Does rightnow play this game?



check the answer i got from my question about being abel to change stat(i put 10points in quicknes instead of 10 in constituion becouse of some stupid site saying quikness is the 3rd most important stat)
dex decides cast time not quick.


Unfortunately, we cannot change a character's stats. That said, 10 points ins quickness are more usefull to a wizard than 10 point in constitution (in my opinion). It makes you cast spells faster, and anyway, you don't want to get hit at all, so 10 more hit points would not make a huge dfference.

European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

/quote end

so this first of all they dont know that quickness does NOT help cast time'
and second of all he thinks 10cons is the same as 10hitpoints
and dosnt think casters get hit so they dont need hit points :p


:twak: Eh i thought dex made u cast faster... big misunderstanding then...
Although i have never seen casting times change it's always 2.0 , 3.0 or 4.0 sec.


It's not displayed anywhere but you'll actually cast quicker with high dex.


qui has no effect on spells your right, its dex.

as all classes have to have 3 atributes the game increases, they picked the first 2 correctly, but didn't really know what to do for the third if you ask me so they gave us more qui so we could just our sticks of doom more ;)

to be fair the rightnow guy/girl was partially correct, i mean if your a caster and you get meleed, its game over (unless your from hippie world and fancy some QC stun) :)

do give em such a hard time.


Originally posted by old.Cotta
:twak: Eh i thought dex made u cast faster... big misunderstanding then...
Although i have never seen casting times change it's always 2.0 , 3.0 or 4.0 sec.

gives a lot difference!

.. tested it

btw... a bit extra in con DOES help in rvr ! makes 1 shot difference (or more)


Heh 10 in con ain't gonna give you another 400 hp :p

It might make the difference between a 1000 pt bolt killing you or not ... which is true..

but it's very very minimal.

If yer that pent up about it - reroll.

As for not knowing what qui does... well they don't write the game ... :) they should probably read the herald more though :)

- Pathfinder -

They won't change stats for yo, obviously. That they have no clue what does what isn't suprising; Mythic themselves didn't even acknowledge that they fucked over Bards and Friars until just recently, despite it being a well known fact among the players.

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