Do you like yourself?



This may seem a bit strange, but I actually like my character, the Bard. I guess really he's an extension of my own personality, I can run round at warp speed exploring the countryside, soloing isn't too bad cos my shout gives me the advantage, rezzing and mezzing make you friends all over, very satisfying to mez an orange that would kick your butt and saunter up to it before speed-spelling away just for fun. Grouping is a pain only because you have to go anon to stop people inviting you into their group.
I even get invited into high level grps just for the songs and speed spell, spend 2 hrs sittin on my ass rollin in the xp.
Bards are gonna complain about mez break with the new patches, but my guild buds rave on how Bards can mez em all and they just whack em one by one, surely that needs a bit of nerfing.
Is anyone else actually HAPPY with their main character choice?


I have never once regretted going with my gimped strangely specced elf ranger as my main and I look forward to struggling valiantly all the way to 50.


I hated my Armsman for a while, but I'm beginning to like him again... Just because not many same-con (and even some higher con) enemies (except casters) can kill me ;)

Though I like some of my alts, I sometimes wish I had started another char instead of my Armsman... So I did :)

Currently have several chars at around 20... (Scout, Minstrel, Theurgist)

And having fun with them...


I loved my armsman in PvE but hated him at RvR (being so dependant on others vs. groups) But lately I just don't care anymore and go back sometimes often and sometimes when I'm not in the mood anymore I go drophunt. I'm currently lvling my cleric but have a beginning sorceror and infiltrator as well.


i love my minstrel...

I dont regret chosing it..

i rcan solo wel in RvR, i dont need a group but they want me so i have the option, im a pretty friendly guy so i make friends and get to meet a lot of people eassily cos ima minstrel...

I m very happy, i played other classes to lvl 25 ish and just got dead bored, wasnt excited byu them, a minstrel seems to be the best option for me

Madonion Slicer

When i started i loved my armsmen, thought mage classes where to weak and you need to be a big strong knight to do well........................watta mistakka to makka, my Wizard kicks ass and now i find it hard not to play magic characters, i guess i really should try a hibbie out on the other server dont every class on Hib use magic?

But yeah my Armsmen is strong but needs a backup, hard to solo at 35. Wizard is class in groups and when no one is about can solo all day long, just cant wait til i can get him out in RvR.


Never regretted starting a pala as first character. Had a hard time going thru lvls 29-31 cuz putting a lot in chants lower the skills you can put in weapons. But I'm very happy with it. Now taking it slow to lvl up, exploring albion, getting some drops, ...

Started an armsman just to see what the differences are and actually, i like playing him too playing sword n shield spec. Have some others hopping around except a healer (dont know how u guys do it ... deepest respect to all of u :) )

Think most of us had a 'difficult period' at certain lvls and have learned to appreciate the character we play afterwards.

Madonion Slicer

I have to agree with Starblade there you guys with Clerics and healing classes man you are special people, and i take my hat of to you.:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have an Eld and I love my hard hitting nukes.. there ain't much i can't hit and hurt. :D

Sometimes the lvling is difficult and the weak ass armour sux but the menacing air of command that I give off just goes straight to my head. :p



I love my infiltrator with all my heart :D

Shame everyone else doesn't and its hell getting groups :D

To be honest its gotten alot easier these days, all those nice people in Lyonesse makes me well happy :D:clap:


I like my merc... just find my wizard more fun at the moment :) (gimpy earth-wiz btw :)) more buttons to press...

Bleri McThrust

My Armsman is ME

I dont think I could ever delete him :(. There have been times when Ive hated playing him. Levels when I thought I had specced him all wrong. But he is me. Seems a bit sad really :).

I play alt chars, some of them may be more fun at times, but there not me heart and soul. And healers :(, gotta agree any healer who gets past the teens deserves respect. Ive tried it and the abuse I got from some people in one group, because they died from creating situations impossible to manage, almost made me quit the game completely.

Must say thanks to Lenda Starblade for helping me through some of those levels to .:clap: .

Bleri McThrust is <insert my own name here> if you dont like Bleri then you wont like me ;) . And Im sure some people hate my sarcastic style :uhoh:


Different.....but good

I luv all my chars, maybe its coz they are specced differently.....

shield champ elf, the best 2ndary tank ever, althoug he has no hp.........

Melee specced ranger.......

non firby Warden with 4 in blunt and rest in heal and buffs.....

