DPS Spec for Rune Priest


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Try it chaps, im happliy surprised how good it is :)

Rune of Burning & rune of Fate rocks. Only prob ofc I have is a WE, tanks take forever, casters die easily. Im only L38, but can kill L40s with 30% health left. Taking on pure healers is a pointless exercise though.

Destro dont expect a RP to be pure DPS. Surprise is our main weapon, surprise and fear...fear and surprise..are two weapons..


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
I'd only do this in a guild grp. I don't think I could live with the /whine in a PUG if I was dpsing;)


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Totally fuck up any "dps" zealot/shaman don't see it being much better as a RP :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I think the spec's called BW :p

No seriously, why would you want to dps as a runnie? No point really even for the surprise element.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Anyone who hangs around long enough to be killed by a RP deserves to die, any semi-decent player will either blow you to pieces or walk away laughing at you.

Not saying it's not a viable spec, it's just depriving your faction of their best healer and giving them the worst, most pointless DPS in the game as a trade-off. If you are happy with being a burden and constant source of disappointment to all your realm-mates, then have fun with it.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Anyone who hangs around long enough to be killed by a RP deserves to die, any semi-decent player will either blow you to pieces or walk away laughing at you.

Not saying it's not a viable spec, it's just depriving your faction of their best healer and giving them the worst, most pointless DPS in the game as a trade-off. If you are happy with being a burden and constant source of disappointment to all your realm-mates, then have fun with it.

thats the biggest load of wank ive read in a while


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Anyone who hangs around long enough to be killed by a RP deserves to die, any semi-decent player will either blow you to pieces or walk away laughing at you.

Not saying it's not a viable spec, it's just depriving your faction of their best healer and giving them the worst, most pointless DPS in the game as a trade-off. If you are happy with being a burden and constant source of disappointment to all your realm-mates, then have fun with it.

QFT. DPS spec indeed lol. Still fail to understand why people roll healing chars and then wanna spec them for mediocre DPS


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
QFT. DPS spec indeed lol. Still fail to understand why people roll healing chars and then wanna spec them for mediocre DPS

tell me this - if its so shit HOW can I beat L40 tanks & casters ? at L38.

dont give me that bullshit about "oh the player your fighting must be crap"

your just on your whiney whiney mission againt arnt u ? In your world, all healers classes must be group, full heal spec and healing YOU. Your so fuckin blinkered.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
tell me this - if its so shit HOW can I beat L40 tanks & casters ? at L38.

dont give me that bullshit about "oh the player your fighting must be crap"

your just on your whiney whiney mission againt arnt u ? In your world, all healers classes must be group, full heal spec and healing YOU. Your so fuckin blinkered.

Dont jump down my throat, you cant expect to be talking about DPS spec healer classes without coming across some negative remarks really can you ?

and yes your example would be about right.

'how come I can beat lvl 40 tanks and casters when I'm lvl 38'

Coz they must suck, only explination I can come up with, considering DPS casters are so easy to beat let alone healer chars 'trying' to DPS I almost 3 shot most things, probably say its about same for a lvl 40 sorc, drop a silence on you and 3 shot you with full Combustion/DM, you might kill really crappy played tanks with no healer backup but try it against a good group of people who obviously know how to play and see how far you get.

The guy is right, spec DPS as a healer not only deprives the realm of that much needed healer class (especially on Order, we got no healers as it is without the ones that are around specing for loldps) but also makes you a liability. You can do dmg, to the lvl of a DPS class ? hell no, and now your healing is borderline average also so what are you bringing to the table other than an over inflated ego and mememe attitude (I am a RP I pay my sub I will pretend to DPS all I want)

Same crap in wow, why make a healer if you want to DPS and do damage ?

Aint nothing to do with me, spec DPS all you like, I play with real healers who rolled the class to fufill its roll, you know, to heal and keep people alive who ARE capable of killing people.

There was really no need for the level of agression in your posts, I think you know in your own head the idea you are suggesting is ludacris.

Do you think if RP's and healers alike could spec into THE dps tree and melt face people would belittle them doing so ? Nope, they didnt do it to the Shadowpriests in WoW because they COULD fufil that roll and do it well, unfortunately the same isnt true here.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
in fact more on this. Why start the discussion in the first place if you wernt actually interested in discussing it ? You have obviously made your mind up that a DPS spec'd rune priest is a highly viable build (however ridiculous the notion is) and when told by others its silly your resonse is

thats the biggest load of wank ive read in a while

or some other nonsense aggresive remarks. No debate, no explination, just flat out ignorance. I told you in that previous thread that your opinion is in no way final but ok.

