Do spells get more resisted when quickcasted?



Perhaps it's just my imagination, but I get the idea that spelsl get resisted more when they're quickcasted.

Is this right or did I just have bad luck a zillion times when I tried to quickcast-mezz a ranger/hunter so he would stop shooting me.

another little question is.. Is the charge-range (e.g dd-charges on staff) affected by Nearsight?

Thanks :)



not heard anything about more resists whilst quickcasted (all I've heard is that quickcast actually follows the cast time cap ;) and is usually slower than a normal cast)

spose it's possible :)

probably just a case of bread always lands butter side down.


Well, I think the resists themselves are the same as with normal casted spells... With 1 small difference... When you QC a spell, you NEED it to stick or your dead... And thus if its resisted, the effect of the resist is noticed right away ;)

And yes, staff-charges are affected by nearsight too...

On another note, flat out resists are stupidly high in rvr atm, its not uncommon that half a group resists a 44-ae mez, and I think its the parry/block 'fix' code...

I keep forgetting it, but I want to make logs of resists vs no. of casts... Problem is that the game doesnt say that the ae-mez stuck on x people... So I cant get a percentage of flat-resists on spells...

As I do think there's something wrong...


With my cabby i seem to get a lot of resists on QC as well, but then again, what you said about noticing the QC in particular because you need it to stick may be true.
And what you say about flat-out resists, that they seem to occur more often in this patch, is something i believe in as well. One can only hope that it will get changed (fixed), cause being a caster in this era of DAOC isn't exactly rewarding, let alone when an average of 1 out of 4 spells gets resisted ;/

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