dose the jk2 community needs a boost ?



well just lately it seems to mean that jk2 may be having a hard time with exsisting jk2 gamers & new jk2 gamers (or lack of)
looks to me that we need some MODs or something to give jk2 a boost maybe a add on disk or something well lets just try keep together.
Please if don't give up on JK2 yet


Short Answer: Yes

Mods might do it but few of them seem to actually result in anything, promod gets knocked for being too different and I'd agree with that, its in the middle of a new game and a tweak and I dont know if that works too well.
Jedimod isn't bad but its more of a novelty, saberist code peeps like it but its useless for anything else especially competition.

An addon pack would be nice, it might also function as a patch but I dont think we can really rely on Lucasarts.

I've noticed in the UK a lot of clans and players seem to stick to a single GSP resulting in a few little sub communities, if we could somehow unite these better it'd have a fair influence in keeping JK2 going, its no secret the game is fading away for various reasons but its got a unique combat system which seems to be the one thing saving it by setting it apart from other games.
I know I love to play UT2003 sometimes but when I stop playing JK2 I eventually get the urge to play it again :)


I'd have to agree with Xeno on this one

Yeah the community is quieting down but thats only because there's not much going on for them. That will change at Barrysworld now we've got this Game.Net stuff and the BWJK2L will be back soon with its first CTF season. Duels Day 4 is also in the pipeline and I'll be posting about that this weekend.

Maybe it would be worth us talking to the likes of Jolt and BY in the hope of getting something sorted (dunno what yet though, leave that one with me).

Keith, I know you read these forums every now and then... how about it m8?



:) i see would be good to put aside diffrences with jolt n by
every one should act like a pro n stop treating each gsp as gang grounds and the biggest gang wins. not true it just takes the ammount of players down and were fighting the new fps games like ut2003 not just new games but new mods too so if theres a mod in the works and your a coder or mapper or whatnot help them out jk2 needs them i guess

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