

wolvon fury

Just wondering, still not sure 100% what class to start as a main,

If this question can be answerd, which class had best DoT's??

Lafala Arifel

Hmm, I think that might be.. me!

It's meant to be the mana or mentalism specced mentalist.. (at least it definitely is in Hibernia anyway) though someone please correct me if I'm wrong :)

I don't think there's that much more in it though when compared to the DoT'ers in the other realms.


I would say mentalist of Hibernia in the mana line they have stackable dots and an area affect dot.

Cabalists also have dots but they arent stackable or so I am told.

Lafala Arifel

Yes, that's right, but you can only stack DoTs that are in seperate spec lines. So a mana/ment spec would give you the most powerful DoT'ing capabilities.


along with fast nukes, 9sec stun, a castable power-regen buff... :)


Dots?? Aren't that little spots you see on screens/walls etc. Sometimes after the end of a sentence --->.

P.S. I know what it means so save your flame :cool:

Dots: Damage over time.

Yup i'm going for a record here. Posting the most useless stuff. Guess its the heat. Its getting the best of me:eek:


STOP! Hold it right there.

Cabalists have WAY better DoTs than mentalists.

A cabalist that specs 49 into matter gets the best single target DoT in the game, the best AE DoT in the game and since the base DoT is in matter base its variance is very small.

They can stack:
- base single target DoT (variance nihil due to 49 matter spec)
- either the 49 spec single target DoT or the 46 spec AE DoT


A mentalist that specs 48 into mana get the almost-best single target DoT in the game, also the best AE DoT in the game and since the base DoT is in MENTALISM base he HAS TO SPEC ANOTHER LINE TOO for it to be effective.

So our mentalist can stack:
- base single target DoT (variance notable due to maximum 24 spec in mentalism with 48 in mana)
- either the 48 spec single target DoT or the 46 spec AE DoT


So when purely looking at DoTting power, the cabalist is way better than the mentalist. Let's then look at the attributes that come with it:

Mentalist (mana/ment):
dmg shield
single target mes
baseline DD (in light) with HUGE variance due to no spec points.

Cabalist (matter/body/spirit):
single target root
insta STR debuff
decent baseline life drain DD (due to halfway spec in body)
halfway specced haste debuff
AE disease
X-fer health to realmmate
insta DEX debuff
very strong pet focus dmg shield (due to high matter spec)
FULL NEARSIGHT (due to high matter spec)
melee pets (best one for rvr prolly the stun proccing pet)
baseline STR pet buff
baseline DEX pet buff
kill pet for mana (kinda comparable to a very annoying version of crack, lol :p)
poor pet dmg buff
poor pet haste buff
poor pet STR/CON buff
poor pet DEX/QUI buff

Now as a summary:

Mana ment has
- good spec DoT / AE DoT
- crack 5
- baseline stun
- heals
- mes

Matter cabbie has
- good base DoT / spec DoT / AE DoT
- full nearsight
- pet (not strong by itself but quite powerful with focus dmg shield up)
- lots of debuffs
- root

When purely looking at the DoT, cabalist wins, hands down. When looking at the other things they get too, I would still prefer a matter cabalist over a mana ment any day. Sure the ment has stun but the cab has nearsight too. Both are extremely powerful in RvR. Ments can easily heal themselves and get crack. Well cabalists can also use the life tap DD on grey/greens to safely leech life back and kill the pet for extra mana. Granted it's not as good as the real deal that ments get but... it's a skill that works too.

I have a 37 light mentalist (no good DoTs but very powerful DD / AE DD nuke and orange con pets charmable) and a level 14 cabalist. They are my only 2 caster classes and they are both tons of fun. Also play very different.

For a DoT caster...

cabalist > mentalist


Yes, that's right, but you can only stack DoTs that are in seperate spec lines. So a mana/ment spec would give you the most powerful DoT'ing capabilities.

Forgot to mention that this info is wrong. The correct version is: You can only stack a baseline DoT with 1 spec DoT. Or in other words: You cannot stack the spec single target DoT with the spec AE DoT. So it doesn't matter in what line the base DoT is.

BTW, note that for Cabalists it was only recently changed that the base and spec DoT (both from matter) are stackable. I think in version 1.50 or 1.51 but I'm not sure. But if you want to think ahead and start a cabalist now on Euro servers, go ahead. With only the spec or base DoT and that kickass PvE soloing focus dmg shield you'll be soloing orange con mobs very easy.

