Do I have to log my Sorc each time I get wtfpwned on Arms?

Shall I log my Sorc each time I get lamed on Arms?

  • Yes, log your Sorc, let them taste their own medicine.

    Votes: 52 17.0%
  • Try to group up versus them.

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • No, stay solo on Arms and feed them with RPs till they are both RR13.

    Votes: 37 12.1%
  • I think you need to look for a different game, chess maybe or a first person shooter.

    Votes: 35 11.4%
  • Attention whore!

    Votes: 95 31.0%
  • Care!

    Votes: 70 22.9%

  • Total voters
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Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The last 3 or 4 days each morning I see this chanter called Demz who is only good for killing afk people at Benowyc and his Warden buddy Spetsnaz who is quite good.

Obviously they BG/Grapple-kill most of the stuff out there that is solo at this time of the day including my Armsman and that kinda upsets me, because I definatly am up for a fight vs the Warden but don't like standing still being grappled and nuked. Playing a speedless class vs a duo with speed makes it kinda pointless to evade those guys. Today's 2nd duo seems to be a Warlock and a Skald.

Now... I usually log my Sorc in after I get ganked like this and get some revenge and I don't like playing my Sorc solo, because it's a dumb overpowered solo class and I don't get the point of lifetapping people each second, but this usually only leads to them grouping 1-2 more people including a charge tank and doing basicly the same game.

So what shall I do?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
have solo fights with me more often, i like that option :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Life is hard soloing is indeed annoying and hard at times on a none stealther
anyways just try to stay away from the areas they go, lots of places to solo.
Incase u meet them again try emote like /hug /kiss /beg :p most caring people
will leave u alone if your attitude is diffrend then randrom rr3 alb adding for rps etc, if u know what i mean.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Just get a group of 2 or more. When i solo with my warrior i get ganked all the time but its part of the game maybe you could use you crossbow when there Grap u but still just get a cleric friend to debuff for u then just go and two hit them both =)


Nov 20, 2005
so here is another example of how retarded you are Manish, you're talking again about a sorcer who seems so overpowerd that he can take on a skald with zephyr & instamez 50% body resist with a instakillwarlock OR a warden / chanter combo who have both 50+ body resist, stun & grapple as defence.

against group 1, you have ZERO chance, unless they are both afk and suffer from the same IQ problems you have, there isn't a chance in hell you'll win from that combo.

against group 2 you only have chance if you land your mez on both of them & take down the chanter fast. If they purge you'll be powerleaked, stunned, grappled , TWFed etcetc , so forget it, any decent duo spreads, any decent duo will win from a sorcer.

so to answer that question of yours

Manisch Depressiv said:
So what shall I do?

Shut up, that would be the best thing to do.

a sorcer is OP in his utility & solo fights vs 80% of the other classes, nothing else.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
So what shall I do?
get used to it :/ most solo runs end in getting run over by people being lame or full groups. the good fights make it worth it though :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Firstly welcome to soloers life :> If you're not getting grappled, filled with arrows, or steamrolled by FG's, it can be good fun. (But it is painful).

You have 2 choices really.

Either get another class to help you so that it is 2v2 and you have a relatively "fair" fight. BUT I would also suggest that if you see a soloer, while you are in a 2-man group, you fight "fairly" as a 1on1 without your buddy interfering, EVEN if you die.


You stay solo and hope they start to recognise your name, maybe emote a little if you see them inc, and hope they get bored of ganking you. If they are hanging around, quickly going back while rezz sick and if they are being lame, just /sit and they will get minimal RPs each time. People get bored eventually if you don't put up a fight.

Logging in your Sorc to get "revenge" to give them a taste of their own medicine may make you feel good, but then maybe they have had enough of your sorc killing them, and they are getting revenge on your armsman. In this strange game, it's not just how you play on one toon, it's how you play on all your toons, so if your FG repeated kill these guys, they might be trying for payback too.

