dont mean to be rude kemor


old.tris UK

BUT WHAT IN THE BLUE FUCK ARE YOUR TEAM DOING TO THE DAMN SEVERS NOW? heres my just walking along and i get an this ultra polite message "pleas log out NOW" there is no fuicking indication to the fuckin problem at hand, and before i get moaned at for not postinfg in the official forumm, im going there now.


Update server seems to be b0rked atm as well.

Just bought the game yesterday - spent an hour downloading the update last night only to be kicked off at the registration point due to the servers being switched off and now I find I have to do it all again - only I can't.

Great way to start getting impressed by something innit :(


Agreed kemor sort this freaking thing out and give us 2 free weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!


Forums are fuct too...
An Error Occured
phpBB was unable to connect to the database.
Please check $dbhost, $dbuser, and $dbpasswd in config.php.

I've refrained from making any comment on the last couple of days' fiasco so far but I'm really starting to feel let-down now. Why was no more warning given? 5 minutes would have been helpful. And if it's another DOS attack then what exactly have GOA done, or are planning to do, to protect the servers from future attacks?

It's understandable (but a sign of poor planning and lack of forethought) that a serious DOS attack can have this kind of effect but the lack of information flow is very disturbing. It only takes 1 person 10 minutes to update the DaoC Europe page with some information, if that. If GOA seriously cannot spare the manpower to keep paying customers better informed when things go pearshaped then they NEED TO EMPLOY MORE PEOPLE obviously.

Please GOA, learn the lessons from people like Blizzard - these are the first few weeks of DaoC for most players in the UK (and elsewhere I suspect) and this kind of shoddy service can only mean you lose large numbers of subscribers.

Keep us informed *at all costs*.


Bleri McThrust

Dont know whats happening this time but I was running Ping Plotter and was getting big packet loss from 19.10.

Seems fine now where all off tho :( .

I can still ping the server unlike last night.


Tried to post the comments below in my own thread but I cant see it so apologies if you lot can see it in my thread.

rant on

I strongly suggest to whoever is in charge of this game that you start employing people who are not "Strategically shaven monkeys" and not the exceptionally poor people that you do have.

/rant off

I have played many MMORPG's over the years and I must say that the ideals you have in this one are superb. I would really like to explore them some more. However, repeated server downtimes have a tendancy to distract from the game and not allow me to explore etc etc etc.

Sort it. Sort it now. Sort it properly. Sort it permanently.

PS Test things properly before inflicting sub standard <insert appropriate word here> on your "PAYING" customers. I for one would rather wait until you can provide us with a relatively error free update than have the hassle of losing what small amount of playing time I have.

PPS Thanx for the 2 level drop in my character when I logged in tonight. NOT!!!!


I would imagine that if it is another attack then GOAs main priority would be to try and save everybodies characters without corruption.

In which case sending an urgent short message and shutting down fast is entirely the right thing to do. 5 minutes spent writing a more flowery explanation might lose everybody the leveling theyve been doing for the last couple of hours.



This is starting to annoy me too .. i mean its probaly not goa's fault but they could atleast update us every 30 minutes or so ? we are paying ur wages after all. I mean no offence at all, and im sure if u can sort these problems out u will do a fine job but i think u do need to look at ur pr skillz .. ur lack of updates are annoying alot of people. If u were just straight with us and kept us upto date it would be acceptable to wait, but ive wasted the whole fcking day now with this and tbh ive given up now and wont bother any more till tomorrow.

Be warned goa this is the type of thing that makes people quit ..............


well.. i for one can't stand it.

posted this question in goa's stupid help system :
I keep getting the message that due to network problems, daoc servers are not available while your website here states that there are no problems ?

Is there something i need to do before i can get back to gaming ?
got this answer :

We plan to get the servers back during the afternoon. As you can guess, we've been more than busy all the night long fixing our server problems. An official announcement can be found on

Sorry for the inconvenience.
now with todays sh@t, got this to say to all of them :
I just payed you guys for a 6 Month subscription, this can not be your way of saying 'thank you dear client for trusting us.'
I started a new char, leveled it to 7, got some neet stuff from strangers only to lose it and be warped back to level 2 during a day of downtime. This is not my idea of having a good time, it's been long since i ever been mad at a computergame !
I suggest you better start doing some REAL communication with your custommers. Tell us WHY are servers going down in split seconds and stuff like that and not hours after but BEFORE you actually do things.
Please let me know what you intend to do to regain the trust i've put in you.

Just venting feelings here, tell me, how many of you don't feel taken from behind in this ?


From Kemor
The servers should be back online early this afternoon with the end of the afternoon backups.

We are already working on a solution to give everyone affected a compensation free day.

Stay tuned...

Hmm, and its down again. I put a lot of time in so I could get to level 20 for this weekend. Got there until the rollback :(

Not happy, I've paid my subscription for six months. And now I'm not sure. Granted its not GOA fault, BUT that doesn't stop me being unhappy:mad:

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