Do not underestimate the power of a cabalist, this class is very powerful. It was the class I've always been least interested in (started way back in Euro beta with me finding the pets too ugly :p) but only recently have I 'discovered' them. Can't wait to ding 24 and hit Thidranki on my server.


It changed in 1.51.

I don't know much about the Cabalist class, but it seems a Cabalist is a more solo class, than a mana/mentalism Mentalist.

Just for some figures - my AE DoT does 103dmg per tick on everyone, no variance at all.

I expect my single target at 48 to do 108 per tick.

It's a shame relics don't currently affect DoTs.


Ummm pardon me but to my knowledge the spec doesnt affect base line damage spread.


The info above is wrong in oen way.

1.51 doesnt have dots base line and spec line stacking, they stack already. Take yer cabby out ,find mob ,cast baseline matter dot(once it sticks continue ) then cast spec line matter dot. They stack, the damage feedback.They both work. You just cant stack two spec line or two baseline matter dots for example.

I can never get a spec THEN a base to stack but i can most definetly get a baseline matter THEN a spenline matter to stack.

Cabbys def beat ments tho.Their pets cost next to nothing,ments have silly pulse crap going on still there, just the whole cabby package rules over mentalist IMO.

Happy hunting .


You forgot the most important thing!!!!

1 Shammy is the only choice for DOT after all no other Dot caster can be BLUE

2 Ok mentalist has great dot but who the hell wants to play in the ever green valley golf course called hib!!!

3 Cabys great class, not bad realm to play but is Dot worth 3 pets in 5 that have a use and a pet that warps like a warpy thing in warp land, FFs the amount of times my fighting caby pet warped behind me or out of spell range drove me nuts!!!

4 Did i mention shamys can be small and blue and cast dots ? :p

wolvon fury

Thanks guys, since i don't really like albs (no offance to players, apart from some) So i go with the mentalist, sounds fun enuth, plus gotta love crack, Hail the new mentalist

BLARNY STONE :-Kiss me am good luck

Lafala Arifel

Originally posted by Lafala Arifel
Yes, that's right, but you can only stack DoTs that are in seperate spec lines. So a mana/ment spec would give you the most powerful DoT'ing capabilities.
Breydel's perfectly correct about the DoT stacking.

As the mentalist class does not have a spec DoT and a base DoT in the same spell line (as he pointed out), you can only stack a mana spec line DoT with the mentalism base line DoT. Though if we did have a mana base line DoT too, then you could stack either that or the mentalism base line DoT with the mana spec line DoT. Phew.

Sorry for any confusion caused by my previous post - I was only referring to the mentalist class (and being rather vague) and should have made that clear.

I'll get my coat :p

/em slinks away...


Originally posted by Sarnat
Ummm pardon me but to my knowledge the spec doesnt affect base line damage spread.

If you have spec 1 in a line and do a lvl 50 damage spell (or a DoT)

you'll do from 1% to 100% of the listed damage...
so if it says 200 damage you'll do between 2 and 200 damage.

if you had 50 spec you'd do 200 every time.


Cabby DoTs do NOT stack until 1.51
They don't even stack with a sorcs DoT.

You can cast a level 46 specline dot, a sorc/cabby comes along and casts a level 6 or somethign and it will even overwrite the higher DoT

Onec 1.51 comes, you can stack different line DoT's


Yup. I got a cabalist also as 3rd alt and he can't stack his dots in 1.48.


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Maybe I was wrong then. Never played a class who specs like that. Maybe it's time to put those extra points into RC with my suppression RM...


For things like base roots/mezzes etc. it's not affected by spec (though I think the durations should have variance :))

My earth wizzie does a lot better with his partial-specced ice base DDs than his no-spec fire base DDs.


Baseline + Specline = Dotage heaven :p

You CAN stack dots sorry but you CAN. On Prydwen server i can use my 12th cabby to land FIRST a BASELINE ( Dissolving Fog )matter dot. Then i can STACK on top of that the SPECLINE matter dot ( Lesser Contamination ) . If you cant then you are bugged because you most definetly can stack them in 1.48!

I do not know what happens with sorc dots and cabby dots but i do know cabby can stack his own matter dots. I suggest you go try and mess around with yer dots because they work ,it's great seeing line after line of damage from duo dots.


I tried just yesterday to stack the matter DOTs with my cabby alt. Didn't work for me. If I remember correctly, it said that the mob already had the effect, if I first put the baseline DOT and then the matter spec DOT. If I first put the spec DOT the baseline replaced it. :(

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