Does GoA do sthing about this or it is just another one....

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autoresponse email that they send like an aspirine to a headache?

Response (CS) 11/05/2003 05:07 PM

Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support
Customer (xxxxx) 10/30/2003 11:13 AM
I want to report ironheart AGAIN
he leeched again my pulls with his necro Nasdrovnje (Level 50 necro/Albion/Excalibur)
this man keeps been rude and with no respect to other players he mob steals and leeches from other players pulls
this is second time to report him and i want to take serious notification about this guy....been rude (tellin me to shut up he do not speak to assholes) and sad player (mob stealing-leeching)
pics included
i am sure he powerlevel players taking reward money ingame in/or real money cause he is everyday there with different character


Response (CS) 11/05/2003 05:10 PM

Thank you for the report. We will investigate the incident using the server side logs, and based on what we find, will take actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have more information regarding the incident, feel free to update this rightnow report as it may make investigation easier and faster.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support
Customer (xxxxx) 10/27/2003 09:42 PM
And Terrible behaviour.....
i want to report IRONHEART (Wizzard Albion/Excalibur)
because he constantly leeching (and i am not talking about spell at the same target once or twice) for about 5 hours
i have reported 3 leechers from rightnow but i still see the problem going on and on....
i have about 15 pictures but i am gonna send few of them...and they are tooo few to understand how terrible this kid was.....


does goa knows what customer support is?
and what coc breaking is ?

claiming a spot is against coc but they can't report you from that cause if you do not interact to their pulls (leech-mob steal) they will not do nothing..maybe notify you that you can't claim a spot...
but heck mob stealing-leeching is a very annoying behaviour..and goa seems to have ignore that....well dunno anyone here has ever been reported for been a leecher and take a short ban or sthing? or it is another one autoresponse email ?

[edit] they easiest thing to do while pling with a necro is to make the other leech from you...just instant pull with cons debuff and they gonna make the same mistake again and again and again :p

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Powahhh
autoresponse email that they send like an aspirine to a headache?

[edit] they easiest thing to do while pling with a necro is to make the other leech from you...just instant pull with cons debuff and they gonna make the same mistake again and again and again :p

Deaaaaaar Mr pharmer,

i personally think that this line just stated your intentions in this whole matter.
Your personal intentions... your behaviour......
intentional provocing of a situation....

i do not think ppl will believe yo any more.




Even if GOA did something you as reporter will never know what, how long and when....


well back when i played leeching was a prob, and they always replied like:

i thought u needed help

DUDE if i didn't think i could handle a mob i wouldn't pull it, (that went on for the rest of the day)


omfgz1!!1 nerff keltoi ant room!12eightytwo


lol Nasdrovnje is Ironheart?
Kinda figures I guess, I've directly had problems with his necro, and also witnessed a friend having problems (which involved leeching) aswell.

DeaD GuRu

as do all ppl it seems, those that set foot in barrows and start the conversations with:


as stated a million times

i rest my case,
i've had it :)

i would not have the balls posting this thread after he clearly states that he provoced a situation, btw, thx for this , it has been added to the update of my report :)




Dead your a nob..fuck off and play another actually likes you.

Bleri McThrust

If I reply here do I get another PM ?

DeaD GuRu

good night peeps :)

have fun


i don't care wot you lot think about me :)
if i would have picked you to be my mates in there, you wouldn't have posted this...
ask it to the other peeps that can't stand you lot for a change ;-)

sweet dreams :)$


So you would just pick us out and we would auto be your new m8's??

With that attitude you got i dont really think it would work out well between us ;)



I want to be your friend.

p.s can you pl me a new autotrained infil?


Originally posted by asorek
Dead your a nob..fuck off and play another actually likes you.

Nuff said :rolleyes:

And maybe you should think about why people say this to you..


Is anyone gonna close this thread already. Seems that gay Tilda only does so when hes wicked mind tell him to.

Enuff of this flaming sheet. You guys aware of the ability to use private PMs?

Well im sick of it.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Sixpack
Is anyone gonna close this thread already. Seems that gay Tilda only does so when hes wicked mind tell him to.

Enuff of this flaming sheet. You guys aware of the ability to use private PMs?

Well im sick of it.

never mind them six :)

most kids are getting on line. So i think that from now till 10 o'clock in the evening ppl won't be expecting a lot of serious conversations on this crap forum here.
As proven before, the only flaming here on this forum is during the time period while minors are using their typing skills here. Be it to flame a well know person or just out of annoyance. They don't even bother to read or think about the things ppl want.

i'm quitting this part of the forum for a while.

all the post before this one now with negative remarks just summ the ammmount of kids that think they have it right. You can all put em in one box, close the lid and put it on the attic.



ps: this thread may be closed for all i care, pharmer just made a fool of himselfe by saying that he was provocing ppl so he could report them.... there goes his credebility.


Well, considering Powahhh was reported for harrassment twice by my ex-GM, i'd say GOA don't care about those types of problems either.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by acei
Well, considering Powahhh was reported for harrassment twice by my ex-GM, i'd say GOA don't care about those types of problems either.

well, msg to all

let's leave it as it is,

to a couple of youngsters in here i am a fool, i don't mind em thinking that. I do mind them saying it :)

i know that mostly i am correct , but i do not use the words that are soft and gentle, so they don't feel hurt after they have been exposed.

as for my POv, i love warhammer etc...
that's what i saw in front of me when i started out here, nothing the like, anyway, still having fun out there, and a lot tbh :)
So my outlets here wer just reactions to my own pov, if it ain't yours ;-) np

anyway cheerz

nas on bw out for a while :)


Erm, my msg was in no way to defend you Dead, i've had no experience with your chars but from what i hear you're by far one of the worst griefers on the server.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by acei
Erm, my msg was in no way to defend you Dead, i've had no experience with your chars but from what i hear you're by far one of the worst griefers on the server.

what you hear is what you hear, the truth is only there if you have experienced it. As in, never problems with descent ppl.

btw, they aren't always old, there are youngsters out there that use a LOT of common sence compared to these punks flaming me here
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