DO not rush TK's chaps....



Been said many times before, but it needs to be said again....

If we have an army in EMain, do not rush the TK's...

In fact do not go far past the walls....

To many people are in a desperate panic to kill things in RVR...

Always stay near the main pack....

Tonight same thing happend again and we got overun...

The importance of staying togther in one big force cannot be stressed more...

Rvr's been getting quite good lately, I might even start to like this game again, heheh


censi, grade 1 zerker bait

I can attest to that;)

But don't feel left out Aeiedil, next time i kill you too:cool:


awwww mr hamster, your too kind :) i saw you looking for me in yggdra. oh and in uppland also :) sorry to disappoint you but i mistimed my last kill in uppland :( guards ganked me, so i just sat down heh

wolvon fury

Is he also shadowZerker bate,

Or do rangers impressive melee skills scare them off:rolleyes:



Vanguard, that was some badass damage you did, but it was funny.

Pretty much knew I was a dead luri but we set you up and you took the bait. Took you down to about 40%, and Aeiedel finished you off in style. Just wasnt quiet expecting to drop so quickly, rofl 3 fast hits and one dead luri... gotta luv these dumb overpowerred zerkies.

I would challange any Archer class to try and kill a Lvl 50 Troll Zerker (who knows what he is doing) Its almost impossible, unless the Zerker takes about 20 seconds to find you. But basically as soon as he get near you, you are dead.


I have to get pretty lucky to kill archers usally, if im abit slow to react with the /face and sprint then im pretty much doomed :(

If they get a crit shot off i die.

If im fighting someone else or mezzed or stunned im dead.

Assuming the archer doesn't run when it looks obvious im gonna get close enough to melee, then i might have a chance, Rangers die quickly when im frenzied.

If i frenzy against a Scout then they merely have to pull out their shield and slam me (frenzy = no defence), then back off and kill me while stunned.

As tanks go we're amongst the weakest there are against archers because of the lack of sheild and decent armour.

I've soloed you twice i think, but both times i saw you before you let loose your first arrow, which was all the advantage i needed:D


yep, that last time I was firing on a grey when u saw me..... Next thing I knew this big rampaging troll came shooting towards me, I had time to get 3-4 good shots in but thats never gonna be enough... Like you say i need to open with a big crit to be sure, even with a big crit if you react fast you can get to me...

Was fun though... Look forward to our next meeting.... someone will be eating dust for sure (bet its me to)

wished I didnt have to travel for 20 mins to get to an area where I can find the enemy....

god they need to sort this out, I spend to much time travelling in this game


You guys remember this, always someone pulling guards and they chased you ALL The way to amg and someway past that to crim valley, good ol' times.

Remember druids/enchanters thinking its safe to send in their pets when some alb running back to their tk, oh lord.


u turned 40 or something tyk?

ur gettin a bit nostalgic

im sure i can hear the hovis bread tune in the background :p

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