Have fun with your damage build, dont expect not to get flamed to death in-game by all the real DPS'ers/tanks wanting heals while you are standing there spamming crappy damage. Im glad I'm not on your server thats for sure.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 3, 2005
I just think it's funny that Tiani knows all this without having played a rune priest. Can you guys give Zede a break. To my nowledge he's the only one who has tested this spec. I would be more interested in reading a response from another runpriest rather then reading advice from a Bright wizard who claims to know how to play every other class.

Perhaps that's just me?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
I just think it's funny that Tiani knows all this without having played a rune priest. Can you guys give Zede a break. To my nowledge he's the only one who has tested this spec. I would be more interested in reading a response from another runpriest rather then reading advice from a Bright wizard who claims to know how to play every other class.

Perhaps that's just me?

Perhapse you shouldnt presume too much when I have a T3 runepriest (along with a low lvl sorc/DoK and a Marauder in T2) who heals.

To my knowledge I have read about 5 different threads on the subject now and the general consensus (not from me or any other 'bright wizards who claims to know how to play every other class' but also well experienced rank 40 RP's) that a DPS spec RP is a joke, he does crap damage at the expense of good healing.

Heres a quote

What you SHOULD (and would) realize if you actually knew this class, is regardless what spec you pick for a Rune Priest, you are just picking between 3 different methods of HEALING, like I said I'm not going to stop anyone from playing their class the wrong way, not going to complain...probably will even help you maximize it if you ask me for advice on the topic, that said its still playing the class the wrong way.

Your Healing as a Rune Priest is near the best in the game, your dmg as a Rune Priest is near the worst, this isn't up for debate, its a fact, so if you spend great effort to make your POOR Dmg good compared to other players its wasted effort, you could spend that effort on making your GREAT healing even better....and that would be a greater benefit to whatever team your on.

You Choose a class whose main purpose in this game is to Heal... YOU made that Choice, choosing to not heal with said class is also your choice and that's FINE, but don't claim that you are helping your team to the best of your ability if you choose not to heal (First) with a class defined by its healing, all good RP's Heal and Do Dmg, the point is a RP as a class is defined by its healing (whether you like that or not does not matter) therefore to play your class correctly you must concentrate on healing first...if you don't want to play it correctly that's fine, but don't act like you doing DPS is more effective then you doing Healing.
Why give him a break, if I came to the forums with a thread about a tanking/melee BW I would get shot down in seconds, because its ridiculous.

More to the point he initiated the discussion, but now doesnt like the responses. It isnt just ME telling him its no good so why single me out ? because my post was longer than everyone elses ?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
of course, silly me !

e v e r y single destro I have killed has been a crap player - tis true, you said it is so ( you are right 100% of the time).

Ok...lets see.

I see a L40 magus, he sees me. We approach each other. They think " oh a RP, easy kill" ! They go after me like they would any RP - not expecting any dps in response

Now here we go into the realms of psychology, the way the mind reacts to certain situations. IF you enconter ANY situation you are not used to, in any walk of life, the mind needs time to adjust ( even if just a few seconds).

In ANY combat situation real or mmo - if you have the element of surprise ( as i first mentioned) it gives you an advantage - this a fact of life.

Sorry you to stupid & blinkered to understand this basic psychology.

edit. plse little gurl - dont tell me about healing in a mmorpg, ive got my experience in the dirt under my fingernail. I was 4th highest ever on my server in DaoC, I took my priest to the max in WoW - do you really think I need a whiney little child telling me how to play a healer ? Nothing you can tell me will surprise me, thicko. what the hell have you ever done with a healer in a mmorpg ?, thats right == FECK ALL !


Loyal Freddie
Mar 3, 2005
Tiani, here is omething for you to think about.

When I was 18 I used to win every debate but I never convinced anybody to change their mind on anything.

It's deep you know, let's see if you can grasp it.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
of course, silly me !

e v e r y single destro I have killed has been a crap player - tis true, you said it is so ( you are right 100% of the time).

