Do you think this would be worth doing ...




I've got an idea. Picture this:

A web site aimed at war games. Will cover all types of war games say like Shogun, CS, rainbow 6, and hundreds more.

Reviews, previews, interviews, articles, columns (the usual) all aimed at games that have a war theme.

Also links to information on warfare (maybe a database will be created?). Maybe even book lists, videos, dvds anything linked on the topic of war. For example some board gamers read a lot of books on the subjects (especially model painters).

It's a rough Idea I've been knocking around in my head for a while, but do you think it's worth doing?


If it covers cuntorstrife, clearly give up now, no-one wants to read about that because its unpopular shite.

[some of this may be sarcasm or inflicted dislike for said game, namely because its utter twench]

To me personally, it seems a bit 'sad' (for lack of a better word) to seek out war books having played games. That may just be because the idea of reading about boring shite like war doesn't interest me, and I'd much rather read a decent fiction book (lo pratchett / holt / rankin)

Each to their own tho. And it would undoubtedly be popular because - if nothing else - there are countless american peons interested in such things.


And you know full well that I was going to reply saying something along those lines, I'm nothing if not dependable on my opinions of CS.


nooo it won't be pure cs!

Cs willhave a small review of course, but the idea of the whole site is a neutral site aimed at all war type games.


that would be perty. I also like other games (UT q3) but a site covering just CS type games is better than no site at all.

(also it would give all us peeps somewhere else to spam:))


Tis a great idea, SAS. I fully support it; name suggestion 'TimeWARp'? or perhaps ''?


So it'll be what AN should of been then SAS ;)


To tell you the truth AN was a pile of crap. This was reinforced when 2 of the users on the day of the news about BW they posted a load of abuse on the news page.

If BW does survive AN will either be deleted OR a brand new team will be brought in to run a newer upto date AN which will cover action mods.



Good idea and it's sad that the response to this forum has not been greater. As you may know I work for a non profit org in London that studies war and conflict. To anyone thats interested in such things this organisation in an information goldmine. I would be willing to make some resourses available to you and others on request. is a good place to start.

Personally I'd love to go to virtual war, clan vs clan style with organised attacks and defenses, planning and stratergy. Taking the clan idea a step further than the usual 2 def's 2 mid 1 attack that's used in CTF and KoTH. With a game like DFLW or IGI it could be done. Even CS would be a much more involving game if the rounds were planned well.

In short, yes, I'd be interested :p


Yup, sounds good to me. I play Shogun, aswell as CS and UT, although my graphics card won't let me play Shogun at the mo' (GeForce 2 MX, anyone else having the same prob?).

<posted by Luap2>
Personally I'd love to go to virtual war, clan vs clan style with organised attacks and defenses, planning and stratergy. Taking the clan idea a step further than the usual 2 def's 2 mid 1 attack that's used in CTF and KoTH. With a game like DFLW or IGI it could be done. Even CS would be a much more involving game if the rounds were planned well.

Interesting idea as it could add a greater depth to a load of existing games.
Think of something like Shogun that actually involved clans fighting over a virtual Japan. Would work for others too, I just happen to love Shogun and CS. :)


Sounds good SAS, yes An was a pile of crap in the end.

Yes that type of game does sound nice but until recently it would have been impossible due to connections and computer power. CS is a good game when you get two good clans together but the problem with CS and many other mods/games is that they suffer 2/3 route syndrome.

Hopefully games like TF2 etc could make this a thing of the past and truely open the maps up and take gaming to a new level.


AN was bad at the end - hardly anyone was willing to update it, nor was anyone sure of what was happening (keeping getting promises it was getting fixed/etc)

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