Yesterday i was in thidranki with my alt lifesbane and everything was going fine until albs started camping our pk. On complain about that. We have 4 of us at the start enc,atomic and slyvester hope i got the names rigth 2 other ns shades joined us later. The where like 8 albs camping as and as if that was not bad enough middies namely Glm and legolaz came in and joined them...i mean like sitting down with the alb grp and have and emote conversation than they ganged up on us together..what the hell is this!! If hibs and albs where already engaging than middies came in and decided to gank us fine but grping together like that against a small hibby army of 4..utterly shameless! still we manage to take down equal numbers of them to our deaths /salute all hibbs there that day.