve the encounters. Bugs should be reported to beta@darkageofcamelot.com.

- The encounters for Belial and Xaphan in the Chapter three dungeon should no longer be as difficult.

- Encounters for Astaroth and Abaddon in the Chapter three dungeon have been added.

- The remaining encounters from Chapter three have not been completed. The monsters needed to complete the quest steps are present. However, the monsters will not have any special abilities and will not be at their intended difficulty.

Midgard Monsters

- The encounters for the Champion Quest are adjusted based on player feedback. Please continue to report problems found so we can fix the bugs and improve the encounters. Bugs should be reported to beta@darkageofcamelot.com.

- The encounters for Soltinn and Myrkr in the Chapter three dungeon should no longer be as difficult.

- Encounters for Ofridr and Farjbodr in the Chapter three dungeon have been added.

- The remaining encounters from Chapter three have not been completed. The monsters needed to complete the quest steps are present. However, the monsters will not have any special abilities and will not be at their intended difficulty.

Hibernia Monsters

- The encounters for the Champion Quest are adjusted based on player feedback. Please continue to report problems found so we can fix the bugs and improve the encounters. Bugs should be reported to beta@darkageofcamelot.com.

- The encounters for Grimeil and Uamhas in the Chapter three dungeon should no longer be as difficult.

- Encounters for Teugmhail and Malairt in the Chapter three dungeon have been added.

- The remaining encounters from Chapter three have not been completed. The monsters needed to complete the quest steps are present. However, the monsters will not have any special abilities and will not be at their intended difficulty.

Champion Weapons

- The Reaver, Cleric, Heretic, Paladin, Armsman and Friar Maces will no longer be flagged as left hand usable.

Test Version 1.80c Release Notes
Darkness Rising Beta
September 20, 2005


- The command /dismount now dismounts you from your controllable horse.

- You no longer can summon a mount while in combat mode or while crafting an item; instead an error message is reported.



- The spells Lesser Recovery, Lesser Revival, Lesser Revigoration, Lesser Regrowth, Lesser Reperation and Lesser Renewal have been reduced in cast time to 2.2 seconds.

- The spells Holy Benediction, Holy Blessing, Lesser Group Revigoration, Lesser Group Regrowth, Lesser Group Recovery, and Lesser Group Reperation have been reduced in cast time to 2.6 seconds.


General World Notes

- Adjusted the mob spawns in Hibernia Chapter 3 dungeon to ensure smoother flow.

- The Lost Tunnels that connect to the Baron's Keeps in each realm have been changed from an instanced zone to a static zone to alleviate some issues. The population of the tunnels has been changed to fit with their new status.

- Encounters for several of the bosses for the Chapter 3 dungeons are being modified. Please keep this in mind when attempting to defeat the five bosses you may need a bit more firepower to take them on. In Albion, the encounters to be prepared for are Belial and Xaphan. In Midgard, the encounters to be prepared for are Soltinn and Myrkr. In Hibernia, the encounters to be prepared for are Grimeil and Uamhas.

- (Hibernia) The names of the bosses for the Chapter 3 dungeon have been changed. The old names were Lord Death, Lord War, Lord Pestilence, Lady Winter, and Lord Famine. The new names are Grimeil, Uamhas, Teugmhail, Malairt, and Glamaim.

- Various demons throughout Darkness Falls and the Darkness Rising chapters have been given weapons or have had weapons removed based on their new art and animation.

- Beliathan now has upgraded art.

- Azazel, Utgard-Lok and Crom Cruiach have been moved to an instanced zone that can be accessed via a portal where they used to stand.

World Art Notes

- The Hibernia throne room is now in and complete.

- The Albion throne room is now in and complete.

- Art has been finalized in the chapter 1 zone for all realms. Final art includes keeps, rebel villages and friendly outposts.

- Terrain has been finalized in the chapter 1 zone for all realms.

- The Albion chapter 3 dungeon 'Brimstone Caverns' artwork is now finalized.

- The Hibernia chapter 3 dungeon 'Cave of Cruachan' artwork is now finalized.

- The Midgard chapter 3 dungeon 'Halls of Helgardh' artwork is now finalized.

- The chapter 3 final instance boss room 'Lair Of The Demon Lord' is now in and finalized.

Quests - General

- The Darkness Rising bosses for Chapters One and Two will now drop player items. These items can be obtained once per player by killing each boss. The bosses are as follows:

Albion - Eternal Darkness, Eternal Hate, Geryon, and Baron Phillip Eddington

Hibernia - Eternal Darkness, Eternal Hate, Bres, and Morfesa

Midgard - Eternal Darkness, Eternal Hate, Rugak, an Baron Theldon Veurr

Quests - Hibernia

- The attack range and aggression has been reduced on the guards found in Morfesa's Keep (Hibernia).

