Double teamed?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
Are the Mids and Albs teaming together or is it just a freeky coincidence an Alb assists a Mid and vice versa


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
OK, so it's just sour grapes at the moment. What's actually happening is the Albs and Mids are just camping in our frontier and just happening to avoid each other. For example, in the Siege of Crim (sounds a lot more impressive than "the RvR this evening" :p) the Hibs had managed to push the Albs back to Tower 4 and were getting ready for the final push, and lo and behold we're attacked from the flanks by the Mids, allowing the Albs to regroup and push back. Not once, not twice but THREE TIMES!

The relics are in Albion guys! we should be attacking there ffs


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I've seen things to support theories of mids and hibs working together many many times in DAoC, there is probably a small minority from all three realms who do actually work together, but most of the time the Fg's popping up at the worst moment is due to stealther info or warmap use, or just plain bad luck.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
How many mids did u actually see there, u sure it wasent only 1fg?
anyway i can asure u, its pretty boring running around in an area where u cant find any enemies, so we went to crim to kill, and since albs always are camping in tower we went for u, but when we went for albs, u always seemed to hamburger us :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Armonia said:
OK, so it's just sour grapes at the moment. What's actually happening is the Albs and Mids are just camping in our frontier and just happening to avoid each other. For example, in the Siege of Crim (sounds a lot more impressive than "the RvR this evening" :p) the Hibs had managed to push the Albs back to Tower 4 and were getting ready for the final push, and lo and behold we're attacked from the flanks by the Mids, allowing the Albs to regroup and push back. Not once, not twice but THREE TIMES!

The relics are in Albion guys! we should be attacking there ffs

its war ffs, your lucky the mids dont make you there bitches :eek7:


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