Doom Opinions !!!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Hey fellas - just want a point of view from you -

After waiting for months on the new Doom 3 and watching many clips and reading updates and forums - I finally purchased it on its release day yesterday - My play time on the game now is about 2 and a half hours and although it starts fantastically when you enter the game and your can intereact with all the screens etc and admire the beautiful detail , I felt that the action scenarios were a bit repetitive and I spent a lot of the time just wanting to ' get them over with ' so I could move on to a different area -

For the first hour of fighting - its all done in the dark with the same style of monsters popping up in the suspected places and all the origianal interaction you could previously do seemed to have been forgotten - Now it was just standard bare level areas and monsters shooting at you with pistols and shotguns .. At the start , everyone you passed was mid conversation and there were tvs and screens that allowed you to read up info and watch clips on but they all seem to have been destroyed after the story-lines accident.

So after playing a small part of the game and going to bed - I dont know if it lived up to my expectations - certainly the beggining did but I felt it was very traditional after the monsters came.. always dark and you always knew what area they would spawn in ... Its only a point of view so I would appreciate responses and bear in mind that I only had limited play time on it so far so if it picks up again with more interaction and storyline style antics let me know so I can really look forward to playing it tonight after work :)

Ps : the bathroom was unreal - the errie reflections in the mirror and watching yourself punch the air before a demon attacked you from behind was fantastic - top marks to the Doom team for that one :worthy:

On another point - I also encountered something and I think its an error so if you guys could tell me if you got the same thing - after a bit into the game when you have begun the combat - I started to get some sort of fuzz on the screen as if it was snowing inside as I was playing - the first time it happened I thought mebbe it was water sprinklers as there were fires everywhere but now I begin to doubt that - any ideas?

On a final note - half life and doom are two different styles of games I think and Half life will have a lot less restrictions in the game and will allow you to explore different things and I also feel that HL2 will not become repetitive as there are more things involved from the buggys to the clean up squad and the different guns etc - Half Life 2 does beat Doom 3 and I know its hard for the old skool gamers as it were to accept it but Half life is in the hall of fame now too - :cheers:

Givf responses because Im interested to know :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Ronso said:
On another point - I also encountered something and I think its an error so if you guys could tell me if you got the same thing - after a bit into the game when you have begun the combat - I started to get some sort of fuzz on the screen as if it was snowing inside as I was playing - the first time it happened I thought mebbe it was water sprinklers as there were fires everywhere but now I begin to doubt that - any ideas?

iirc it's a driver error. it gets talked about in the other d3 threads in the forums. get your vendor's latest drivers and you should be fine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
toilet mirror bit when you go in there for the second time - don't know if it's the bit you mentioned as I don't remember this "air punching" - for me it just went red, and made a horrible noise
scared the absolute crap out of me. Likewise the
lift laughing, and the bit where you go outside and the bridge collapses onto the surface of Mars.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I've just got back from Hell, and I'm really very bored of it :(

The prospect of going back thru the levels, killing more monsters, being less and less spooked by the same scripted dark corner + teleporting monster 'gimmick', doesn't fill me with enthusiasm :(

*adds to the pile of 'good to start with, got boring fast'*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
toilet mirror bit when you go in there for the second time - don't know if it's the bit you mentioned as I don't remember this "air punching" - for me it just went red, and made a horrible noise
nearly hit the ceiling on that bit... :/

/me sues for damages to undies


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Its purty for a while, I finished it pretty fast tbh, its only 25 "levels" or something like that.
But my main prob wif it was that it got boring fast, after the Hell level boredom kicked in, didnt play for fun anymore, just to complete it.
In that way it reminded me of Halo, that was good at the start also, until I entered the copy&paste levels. :eek:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
i shit myself at the start of the alpha labs bit (where its pitch black)

totally surrounded, i didnt notice there was a guy on my left shoulder. fucking hell!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
There's only so much you can do with an FPS game and most of it's been done already. Games are like movies now, you have a set genre and the only advance is in the graphics/effects.

The future of gaming is in multiplayer action, only the odd release will offer a good solo experience. The last 'good' single player game I played was Knights of the Old Republic!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Im currently playing Farcry at the moment now my new pc can run it with all the shiny graphics.. its pretty good and the MP is nice too


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Escape said:
The future of gaming is in multiplayer action, only the odd release will offer a good solo experience. The last 'good' single player game I played was Knights of the Old Republic!

Actually, I think it's the past. Multiplayer used to be good, but it's so popular now that it's totally and utterly crap. You can't get a server (lest it's private) that's not completely and utterly full of lamoids. Single player is what I look for in a game now, multiplayer bores me. However, CS:Source I'm looking forward to.

Oh and KotOR was fanruddytastic :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
i've almost totaly abandoned single players games atm

multiplayer is so much more furfilling, and you have someone to talk to when dead :/

(in 7mins 58 secs I'll be playing CS:S \o/)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Took me a while but I just completed this as it has been sitting on my shelf for ages and I needed something to do for the bank holiday weekend. Thought it was pretty well made, the maps were well designed and the enemies still managed to catch me out occasionally although not much towards the end.

I particularly liked the bosses but not the final one which was too easy. Don't think they would be so much fun on the second time though though as once I figured out how to kill them they were pretty simple. On that soulcube guardian it took me all my ammo and about 20 mins to realise that I was meant to
shoot the blue bit :/

I think it was a bit too dark most of the time, especially with glare on the screen from my window. Trying to swap between flashlight and shotgun to shoot an enemy in the pitch darkness is more annoying that fun.

Might get the expansion, anyone here played it?


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Tedium 3.

I played all the way through hoping it would get good. It didn't.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
I didn't expect very much from Doom 3 to be honest but my opinions were totally changed by the time I finished it. Gameplay wise there was nothing original at all, but at being a great piece of entertainment / theatre, Doom 3 achieved just that. I loved it, pitch black room 22" monitor, surround sound on / 5.1 headphones it was excellent! ;)

Doom 3 multiplayer sucked more than a sucky thing that sucks a lot, elephant and mud springs to mind.

..but that aside what a fantastic engine as a platform for other material.

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