Do you wanna know what overpowered is?



belth, go whine abouts Bd's in one of the meny Bd whine threads...

I dont play a SB so i would like to know this...?

Does Infils _allways_ loose against a SB if they are even RR and same buffs?

Do you infil really think that you are so bad compared to a SZ from what i have seen, playing a m8's SB a few times and playing my scout, infils win alot in fight vs. sb's allso mostly i depends on who attack first but if Infils pulls DF and the SB dont have purge he will probaly die even if he attacked first...

Anyway as i said i dont play Sb only tried a few times, but have seen lots of fights sb vs. infils where they have been pretty even.. imho from my view a sz wont be worth playing after LA nerf.. on pendragon i can kill em more often then they kill me in a /duel with my scout :)


Originally posted by iziz

Merc: 9 sec any time stun, 9 sec evade stun

Our stun is from Parry base chain, since we all know you can't parry much in rvr its not any time stun :p


Originally posted by minime_
I find it hard to understand how someone can say Dragonfang is not overpowered. LA damage is getting nerfed for a reason, which i understand tbh, but SB's sure as hell will have a hard time against infils, which is good, but we will have a HAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDD time against infils after that patch.

Albs are suppose to be the stealth realm of the three... Midgard will Always have the strongest melee classes, even after the LA nerf(which isnt really a nerf thb, they'll get it down to the same level DW is). As Hibernia will always have the strongest casters..

infils are not overpowered.. kkthxbye



Stuns should be gimped down to a few secs or made break like root and mez when attacked.

Seriously ANY moky can pres yer stun button then have like way more time to kill yer opponent then u need.......... Where is the chalange ?

Jarl teh Skald


Originally posted by blademistress
Our stun is from Parry base chain, since we all know you can't parry much in rvr its not any time stun :p

I think Iziz is talking about Slam :)


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Perhaps it's LA ? Seriously, play an Alb (or Hib) toon in 'big-RvR' (= lvl 50 vs. lvl 50, not BG) and you are gonna think: "OMG, those LA-users are overpowered"

Examples are numerous, but atm it's just perma-sprint and spam the right button and later on show your troll-buddies 'Haha, I hit that noob-caster for 843 + 183' he must wear drop AF5'.

It's just: I don't mind getting hit for 1000 a swing. But then please with a normal speed. Zerkers hit each 2,5-3,0 sec for huge amounts. 2h champs hurt like hell on me, spearo-hero's too, but at least I know there's gonna be a big delay between the hits and a chance for a heal. A zerker with an average crit nowadays kills a caster fully buffed in 2 hits in less then 6 seconds. Mostly 1000 hp gone and then a few hp left and getting hit for around 800 again. Totally out proportion and needs nerfing.

That is overpowered, not some dragonfang which only the new nerfed Middies whine about.. Learn to live with stuns, hell you even got a class with insta AoE stun.

My zerk swings at about 4sec delay......and atleast a zerk can't stun you like champs/heroes/warriors/thanes/savages/skald(can mezz) so atleast you have the option of running :)

Why is it LA that needs nerfing. its the frenzymode that make us do uberdmg - without that we never see the really big hits that ppl whine about....

without frenzy we do same dmg as 2-handers only slightly faster....


Originally posted by ulke
My zerk swings at about 4sec delay......and atleast a zerk can't stun you like champs/heroes/warriors/thanes/savages/skald(can mezz) so atleast you have the option of running :)

Why is it LA that needs nerfing. its the frenzymode that make us do uberdmg - without that we never see the really big hits that ppl whine about....

without frenzy we do same dmg as 2-handers only slightly faster....

at the moment Doublefrost gives you much more damage than it should.

Mythic screwed up in their coding and gave positional damage to an anytime style. So they're not nerfing anything, they're fixing their mistake. So DF will now be hitting with an anytime style bonus instead of a positional.


Originally posted by Trinilim
at the moment Doublefrost gives you much more damage than it should.

Mythic screwed up in their coding and gave positional damage to an anytime style. So they're not nerfing anything, they're fixing their mistake. So DF will now be hitting with an anytime style bonus instead of a positional.

Doublefrost isnt the problem....try playing a sz/zerk and you will understand, becourse the big hits are from other combos...
The problem is albs whining about getting hit for 1000dmg, and that is 9/10 times snowsquall/icy brilliancy with lucky crits in zerkmode
My savage is soon lvl50 so will be interesting to see how he performs....


Originally posted by ulke
and atleast a zerk can't stun you like champs/heroes/warriors/thanes/savages/skald(can mezz) so atleast you have the option of running :)

O great player, please teach me how to run away from END2K mids.


Originally posted by ulke
Doublefrost isnt the problem....try playing a sz/zerk and you will understand, becourse the big hits are from other combos...
The problem is albs whining about getting hit for 1000dmg, and that is 9/10 times snowsquall/icy brilliancy with lucky crits in zerkmode
My savage is soon lvl50 so will be interesting to see how he performs....

albs/hibs u mean?


Any mid whining about a 9 sec melee stun after an evade should get a swift kick up the bum. Suggest our clerics start a new thread to whine about healer insta stun. I'm gonna love to see you cry babies come to these boards AFTER the LA nerf when you will be dealing the same damage as the other assassins in melee and maybe figure out how difficult it is to kill certain classes without that UBER, yes UBER damage output. Fact is that if an infil times his dragonfang wrong you will still kill him because the damage done to you in the 9second dragonfang is caught up in 3 hits once the stun goes assuming you didn't have purge up in the first place. Wait till 1.62 then come cry more you will have reason for it then.

atm LA styles + 20% relic bonus is 2 to 3 times the damage of ns/infil styles ... enjoy it while it lasts.

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