Ok...lets see.

I see a L40 magus, he sees me. We approach each other. They think " oh a RP, easy kill" ! They go after me like they would any RP - not expecting any dps in response

Now here we go into the realms of psychology, the way the mind reacts to certain situations. IF you enconter ANY situation you are not used to, in any walk of life, the mind needs time to adjust ( even if just a few seconds).

In ANY combat situation real or mmo - if you have the element of surprise ( as i first mentioned) it gives you an advantage - this a fact of life.

Sorry you to stupid & blinkered to understand this basic psychology.

and what DPS do they get in response ? ahh yes they get tickled for a while. Lets face it only way you will win against a DPS class 1v1 is because you can heal yourself while your mediocre damage ticks away (And thats against sustained DPS classes, a burst damage class like a sorc will rip you a new one). Ill give you a hint, you dont need to spec for this, you can do it full heal spec. lets see you do the same agains a sorc.

You see LvL 40 sorc, whether he expects DPS or not he procee'ds to dropa silence on you, followed by the hurt you die he gains Renown and laughs at you.

I have fought a lot of Zealots, and they just cant compete, before I got silence it was difficult to beat them (and thats with heal spec) because they mitigate all your damage with heals/hots while their crap damage slowly drains your HP, soon as I got silence they are dead in seconds.

Cant see it being much different against a RunePriest, all Destro DPS classes should tear through you if you are trying to DPS and not interested in healing, apart from probably yourself, besides the point the game is based around team and objectivesd so...

What does your mediocre DPS add to scenario's ? Nothing. Your healing on the other hand turns the tide of a battle

What does your mediocre DPS add to a keep siege ? Nothing, your healing however can throw the tide of the battle

What would your DPS add to a PvE instance group, nothing because they would never even consider inviting you for a damage role. Your healing on the other hand is invaluable.

Im not getting at you at all and there is no need for the aggression and singling me out because you dont like me. fact of the matter is DPS spec or not you can do ok damage, and your healing will be standard. Where as you can spec to make your healing amazing and contribute a massive amount to the effectiveness of your group.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Tiani, here is omething for you to think about.

When I was 18 I used to win every debate but I never convinced anybody to change their mind on anything.

It's deep you know, let's see if you can grasp it.

Again I put forward the question, if all he wanted to do is say DPS RP is great the end. he should have either said that or not bothered with the thread in the first place.

1. Posting about DPS spec healing classes is going to get you a few negative responses, I cant see how you could not see it coming.

2. If he likes it he is more than free to continue in that role, I wouldnt and I dont think anyone else would try and stop him from doing so, however he will find himself at the bottom of the pile when it comes to doing things as a realm (scenario pre-mades, keep sieges and PvE encounters)

3. to say its viable is inciting again negative responses, because it just isnt, not even close, and when you weigh up the negative and positives of each build a healing spec Rp wins hansdown in almost every category, and guess what, you can be heal spec and still dish out damage. you might not do meaningful damage, but you aint doing that with a DPS build either so whats the difference ?

The very idea of a forum and a discussion is to allow people to express their views on certain topics, So I am well within my rights to say I disagree with what he is saying and give my reasons why.

'what a pile of wank' or 'you just want everyone to heal FFS!!11!1ONEONE!11ELEVEN' is not a valid discussion or counter-argument in my obviously strange and humble opinion.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
and what DPS do they get in response ? ahh yes they get tickled for a while. Lets face it only way you will win against a DPS class 1v1 is because you can heal yourself while your mediocre damage ticks away (And thats against sustained DPS classes, a burst damage class like a sorc will rip you a new one). Ill give you a hint, you dont need to spec for this, you can do it full heal spec. lets see you do the same agains a sorc.

You see LvL 40 sorc, whether he expects DPS or not he procee'ds to dropa silence on you, followed by the hurt you die he gains Renown and laughs at you.

I have fought a lot of Zealots, and they just cant compete, before I got silence it was difficult to beat them (and thats with heal spec) because they mitigate all your damage with heals/hots while their crap damage slowly drains your HP, soon as I got silence they are dead in seconds.

Cant see it being much different against a RunePriest, all Destro DPS classes should tear through you if you are trying to DPS and not interested in healing, apart from probably yourself, besides the point the game is based around team and objectivesd so...