But yeah, grappling is lame :>

Oli - Illu

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Crocky said:
so here is another example of how retarded you are Manish, you're talking again about a sorcer who seems so overpowerd that he can take on a skald with zephyr & instamez 50% body resist with a instakillwarlock OR a warden / chanter combo who have both 50+ body resist, stun & grapple as defence.

against group 1, you have ZERO chance, unless they are both afk and suffer from the same IQ problems you have, there isn't a chance in hell you'll win from that combo.

against group 2 you only have chance if you land your mez on both of them & take down the chanter fast. If they purge you'll be powerleaked, stunned, grappled , TWFed etcetc , so forget it, any decent duo spreads, any decent duo will win from a sorcer.

so to answer that question of yours

Shut up, that would be the best thing to do.

a sorcer is OP in his utility & solo fights vs 80% of the other classes, nothing else.

You seem to be the most unfriendly person I have met here so far. Furthermore you have little clue. Both combined hurts my feelings and eyes. I suggest to continue to read those theory books about DAoC PvP even more instead of playing the game. Not bothering to discuss your cases here, I have better stuff to do than telling an unfriendly noob about how I play the game and how a Sorc can take out a WL/Skald or Chanter/Warden.



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
So what shall I do?

You could stop playing this game if it upsets you this much.
You could stop making whine posts because it won't help.
You could play another game.. oh wait, I already said that.
You could ...

oh and , you won't win vs a skald/warlock duo if they have everything up and know what they are doing.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
The last 3 or 4 days each morning I see this chanter called Demz who is only good for killing afk people at Benowyc and his Warden buddy Spetsnaz who is quite good.

Obviously they BG/Grapple-kill most of the stuff out there that is solo at this time of the day including my Armsman and that kinda upsets me, because I definatly am up for a fight vs the Warden but don't like standing still being grappled and nuked. Playing a speedless class vs a duo with speed makes it kinda pointless to evade those guys. Today's 2nd duo seems to be a Warlock and a Skald.

Now... I usually log my Sorc in after I get ganked like this and get some revenge and I don't like playing my Sorc solo, because it's a dumb overpowered solo class and I don't get the point of lifetapping people each second, but this usually only leads to them grouping 1-2 more people including a charge tank and doing basicly the same game.

So what shall I do?
So basicly, you can't handle them on your armsman and need a fotm character to be able to do so?
It's kind of funny having you crying about soloing anyway, when the one time I saw you solo, you came adding on my fight, gj :eek: Oh, and boo-hoo about the 'I don't like to be fotm part', as it must've been REALLY hard to avoid.
Manisch Depressiv said:
Aye, disease farting and perma sprint. Big fucking deal nooblet. Troll elsewhere.
Hah, so if he's a nooblet, that makes you... ?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Straef said:
So basicly, you can't handle them on your armsman and need a fotm character to be able to do so?

That coming from you, hohoho :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
i generally face the same dilemma if i am on my armsman or scout, get ganked by several stealthers, or an OP duo, and have to log my reaver. has to be done tbh, but it is a vicsious (sp) circle


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
you've had this for months :( poor manisch, soloed ur arms with my skald :p then had fun with ur adding zerg with a friend u logged ur sorc and still died :( awww maybe just keep camping brynja with ur fg aimed at killing soloers ;) merry xmas !


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Change areas

If it happens hop on a boat elsewhere for a fight if that does not help get angry and psychotic and create the most overpowered duo you can and chain them for a bit.

When they get more do likewise and build up into fg rvr make sure you win and tah dah all happy

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Nate said:
you've had this for months :( poor manisch, soloed ur arms with my skald :p then had fun with ur adding zerg with a friend u logged ur sorc and still died :( awww maybe just keep camping brynja with ur fg aimed at killing soloers ;) merry xmas !

Aye. Congratulations. Try him to solo now, make sure you unstick the dudes stuck to you usally though please.

