DPS Spec for Rune Priest


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
i think the lack of healer is due to the fact the game is very unhealer friendly atm, ridiculous amount of knockback/stun/disables/silence/ around, fucking WE's tearing thro us, and of course the tits who give us shit for not "healing" even tho we are one RP trying to keep 12 people up

I like my RP but a lot of the times its very unrewarding, and now with the lastest patch it seems our 2.5s heal been reset to 3s and the rumoured nerf to regnerative shielding our jobs got a little bit harder


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
I can see why you'd say that, but every MMO I've ever played has had a shortage of healers. Even WoW, where they are hybrids.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Erm, it's true, your denying that shows your ignorance and your insistance shows your arrogance. Seems with this reply your intention of this thread was to instigate an argument you cannot win but by being beligerant and obstinate, also cannot lose.

I have no interest in anything else you might have to say on this subject, enjoy your thread :rolleyes:

some of us use actual experience to base our opinions on.

some, like yourself and the other luddites here - simply base your opinions on what you read, with 0% experience on the subject and accept it as fact.

your the foxnews of mmorpgs :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
What sort of abilties do he get for offence contra restoration, how does the AP valued up, and how much is your healing actually affected ?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
tell me this - if its so shit HOW can I beat L40 tanks & casters ? at L38.

dont give me that bullshit about "oh the player your fighting must be crap"

but thats the only serious reason for you to even manage it. they are either incredibly drunk/stoned/plain stupid or a 10 year old that has no clue what his abilitys actually does and faceroll the keyboard hoping to get lucky.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I can see why you'd say that, but every MMO I've ever played has had a shortage of healers. Even WoW, where they are hybrids.

theres no shortage of healer classes in WoW. they just dont spec for it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
I don't disagree with that, but I am having trouble working out what your point is. It supports the point I made, I think. Is that was you were trying to do?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
If the guy wants to try out a different version of a fuckin class let him.

You don't pay his subs.

Oh and less emo tbh Tallen: 'if you spec dps spec, every other order will eat his own hand' yada yada yada.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
but thats the only serious reason for you to even manage it. they are either incredibly drunk/stoned/plain stupid or a 10 year old that has no clue what his abilitys actually does and faceroll the keyboard hoping to get lucky.

thats your average mmorpg player then


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004


unfortunately, it was meant to be a joke, and it appears nobody got it, so my apologies. Here is the original :

(The door flies open and Cardinal Ximinez of Spain (Palin) enters, flanked by two junior cardinals. Cardinal Biggles (Jones) has goggles pushed over his forehead. Cardinal Fang (Gilliam) is just Cardinal Fang)

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise....
Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency....
Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...
and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope....
Our four... no...
Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry...
are such elements as fear, surprise...
I'll come in again.

its very role play of me i suppose, maybe thats why they used it. People might actually of thought i was kinda into the role play element of "fear" Pixels, no matter how grotesque dont actually cause fear Goamegamates.

As I used to say though, FOR ARTHUR


English WAR Community Manager
Nov 6, 2008
Oh trust me Zede we got the joke, but it was too funny and topical not to include it in that article :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I have read the entire thread (Yay, go me) and both sides of the case have valid points.

I, for one, dont mind people playing healer-classes trying to beef up their class by trying new ways for it to be played. heck Im one of them! With smite clerics in DAOC, or Nature Druids for that matter... or a HereTank!

I see Runepriest and Zealot as the best healers of the two realms. WHy?
Because shaman and Archmage are encouraged to do damage to up their healing abilities.

This isnt a bad thing, but it means they are busy doing damage and sometimes miss the dying realmmate, where RP and ZL doesnt get boost to their healing by doing dmg.

If a RP or a ZL doesnt heal its usually because:
A: They fell asleep, due to lack of healing needed
B: They are being torn a new one because the realmmates fell asleep
C: They are out of actionpoints.

Its rare I get the message: Sorry for not healing, I was DPSing from a RP or ZL (except for Tier1, but does that really count?)

I have yet to meet an effective Killer-RP... sure they can kill... takes a while, and by specing DPS, that time get cut down by alot.

Theres just too many abilities out there to even out the dps of a ZL or RP.

In short I trust a RP over AM for healing, because nothing encourage the RP to do damage over healing.

Someone mentioned that more offensive abilities added to the RP would bring more RPs into the game - I dont see that happening, because a RP with more offensive abilities is called Archmage - and to be honest I dont see many of them around either.
A great number of Warrior Priests run around, because they are the jack of both trades... They do good dps and good healing - means they are probably fun to play.

