Don't you love it when...



... you get an inv infront of DL with your L41 just out of nowhere, you get in, ask if it's a mis-inv etc. but no, they want you there, nice people :)

Spend 6+ hours there RvRing in the same group in mid with them, having a blast, even although you're only L41 and a lowbie

Then a certain person joins who immediately tells you to get on your main else he'll boot you and spams lowbie... :puke: :puke: :puke:

Annoying :(

Whine for teh' win :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Affri
[BThen a certain person joins who immediately tells you to get on your main else he'll boot you and spams lowbie... [/B]

Aye I can't stand that kind of behaviour ) : There's plenty of people who sometimes give RvR a shot with whoever they can find in DL, but there's also people who'll stop at nothing to force their views on how to play this game on you ) : Luckily there's actually still more people of the first kind than of the second, in my experience.


Says the person who always want to leech with their mini-nuking eldie instead of gifving bubble :p

j/k :p

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