Don't give up yet! Hope lives on! PLEASE READ THIS ANY BARRYSWORLD OFFICALS!


old.[WS] Walshy

I stopped to think for a mo, the solution is easy. Has any one ever thought how well the names Bill and Barry go together? (no me neither). Barrysworld could be a usefull instument that could hoist Microsofts X-box above toher consoles, the experiance in PC online gaming could be a great aspect for the new console. Also this would be a step up for all of u here at Barrysworld (we all love what u do guys), who would be able to provide quality net play for X-box and PC well into the future if this kinda thing went ahead. My thoughts here may sound sky high, but please give it a shot, for us the gamers.

old.[WS] Bravo

YEY, Go walshy

Barrysworld kick ass, if they go, then one ill have to find a new place for our site, grrr and ill have a lot less game serves to use


Barrysworld sure does kick mucho ass

old.[WS] Walshy

Torn Warriors

I guess its all over, there is not much us lowly pawns in the gaming world can do, but I just want u to Know Ted, and co. that we fought valiantly for your survival, but hey how about one last Mega Game eh? :)

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