The way I see this game, healing isnt all that important compared to DAOC - Its easy to outdamage the healing, mostly because its somewhat easy to put healingclasses out of play with silence, LOS and stuff like that. And the fact there is few players who actually perfer healingclasses over offensive classes.

I have played DAOC since the beginning of the game (pretty much atleast) and same with WAR. I never played wow - so I compare WAR and DAOC alot. Not the game mechanics but the gameplay.

Lots of people in DAOC played paladins and necromancers because of their uberness in PVE - but you didnt see many of them do well in RVR - it was the same few you saw every day. You saw a few good clerics and some bad ones in RVR (Ignore bots - they werent clerics) and VERY few of them were smitespecd because they were pretty much the only healingclass in the realm. Friars and heretics didnt heal very well because they were usually speced for damage - and therefor being busy doing so..

I see the same in WAR... Most RPs heal because their damage isnt comparable with other classes... a few good and afew bad ones out there...
Why dont we see that many healers then? Because they just arnt as needed while leveling as cleric was duing leveling in DAOC... untill PL took became daily.

Its semi hard to solo on a RP effectively, and was very hard on cleric - whilst leveling.
But the need for a cleric in a leveling grp was much higher than the need of a RP.

Powerleveling in WAR isnt as effective as it was in DAOC, and thats good IMO, but makes it harder to get a healingclass up in levels as healing isnt that needed in PVE while leveling in WAR. ... Okay getting OFF TOPIC here....

Sure RPs can do dmg, I guess... but nothing encourage you to do it except the dull life of a healing class.
And as Topicstarter said - its the element of surprice that makes the DPS of a RP good, yet very ineffective once element of surprice isnt very tide-turning, like in Keep sieges, SCs and alike - which is like 90% of RVR in WAR...

IMO RPs should stick to what they are encouraged to do... Heal...


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
your right, they are encouraged to heal, sadly mythic doesnt seem to think that way :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
your right, they are encouraged to heal, sadly mythic doesnt seem to think that way :(

why not? because they are given damaging abilities?

i think they learned their lesson about healers and damage potential in DaoC.

sure, healers in DaoC could do "damage" but it was pretty much useless on anything over a greencon mob.

/edit: but just because healers in WAR CAN to damage, doesent mean its good to spec for it unless they are planning to run solo in the rvr zones. because theres absolutely nothing a dps specced healer can do for a group that ANY other dps class can do better. at best they will end up support healing because his damage isnt good enough to break the enemy healers as a dps class can.

so if ur gonna solo as a healer, sure by all means, go dps. but dont waste a group spot better suited for either a spec healer or an actual DPS class...


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
noe, i mean because of all the stupid bugs we have and the rediculous amount of cc that f*cks up our abitlity to heal, not to mention the extremly poor itemisation we have


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
so if ur gonna solo as a healer, sure by all means, go dps. but dont waste a group spot better suited for either a spec healer or an actual DPS class...

I agree, but then if there was no healer spec to fill the spot, are you saying you wouldn't want the DPS spec RP, who is the 4th best healing setup on Order?

It was me who suggested that a decent DPS spec might encourage people to play healers, but that's not the only way you could encourage more healers in the game.

The way I see it, most people are drawn to play damaging classes of some sort, but a small proportion of people are actually drawn to play healers. Of that small proportion, some (maybe many) will eventually reroll on another class, because either they are frustrated with slow PvE (not being able to solo in PvE is pain in the arse, in a quest-based game), or they are frustrated with being killed/CC'd when trying to heal. Let's face it, as soon as you come up against an enemy who is vaguely competent, healers get targetted much more than most other classes, so are the recipients of all the crap noone likes to get (stuns, crits, etc).

There is a way around this, which would address those frustrations and mean that the people who roll healers stay healers.

To speed up PvE, you give healers some real nice PvE-only damage. If you like, you could make some of their heals PvP-only for balance.

And to stop the annoyance at being ganked/stunned/etc, you could make healers MUCH harder to kill. Remove their damage capability completely in PvP, and replace it with survival skills. Things like self-purges, self insta-heals, armour buffs, etc. Basically make the healer the hardest thing to kill in PvP.