Items - Champion Weapons

- The Druid Champion weapons now have the correct version of the first spell on their weapons.

- The Warden Champion weapons have a small spell adjustment. Please trade in your prior version to the weaponsmith for the updated version.

- The endurance drain on the weapon spell "Sapped Breath" has been increased.

- The Shadowblade, Eldritch and Champion (the class champion) weapons have a small stat adjustment. Please trade in your prior version to the weaponsmith for the updated version.

Test Version 1.80b Release Notes
Darkness Rising Beta
September 16, 2005


- Delving a horse when active will tell you to use the horse icon to mount/dismount.

- Delving an inactive horse will give (very) basic help text on horses.

- Delving horses will report if the horse is basic or advanced.

- When delving a horse, if the horse is an advanced mount, delve will display the name if set. Otherwise, delve will point to the /namemount command.

- When delving a horse, delving will display the horse's currently equipped barding and armor, if any is equipped on the horse.


- Adjusted the mob spawns in Midgard Chapter 3 dungeon (Arena 3) to be more in line with the spread and layout for the other two realms.

- (Hibernia) Added trainers for each of the classes to Howth.

- (Albion) Added trainers to Ardibard's Retreat so that all classes can train there for that zone.

- Revamped the Baron's Tunnels that connect to the Baron's Keep for all realms.

- There is new monster art in Darkness Falls - Prince Asmoien, Prince Abdin, green imps, a variety of various demons, succubi, wights (Necromancer pet version included), essence shredders and umbral aegis.

Quests - Midgard

- Darkness Rising Chapter Three Champion quest is complete and available for testing.

- To begin Chapter Three, players must be at least level 50, have completed Chapters One and Two, and need to speak to King Eirik in his Throne Room.

- Please note that while the quest is ready for testing, some components of the accompanying encounters are as yet incomplete. However, it is possible to step through the quest from start to finish.

Quests - Hibernia

- Darkness Rising Chapter Three Champion quest is complete and available for testing.

- To begin Chapter Three, players must be at least level 50, have completed Chapters One and Two, and need to speak to King Lug in his Throne Room.

- Please note that while the quest is ready for testing, some components of the accompanying encounters are as yet incomplete. However, it is possible to step through the quest from start to finish.

Item Notes

- Champion Weapons are introduced in this beta version for all three realms. Champion weapons are unique and tailored for each class in terms of stats, appearence and spells. Players will be able to select any weapon they can wield based on their class. For example, a Mercenary will be able to choose either a right handed or left handed version of a Slash, Crush or Thrust weapon. Players will only be allowed one champion weapon, however you can trade in the weapon at any time if you change your play style (Respec to slash from thrust for example). Players can obtain their champion weapon by completing a quest, then visiting the King who will send you to his personal weapon-master . Champion weapons come with a spell on them which is either a proc or charge. Upon achieving champion level five, players will be able to upgrade the champion weapon to attain a second spell. The second spell is unique in that players have two choices for their second spell (usually an offense or defensive ability). If you do not like the spell selected, simply trade the weapon back to the Weapons-master and choose the other spell or weapon type.

Known Issues

- Some of the art currently does not scale according to size of the player.

- More off hand versions of weapons for Rangers, Nightshades, Blademasters, Mercenaries, Infiltrators and Savages will be introduced in a future version.

Sub-classing Notes

- Several Styles available via sub-classing have been altered to have a Direct Damage effect.

- Several Styles available via sub-classing have been altered to have a higher bonus to hit.

- The Foe Splitter Style is now a detaunt and anytime/anyweapon style.

- The spells Minor Wisp Ember and Wisp Ember will now correctly debuff body resists instead of cold.


- We have added various recipes for horse items. These recipes and merchants are available in all clients. However, the ingredients can only be purchased if you have the Darkness Rising expansion enabled. Note that this is subject to changes in the future.

- Horse armors are now available at 1000 skill in Metalworking.

- Horse bardings are now available at 1000 skill in Clothworking.

- Horse saddle bags are now available at 1000 skill in Leatherworking.

- New ingredients needed for these recipes are available temporarily from Lana (Camelot), Lantana (Tir na Nog), and Marji (Jordheim). Only beta testers will be able to purchase these ingredients for now.

- Noted errata: The saddle bags will be undergoing a name change so as not to be misleading in how many slots they open up. The NPC buyback prices for all products are not yet set.

Test Version 1.80a Release Notes
Darkness Rising Beta
September 13, 2005


- Adjusted the spawn locations, aggression amount/radius, and spawn radius for the wildlife surrounding Gamanborg. This should prevent the animals from wandering into the town and wrecking havoc.

- Lowered the aggression amount on mobs in all Chapter One terrain instances. (Cragsbluff, Gamanborg, Doiri Ban).

- The NPCs needed to finish one of the mini-quests available in Gamanborg have had their spawn turned on. This should allow you to finish the quest "The Lending Game".

