Dont trust those that run DAOC



Hello all, i had the patch problem last night and couldnt connect. then i find i got an account terminated message this morning.
The official website says those with problematic/incomplete accounts have been terminated. I have checked my information and it is all correct and i checked with my credit card company and Goa have taken this months money out of my account. Yet my account is terminated.

Sounds to me like one big con trick on the part of those running the game.



This is what the DAoC EU homepage says:

Registration & My account problems

The registration page and the 'My account' section were down for 30 minutes or so this afternoon. Everything should be back to normal now, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

UPDATE (05-22-2002)
Users with problematic or incomplete accounts were terminated yesterday.
On May 21st, all the problematic accounts (accounts with missing information or billing problems) were terminated. Upon login in DAoC since then, you may have a message saying that your account has been terminated. If you do, this means that we had a problem with your account because of the reasons listed above.

What to do if you are in such a situation :

Check your information in 'My account', make sure everything is correct.
Choose a subscription plan, making sure you give the right information with a valid credit card

If you still have a problem after doing this, please send a mail to email giving as much information as possible.

European DAoC Team

So, send an email to GoA and explain your problem - you really should have done this before coming here and accusing GoA for scamming their customers.


why dont u read the information it says that incomplet/ billing problems is the reason why accounts terminated.

My credit card company confirm money has been taken by Goa and my information is correct.

That is why i am bitching because i dont like paying for a service i cant use and then being told its my fault.

So i am more than entitled to moan.

If u dont like it, tough luck.

You know its not difficult if they said they had a problem with accounts and its being sorted then thats okay.

The point is they are giving out misinformation.


"If you still have a problem after doing this, please send a mail to email giving as much information as possible."

Why don't you send them a mail then? Maybe they don't know about your problem? How are they supposed to help you solve your problem or post info about it if you don't report it?

Send them a mail explaining your situation. If they can't give you a solution and continue to bill you without allowing you access to the game, THEN you have reason to squeal about scams.

Besides, do you honestly think a company like GOA can afford to run a scam of any kind, least of all one so blindly obvious? And don't you think other people would have said something about it as well? You think GOA would just try and scam you?

Ah hell, this is pointless...


I had this problem. Mailed GOA. Problem sorted in 90 minutes.

Seems fine to me.


I also had this problem... Mailed GOA - 20hrs later still nothing

Ah, well.. they say patience is a virtue............


I also had this problem... Mailed GOA (last night, 18:00?) - No response.

I fixed it myself by re-subscribing. If it's on my creditcard bill twice I'll of course expect a refund :)


were your characters ok when u re subscribed? and u dint get any trouble sayin Cd key or account in use or anythin? just wondering b4 i attempt to re subcribe coz ive had no reply from them at all


Well guys i am finally sorted, to those at the top who thought i was moaning for no reason, then yeh perhaps i was, but i can see there are plenty of people suffering the same sort of problem as me. Btw i did email them as requested. the first one was ignored, i sent another 3 each one getting more aggresive !. Finally i have been reconnected.


ps to those who cant ( still ) keep trying eventually it will.

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