What does your mediocre DPS add to scenario's ? Nothing. Your healing on the other hand turns the tide of a battle

What does your mediocre DPS add to a keep siege ? Nothing, your healing however can throw the tide of the battle

What would your DPS add to a PvE instance group, nothing because they would never even consider inviting you for a damage role. Your healing on the other hand is invaluable.

Im not getting at you at all and there is no need for the aggression and singling me out because you dont like me. fact of the matter is DPS spec or not you can do ok damage, and your healing will be standard. Where as you can spec to make your healing amazing and contribute a massive amount to the effectiveness of your group.

Their is a need for this agression, simply because you are to fuckin stupid to understand what I am saying. The simple facts speak for themselves. I Soloed from 28-31 in T3 - and as you said its simply the case that every single player i killed solo was a totally crap player ( thats oh 28 to 31 worth of crap players - you so sure EVERY one was crap ? )I soloed L38 in T4, and FUCKME - same load of "crap" players, yet again !

You can read all the shizzle you want on the retard boards of VN & WA - we here at FH have mocked VN for years & WA is basically a forum for spoilt wow kids.

try harder


Loyal Freddie
Mar 3, 2005
lol Tiani, take a step back read your own posts. You come a cross as anything BUT humble.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Their is a need for this agression, simply because you are to fuckin stupid to understand what I am saying. The simple facts speak for themselves. I Soloed from 28-31 in T3 - and as you said its simply is the case that every single player i killed solo was a totally crap player ( thats oh 28 to 31 worth of crap players - you so sure EVERY one was crap ? )I soloed L38 in T4, and FUCKME - same load of "crap" players, yet again !

You can read all the shizzle you want on the retard boards of VN & WA - we here at FH have mocked VN for years & WA is basically a forum for spoilt wow kids.

try harder

I dont need to try harder you are doing it for me.

You kill players solo, whooptefu*kingdo, you are a healing class, its not difficult and you dont need to spec into a damage tree to do it. You can do it with a healing spec, will take slightly longer but still its not hard to do, if you are soloing lvl 40 sorcs then they DO suck, no question

Now will you kill lots of people, do loads of killing and disruptive damage, stress their healers and push them back and DPS a keep door with a meaningful amount of damage that will warrant the lack of healing from your spot in the warband. HELL NO.

You seem to think I base my arguments on certain aspects of the game based on what is posted on WHA, you are wrong. I was posting in response to the other guy saying you were only person who has tried it, nope threads have been posted all over the place about it and guess what ? just like this thread they have died in a plume of flmaes and laughter.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
lol Tiani, take a step back read your own posts. You come a cross as anything BUT humble.

if the best you can do is read my whole post and question one word I used then whats the point ? or am I the only one who discusses the topic at hand these days ?

why are you arguing with me, why not put the effort into your argument as to why a dps RP is a valid and viable spec to play in end game ?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I dont need to try harder you are doing it for me.

You kill players solo, whooptefu*kingdo, you are a healing class, its not difficult and you dont need to spec into a damage tree to do it. You can do it with a healing spec, will take slightly longer but still its not hard to do, if you are soloing lvl 40 sorcs then they DO suck, no question

Now will you kill lots of people, do loads of killing and disruptive damage, stress their healers and push them back and DPS a keep door with a meaningful amount of damage that will warrant the lack of healing from your spot in the warband. HELL NO.

You seem to think I base my arguments on certain aspects of the game based on what is posted on WHA, you are wrong. I was posting in response to the other guy saying you were only person who has tried it, nope threads have been posted all over the place about it and guess what ? just like this thread they have died in a plume of flmaes and laughter.

answer the question.

A) Am i Lying about the fact I can kill a lot of L40 classes in rvr ?

B) Are you saying every player i have killed solo is " crap" ?

ps. WTF do you care ? fuckin troll.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
answer the question.

A) Am i Lying about the fact I can kill a lot of L40 classes in rvr ?

B) Are you saying every player i have killed solo is " crap" ?

ps. WTF do you care ? fuckin troll.

are you lying ? nope I never said you were but you are talking about 1v1 (its not difficult to win 1v1 with a healing class who can take the time to slowly brun their HP down while healing themselves). If you come up against a burst damage class like a Sorc/WE/Marauder you will lose, hands down every single time (as long as you dont come across them at half HM with 0 Dark Magic)

Im saying that if the odds are stacked in your favour you can win, yes.