And make sure you go to the next Brynja Defenders meeting and ask to add more solo WLs/BDs/SMs to the defence force so our FG aiming at killing solo'ers gets more RPs.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
he can win againsy a WL and Skald duo.... only if they are in /lvl 20 gear and about lvl 40 them selfs :p

but to answer your question.... stay solo. i solo all the time, its really rewarding when you get a good, close 1v1 fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Crocky said:
against group 2 you only have chance if you land your mez on both of them & take down the chanter fast. If they purge you'll be powerleaked, stunned, grappled , TWFed etcetc , so forget it, any decent duo spreads, any decent duo will win from a sorcer.

rofl, yeah good idea.. lets grapple a sorcerer! :D


Nov 20, 2005
Manisch Depressiv said:
I suggest to continue to read those theory books about DAoC PvP even more instead of playing the game.

well if i'd tell you that i've 2 r10+ chars and one of them being a sorcer. doesn't make you look more stupid now? i'm pretty sure it does. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 9, 2004
Just duo with a cleric (me me me me) and case closed :) 2 vs 2 i think cleric + sorc is da most evul combo.Done most my rps like that

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Crocky said:
well if i'd tell you that i've 2 r10+ chars and one of them being a sorcer. doesn't make you look more stupid now? i'm pretty sure it does. :)

Then you have to be a shit solo Sorc or you simply assume that everyone is as good as you and that it automaticly leads to the determination of a Sorc when it faces 2. In either case, you are a troll cause I've been killing such duos on the sever and it didn't require any particular skill. Don't see what the problem is with mezzing two people and taking the caster down first with some debuffs and 1st ML9'ed pet hit and 1-2 lifetaps at the same time, the melee char is rarely a problem after that.

If I can be arsed I demezz an insta mezzed pet by a Skald and use a pet with snare spells and than the Skald has to use SoS just to come close. I've been fighting a lot with just pets vs Champs and Skalds who have instas to practice it and seriously, killing a caster with a Sorc when you get the jump is not that hard, most people don't even pan and are dead before they can react.

Even if your garbage from your post before would be any bit true you can't deny that in every case you mentioned a Sorc has higher chances to win vs a such a duo than a Sorc and that makes you simply a troll again.

Grats on being a RR10+ troll though.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Then you have to be a shit solo Sorc or you simply assume that everyone is as good as you and that it automaticly leads to the determination of a Sorc when it faces 2. In either case, you are a troll cause I've been killing such duos on the sever and it didn't require any particular skill. Don't see what the problem is with mezzing two people and taking the caster down first with some debuffs and 1st ML9'ed pet hit and 1-2 lifetaps at the same time, the melee char is rarely a problem after that.

If I can be arsed I demezz an insta mezzed pet by a Skald and use a pet with snare spells and than the Skald has to use SoS just to come close. I've been fighting a lot with just pets vs Champs and Skalds who have instas to practice it and seriously, killing a caster with a Sorc when you get the jump is not that hard, most people don't even pan and are dead before they can react.

Even if your garbage from your post before would be any bit true you can't deny that in every case you mentioned a Sorc has higher chances to win vs a such a duo than a Sorc and that makes you simply a troll again.

Grats on being a RR10+ troll though.

yea right, if a good played skald/wl duo has purge up/fz up/bl stuff up you die 100%.
Or do you actually say sorcs are more OP then warlocks + skalds together?

and euh, Crocky(assuming he is Dreams) was one of the best sorcs out on excal.. probably the best one so far together with ruune. He's not really a nice guy but he was really skilled at playing this game.


Nov 20, 2005
Manisch Depressiv said:
or you simply assume that everyone is as good as you

well thanks for saying it yourself, I do think on a level where every opponent plays as good as I do and uses every tool he has to beat a sorcer, you think on a level where your enemies are "stupid rr3 noobs" where you can win from with easy because you play that "fotm easymode OP class".

and incase you haven't figured it out yet, you're the shit sorcer, you're the narrowminded sorcer and above all, an attention whore.
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