What this does is mean that healers would get less of the aggravating, frustrating end of PvP, but would really only be able to heal, so the people around them would benefit by getting healed. Win-win. Healers would rarely die, but then so what - we wanna encourage people to play them, right? And there's no chance of them being overplayed because (a) most people prefer to kill than heal and (b) a group with too many healers will be completely unable to damage the enemy.

Well ... that's one solution anyway. Another solution is to remove healing completely. Sounds mad, but think about it - it's a bit of an old hack in terms of tactics and gameplay, so not exactly exciting as a game mechanic, and without healers on either side, you'd never need to worry that a fight would boil down to which side has healers and which doesn't - it will boil down to things like which people are better at killing/surviving, which in itself could breed some interesting new tactics.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
go dps. but dont waste a group spot better suited for either a spec healer or an actual DPS class...

What really gets me is that we are now completely banned from doing any kind of damage what so ever.

Last time I was in a full warband with a bunch of healers, and everybody was at 90%+ and not taking much damage, hots ticking away etc. We were chasing half of another WB back to their warcamp and I am dps'ing a bit. (Hardly making a dent but it's more useful than just standing there.)

I got a tell from a guy telling me that if I wanted to DPS I should have rolled a DPS char, and if I could please go back to healing.

There's a time and place... etc


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Rune priests

I agree with all your arguements for and against. But have you tried levelling a full healing specced rune priest? Not many have. They just dont do any damage therefore the person controlling the runey either leaves the game or roles something else in which Order lose a valueable healer. I have one. I was fully heal up to lev 31. I got fed up and went to destruction and levelled a shamen 31 atm and a new tank (lev 28 atm).

Then i went back to try finish off my rune priest and i decided to try this actual spec that is being talked about. It does loads of damage, its a lot more surviveable soloing and in a week ive gone to level 35! When im lev 40 i plan on a respec back to healing but until then my server will have to suffer the roth of a priest dps`ing im afraid. Like it or lump it!:england:


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
dont think anyone will begrudge you going dps for lvling, if they do they want a kick in the teeth, i think peoples problems come when you see RP's dps in rvr, which i can fully understand


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I agree with all your arguements for and against. But have you tried levelling a full healing specced rune priest? Not many have. They just dont do any damage therefore the person controlling the runey either leaves the game or roles something else in which Order lose a valueable healer. I have one. I was fully heal up to lev 31. I got fed up and went to destruction and levelled a shamen 31 atm and a new tank (lev 28 atm).

Then i went back to try finish off my rune priest and i decided to try this actual spec that is being talked about. It does loads of damage, its a lot more surviveable soloing and in a week ive gone to level 35! When im lev 40 i plan on a respec back to healing but until then my server will have to suffer the roth of a priest dps`ing im afraid. Like it or lump it!:england:

were not trying to prevent ppl from leveling as a DPS spec, what we have a problem with is ppl that rolls a healer, spec for pitiful DPS and think they will get away with it when they join groups that think they are getting a healer. it is ofc a different matter if said healer says he's not heal specced and the group accepts him anyway with the promise that he will heal anyway, or have enough healers and just wants a filler.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well ... that's one solution anyway. Another solution is to remove healing completely. Sounds mad, but think about it - it's a bit of an old hack in terms of tactics and gameplay, so not exactly exciting as a game mechanic, and without healers on either side, you'd never need to worry that a fight would boil down to which side has healers and which doesn't - it will boil down to things like which people are better at killing/surviving, which in itself could breed some interesting new tactics.

well if anything we'd get away from ppl that scream "HEAL FFS" and doesent pay attention to what the healers are actually up to. wich usually is either running away from a on the lose DPS class or buissy trying to save a FC's neck :)

otherside good points in your post.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
were not trying to prevent ppl from leveling as a DPS spec, what we have a problem with is ppl that rolls a healer, spec for pitiful DPS and think they will get away with it when they join groups that think they are getting a healer. it is ofc a different matter if said healer says he's not heal specced and the group accepts him anyway with the promise that he will heal anyway, or have enough healers and just wants a filler.

Unless your talking high end bosses in Bastion & the like, being a healer with full dps spec is woefully easy. Anyone dumb enough to take a dps healer to somewhere like BS deserves to die anyway. Can only see it making a big difference if your talking 6vs6 set ups. Oh and I dont count the wank stain that is a "scenario", might was well be 10 BWs as far as im concerned.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
if it is woefully easy its only because rune of buring is bugged which if mythic ever do get round to fixing stuff it'll probably be one of the 1st things they fix since they seem to hate the class

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