More to the point this is a RvR team game not 1v1 I am discussion the viability of your build in a group setting which imo is 0.

and I aint no troll either you fucking moron (see I can do blunt insults also, doesnt make me big or clever)

Just because I disagree with what you are saying doesnt make me a troll ffs.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
edit. plse little gurl - dont tell me about healing in a mmorpg, ive got my experience in the dirt under my fingernail. I was 4th highest ever on my server in DaoC, I took my priest to the max in WoW - do you really think I need a whiney little child telling me how to play a healer ? Nothing you can tell me will surprise me, thicko. what the hell have you ever done with a healer in a mmorpg ?, thats right == FECK ALL !
Just saw this and I had to LOL really hard, dont presume too much about me like you know who I am and where I come from, I have played healers, I play one now which is why its not difficult for me to accept that a healer is a healer not a DPS'er and if I wanted to DPS I should roll a DPS class, which I did.

I dont need some moron without a clue telling me how a healer should be played.

The fact that you suggest a DPS RP as a valid spec and base your success on 'the element of suprise' and people not expecting you to do damage just throws any credibility you didnt have to start with straight out the window. LOL! thicko ?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
ofc it can be really fun and sometimes effective to experiment with a class and play it in a different way than supposed but in this case it stops at being a little fun, you cant seriously think that a dps-RP can be viable.

I really believe you are able to defeat both casters and tanks in 1v1 and if you are fine with doing 1v1's in WAR i guess its ok but in a scenario or in a keep-siege your dps cant even compare to the dps of real dps-classes, I dont even think it can be called dps. and as tiani has pointed out so many times; the healing you are not doing while you are "dps-ing" would be much more worth than any damage you can ever put out.

If you are enjoying WAR by dps-ing with your RP you should continue but your serious struggle on this thread, claiming that it really is viable is just pathetic.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
answer the question.

A) Am i Lying about the fact I can kill a lot of L40 classes in rvr ?

B) Are you saying every player i have killed solo is " crap" ?

ps. WTF do you care ? fuckin troll.

HI, had to reply to this...

Your nothing special, and you could do the same thing whilst specced to heal

A solo healer can beat ANY non dps class than cant reliable heal itself.... ONLY if the person getting "healed to death" is stupid enough to hang around and take the slow death.

My Blork simply CANNOT take down a RP solo... Its not possible. If i meet one now days, i simply root and knockback, and walk away... its not worth my time. If i was stupid enough to stick around and try to out damage his healing, his dots would kill me eventually... about 30 mins prolly... :) )

Vs a main DPS class with anti caster abilities, your going down every time.

What classes have you beaten? got logs? Shots?



Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I must thank you all for you input. Im fairly new to healing in a mmorpg, and lets face it - I really really ( really) need your FUCKING OBVIOUS statments.

Healer better off at healing ? fuck me i never knew.

This is not Warhammer Alliance, this is Freddyshouse.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
on a side note, did last patch reset rune of restoration to 3 seconds?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
thats the biggest load of wank ive read in a while

Erm, it's true, your denying that shows your ignorance and your insistance shows your arrogance. Seems with this reply your intention of this thread was to instigate an argument you cannot win but by being beligerant and obstinate, also cannot lose.

I have no interest in anything else you might have to say on this subject, enjoy your thread :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
A lot of the thinking on this seems to be very narrow.

A DPS spec RP can still heal. In fact, it is still better at healing than almost every class on order, the exceptions of course being AMs, RPs and WPs of any kind of healing spec.

Let's consider for a minute the possible reasons for lack of people playing healers. I'm guessing - and it has to be a guess since noone knows - that the biggest reason is quite simply that people find attack more exciting than defence. This would also correlate with other behaviours we see (tanks not guarding, people ignoring scen objectives to charge random enemies).

If that is indeed a major contributor to the lack of healers, the option of a viable offensive spec for a RP could well mean we get MORE healing on order, rather than less. A few weeks back, faced with the choice of continuing my rather dull and helpless RP, I started leveling my WH instead and enjoyed it more. With the option of playing a less helpless RP, maybe I'll go back to him. Net effect, more healing in the realm.

The people here shouting "healers should just heal" and variants of it might well be contributing to noone playing healers in the long run.

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