Another non firby, spear hero.....

all fun to play =)


I love my druid to bits! Although with her being a firbolg I must admit I look wayyy better in RL ;)
I also have a shield & blades specced hero for the times I feel like getting my hand dirty. It makes you realise just how much tanks rely/appreciate healers with the buffs and heals often going unnoticed as you fight mob after mob.
My advice to any player who has a tank as a main to experience being a healer. It's an easy job and a well played healer is always loved :D
As for the way I play?? It's me in my chars... How I play them is how and who I am in RL. Maybe it's a woman thing but I see any char I have as an extension of me maybe with less hormones ;)



I love my eld to bits, but lately I've been playing my luri champ a hell of a lot, it cracks me up seeing this little dood tanking :m00:


not really, i find most of the time im left behind rezing, then get shouted at for not healing when the rest of the grp ran off without waiting.
i wish i had started as a chanter or ranger tbh :(


Love my shammie

I love my kobold shaman and she's currently parked up at lvl 24 awaiting those wonderful battlegrounds ;)

While she's sat quietly doing nothing you can find me mostly playing my lvl 14 spiritmaster, my lvl 9 thane or my lvl 6 kobbie warrior depending on whether I want to fiddle with pets and buttons, spark lightning or hit things rather hard while parrying/blocking and evading like a little blue thing.

On Prydwen I have a lvl 16 cleric, a lvl 10 paladin, a lvl 9 sorceress and a lvl 8 minstrel and of those I guess the one I play the least is my sorc because she's stuck at that horrible hard to level level.
Also mostly me mates are all playing Midgard so that's where I'm to be found these days.


Hehe, i have ups and downs with my eld. But i always feel better when i one bolt an invader, or that time i got an enemy purple con mage (theurgist i think, one with those summonable golem type things) to half health with one bolt. Ohh i felt powerful. I was especially happy with the 234 rps he gave me, doubled my previous best for a single kill. Thx m8 :D
But then there's the other 95% of rvr that i spend eatin the grass, that always get's me down. :(


I enjoyed my druid for ages then didnt from lvls 25-30ish. was my own fault, i was getting into great groups with higher chars but had put too much in heal to keep up, and couldnt solo anything for ages. bit of a pain when the groups are unavailable or you just dont wanna group anymore...

enjoying it now tho as im a bit more self sufficent. cant wait to try my lvl 22 ranger in battlegrounds either. gonna get snipey :)



Well, my sorcerer owns ... (in my eyes offcourse).
This IS my personality .. No mr nice guy wizard (Wizard reminds me of the all good and nice Merlin) , just a plain evil sorcerer (Haha i love mind games) . Kicks butt :)

Lvl 22 Body/Mind Sorcerer
--Flemish Lions


Originally posted by Spudgie
I love my eld to bits, but lately I've been playing my luri champ a hell of a lot, it cracks me up seeing this little dood tanking :m00:

Luri champs rock :) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I actually beat drums for speed in real life now you know. If you don't believe me come to prydwen keep and I'll show you!

What do you mean just a game?! I'm a minstrel of Albion damnit! No I don't want to see a doctor! Who are you people anyway, I don't want that jacket, cloth armour sucks and the sleeves look a little odd.

(Er yes, you might say I like my class :D)


l love my wizzie in pve but only like him in rvr inside a big group... i am way too weak ;)


I have a gimped enchanter lvl 50... i´d much rather be an eld with nearsight and atleast some kind of aoemez... but i doubt i can raise another nuker to lvl 50...


I must admit that when i started my merc i liked it but now i absolutely hate it and would glady start another. as i have serveral times since i made my merc. But maybe i dont like him because he's gimped bad


Used to think my armsman was the best char ever i had more hitpoints than anyone else and the best armour and weapons and I even looked cool! Right up until lvl 25 when things tend to get a bit "samey" combat styles start to all look alike etc.

So......I started a Friar called Deepfat and he really IS fun to play because every group you join you have a different role in. My initial difficulties with the character have only been other peoples lack of knowledge on what the Friar can and can't do. No we don't have insta-heals and we aren't as good as clerics at healing but we can dish out damange at the same rate at least of an armsman of similar lvl whilst not being able to take aggro.

It's a balancing act but a fun and interesting one. Alb doesn't have too many "hybrid" classes and thanks to all who have grouped with me and understand the value and role of a Friar in a group and to the who didn't understand what a Friar does for a group I hope you do know :)



I am what I am, I don't want praise, I don't want pity.
I bang my own drum, some think it's noise, I think it's pretty.
It's my realm that I want to have a little pride in,
my realm - and it's not a place I have to hide in.
Life's not worth a damn, `til you can shout out:



--- Neraida Faramyth, Minstrel

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