Don't worry, be happy!



Hi everyone!

When I last searched the Vault Boards to find info on my chars I suddenly realized that noone seems to be happy with their class!

Whenever someone says a positive thing about something they get engulfed in flames and everyone says they are lying. I've played this game for 4 months now and every now and then I find out more cool stuff about my chars that I love about them.

I'm not satisfied with everything in this game and there are lots of stuff that imho needs to be fixed but I'm getting rather fed up with the fact that you need to search like a madman to find useful information. The forums I've seen that are active scream about complaints and nerfs and whatnot. If the game is that bad then stop playing...

There has to be something that gets people to play this game and that kind of info would be useful. That kind of info would make Prydwen and Excalibur grow and we could perhaps see the opening of a third english server. I got lots of chars and my highest is still rather low(lvl35) but I still think all of them are fun in their own kind of way. So here is my positive feedback:

Thanes: The best of two worlds. Mighty lightning spells and still a very respectable melee characther.

Skalds: Wrooom...the term "hit-n-run" pops into my head. This is probably one of the most fun chars to play.

Hunter: The joy of placing a arrow on the bow, aiming at the nearest willow...tzzzupp...I guess this is the way those mighty hunters feel like when they do oneshots in RvR.

Shadowblade: Hard to level but when u get that backstab that you were lineing up's all worth it.

Armsmen: Polearm and shiny platemail. Rip your foes in two or be crazy and specc Crossbow. You decide.

Clerics: first support class. I actually feel proud to be the most important peep in a group and when you do rezz people they jump around anc cheer!

Mercenary: Dualwield is cool. Feels like runing around with two guns instead of one. When I get Dirty Tricks I'll poke your eye out!

Thurgist: Damn fun to impress newbie melee classes when I solo reds and spawn elementals that do the work for me. Go fetch!

None of these chars has seen much RvR so I guess the flames soon will start...I still think it's not always the goal that's the road that leads up to it. With BGs around the corner I hope that more people will pick up this game and that it will be beneficial for everyone in the end(when we get DF?). :D

As I will experience light-RvR when the BGs show up I will post another report on these chars and what their performance were.

If anyone else feels like posting some positive feedback on any aspect of the game feel free to do so, at least I think it's needed.

Happy hunting everyone!

BTW, for u Swedish guys out there...feel free to check out my review on our NON-commercial site

Dark Age of Camelot review!


i got beaten 1v1 by class X, class X is overpowered!

that seems to be where most of these arguments come from (i mean the negative ones).

i would post more but my legs are stiff and my brain hurts... im off to bed :)


Well the IGN Vault boards are full of sad losers who all want their chars to be Uber and all characters that can kill them to be nerfed into oblivion. Or at least a large percentage (especially on the developers board) seem to be. People that are happy with their class will not post to get nerfs or more goodies.

The class specific ones are slightly more constructive, or at least the Hib Mage one is.


Ill contribute then:

First class:

Infil ROCKS! i gimped it tho - reroll

Infil 2 ROCKS EVEN MORE! i gimped it tho (see a pattern?) - reroll

Merc - pretty cool. was annoyed about DW being lvl 10, but they changed that (after i whiped ofc)

Wiz - good fun blowing things up

Sorcerer OMFG ROCKS! i gimped it tho - reroll :p

Infil 3 and current Im a killing machine. whatever people say about infils. its not true, unless its a positive thing

gonna do a new sorc later

have a sword/shield armsman, gotta love defence

got a ice wiz, gotta love pbaoe

have a scout, gotta love massive crit damage

only class i didnt like was theurgist. and that was only because we were 3 theurgists, and in group we could do 1 purp and 2 red cons with no serious trouble. I was TOO powerful :D

I can go on, but then you got nothing to flame about :D


class i didnt like was theurgist. and that was only because we were 3 theurgists, and in group we could do 1 purp and 2 red cons with no serious trouble. I was TOO powerful




Theurgists are nicely balanced by running out or mana fast tho :)

I played most classes in albion apart from a merc, pala , and cleric.
Haven't found anything I hated yet, well the way cabalists pets lagg about in combat made me wanna kill it (which you can :clap: ).


Originally posted by Marcus75

If the game is that bad then stop playing...
Exactly! Only trouble is, even the people who say they stopped playing, still post and complain on the forums:(

Originally posted by Marcus75
...I still think it's not always the goal that's the road that leads up to it...
Yeah, ppl seem to forget that:)
If the road is so painfull, everybody is wasting there precious free time, which is kind of sad:(
And it seems that getting to the goal (lvl 50) isn't that fun for everybody, since the forum is full of ppl getting bored at lvl 50.

The only good advise for players who enjoy DAoC, is: Stop reading forums - you might get infected by the bad mood:D


Now the joy soon kicks in!! :D

I've been working lots recently and tomorrow (Patch Day), I get of this work period and will be able to live in the BGs with my chars that are around lvl20-24. :D

:clap: :clap: :clap:


On IGN the class-specific boards are a little better than the Round Table (whine-fest as it should be called, every post is either XXXX is too good! Nerf them! or YYYY sucks! Official Plea! or Realm ZZZZ is favoured!).

The individual class boards are a bit better...
and if your class has a team lead posting on some other boards (like or the sanctum arcanum or - which rocks)
they tend to be even better for signal to noise.

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