- New art is up for Inquisitors in Darkness Falls, rebels and peasants for each Realm and wights (including Necromancer pet versions).


Quests - General

- Darkness Rising Chapter Three (Albion) Champion quest is complete and available for testing.

- To begin Chapter Three, players must be at least level 50, have completed Chapters One and Two, and need to speak to King Constantine in his Throne Room.

- Please note that while the quest is ready for testing, some components of the accompanying encounters are as yet incomplete. However, it is possible to step through the quest from start to finish.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Above post was cropped a bit to fit, so i cut some of the less informative notes out.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Well, I have completed the lvl 30-40 champion quests, there is some running around which will be quite tedious doing it for the Xth time for your characters, but nothing biggie really.

The graphics are quite nice and the questing has some nice funny things in it (i.e. command an army to defend a town, get in the enemy keep and face the leader of the rebel army :p)

The quests I've completed are low level and I could solo most (but the last one of the lvl 30 ones) with my 36 nature druid (maybe I could solo the last one too but I found an ani to do it with ;))

All and all I think it's a nice expansion, I still cannot comment on the subclassing tho, I'm curious about it as well.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
It's hard to say whether Midgard got screwed or not in the subclassing department. Midgard only has 4 base classes, so you have only three to pick abilities from, compared to the other realms. :/


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
It all looks very interesting :D

Nice to see that the champion abilities are fairly trivial anyway, so not as massive as ML Abilties were!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 9, 2004
Disciple subclass looks nice for alb.. Buffs, lifedrain, dots and a self HoT :)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Finally some style damage bonus on Polearms and slower Polearms. Also looks like some of the subspeccing will allow to have more surviveability. Not bad.


Dec 23, 2003
ae disease for my bd me thinks :>

and same as mani think ill go for melee absorb and parry on my hunter


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
It's hard to say whether Midgard got screwed or not in the subclassing department. Midgard only has 4 base classes, so you have only three to pick abilities from, compared to the other realms. :/
Means your base classes have more condensed abilities I figure. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
is it possible to for a cabbie to learn a sodding run buff? sick of plodding along :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Ctuchik said:
anyone wanna copy that to a website? i dont wanna install yet another program just for 1 thing >.<

Here is xls sheet saved as to html.


  • fobazuce.zip
    43.7 KB · Views: 41


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it's most definitely not a ToA ...

you can buy DR, see the king, buy a horse then go do anything other than crafting and you'll get all the toys this expansion has to offer
(other than nifty horses where you might have to do the individual miniquests for..)

Lots of fluff and character advancement - not a lot of "things to do".

Compare to ToA where you actually have to do particular things to get your stuff (which were it not for artifact camping and scrolls would rock)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
im getting Armour of Hofftitude for my Paladin, or maybe Hoff's revenge (gives 99% chance to ld anyone you want)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

mmm, thought Arthur died? who is king for Albion? :D



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well, I guess vampiirs can get none of those subspeccs as they can start from any base class? :)

Also, as a reaver, I would like to have the fighter abilities available to get some anytime style but guess no luck in that aspect :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Ilienwyn said:
Well, I guess vampiirs can get none of those subspeccs as they can start from any base class? :)

Also, as a reaver, I would like to have the fighter abilities available to get some anytime style but guess no luck in that aspect :(

Vampiirs, for the purposes of subclassing, are considered as having the Guardian (Way of Arms) base class.


Subclass styles are set so that you can use the style with any weapon. Additionally, upon receiving Champion Level 3, you will gain the ability to wield* all one handed, mainhand weapon types (Crush, Slash, Thrust, and equivalents) and the ability to equip a small shield.

*This does not increase your damage with the weapon type, like putting spec points into a weapon line would. This is just the basic "you can equip" the weapon type ability/proficiency.

At CL3, you will be able to equip one handed weapons: Crush (Blunt, Hammer), Slash (Blades, Sword, Axe), Thrust (Pierce). However, since Midgard weapons work different, you will be able to wield both 1h and 2h wepapons since each weapon proficiency opens up both 1h and 2h. No bows etc. You can not spec that weapon as well.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
anyone know when you can start the CL quests?

think I read somehwere that you could start them at 45. So basically I could start them at 45 and while I exp to 50 I already got the majority of the CL quests done or how does this work?


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Garbannoch said:
anyone know when you can start the CL quests?

I think it was already at level 35. That's when you get the basic horsie too.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
The first CL quests are listed as level 30. Apart from the last 2 of em they are easy to do at that level as almost no killing is required. The last one however might be kinda hard as the final mob cons orange to a 50.

edit: Hm... just remembered that the quest locations are instances so they probably scale according to your own level, so don't take for granted what I say.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
my MS Excel is currently shagged and waiting to borrow cds to reinstall from a friend - anyone care to screendump it for me or something?

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