Disgrace to Albion



During hibernias attack on our power relic, there was 94 people excluding anon exping in lyonesse, most level 40+ and a LOT of 47+ i saw. Disgraceful because if you had a single care about relics the chances are we would have not lost it. Hell there was more in lyonesse than there was trying to intercept the relic. Its shocking.

/salute to everyone that tried to defend, there was even a lvl 8 turned up :)


yea SHAME ON YOU !!! for letting ppl go and defend..

no serious we had this kind of problem in Mid aswell, a tip get a fwe ppl there to pull something nasty..
selfish ppl sucks, no matter what realm they are in..


did atrox just post sympathetically on an alb board? The end is nigh!

/em hides under table


I try to go to all the calls of Relic under attack. The big problem for me is the LAG, is impossible for me to do anything. Killing seems impossible then i try to rezz deads. Make a rezz is another imposible mission, etc.

I beguin to being tired of that lag, i will go to the relic raids but not funny in that for me.

First time i saw 100 hibs in front of 100 albs i thought Omg what a great game! What a battle! .............. L ......................A................................G...............................ups reloging brb.........................lagggggggggggg.............................................lag.......................................etc


Originally posted by Sabu_ro
I try to go to all the calls of Relic under attack. The big problem for me is the LAG, is impossible for me to do anything. Killing seems impossible then i try to rezz deads. Make a rezz is another imposible mission, etc.

I beguin to being tired of that lag, i will go to the relic raids but not funny in that for me.

First time i saw 100 hibs in front of 100 albs i thought Omg what a great game! What a battle! .............. L ......................A................................G...............................ups reloging brb.........................lagggggggggggg.............................................lag.......................................etc

And you think most of the people don't have that? Try /effects none, tab away the console windows, try to look at sides where there aren't many people in screen. It saved my ass many times and could even gank Hibs and Mids that way (while they were still lagging due to the enormous attacks).

- Pathfinder -

Almost everyone get crap FPS in larger battles, due to the shitty GFX engine used. As the other side will suffer from this as well, it evens out; if you take precautions to avoid it :)


yea u guys do have a point coz xping can happen anytime, DAoC does concentrate a lot on the RvR side, and the relics r important and worth getting as of the 10% bonuses. Whenever there is one, i try to get everyone to come but there are always some in lyoneese why who say that its pointless, how will i be able to help, cant be arsed bla bla well its best to Defend OUR realm and get all relics/keeps we can, we have well enough ppl and its just the effort being put in to help which will really benifit our realm.


In Defence of Albs

One of the reasons you might find for the low turn out could be the old story of crying wolf.
Up until this saturdays defence of excal against the Mids I'd been on about 15 Excal defences and sat around for 2 hours each time with not a sign of a single mid anywhere.
When we get a call for hibs doing a relic raid its normally right but the calls for Excal defences seem to go out when even 1 mid has been spotted close to Excal.
And in general I think most albs are getting pretty fed up with RvR when most of the time albs dont bother turning up and we either go out and get smashed by 4 times the number of mids or sit at our Tk for hours on end with them throwing nukes at us.
Just my experience of RvR lately anyway which is why I dont go so much anymore :(


I'd also add that if the mids/hibs have actually reached the relic keep when you are in Lyonesse, it isn't possible to reach excal or myrd before the raid is over one way or the other.

That is a design choice mythic made intentionally when they put Lyonesse at the opposite end of the realm. Hib and Mid 40+ xp zones have the same issue.

The only exception is if you are bound in Ludlow or Pryd and are willing to suicide.

(Which personally I will normally do if I'm bound Ludlow/Pryd and can be sure that the raid is real. But I would never ask others to do the same, 40+ xping is complete pain in the ass - insisting people to do even more of it to make up for a suicide is a bit much)


Even suiciding from lyonesse wouldn't have helped, I was in Camelot when the call came and still didn't get to HW before the relic had passed. The reaons many did not suicide is (I would guess) that they have done in the past only to get to Excal and be told all the Mids are dead (did that 3 or 4 times suicided in DM only for it all to be over)


Selfish or what..... you're in Lyonesse, bound in Avalon Marsh (you know the DM group wipeout issues :) )
So, suicide wont be of much use, you wait till chain is over, travel to Forest Sausage, go to castle Exca, on the way to there you see people going back, in your group people are allready yelling ohh no... it's over.... I log. So, you come there to late (as usual, or I might just be slow) your group disbands, and you end up buffing nubs at Prydwen Bridge. Ahhh life is so good. They should make a teleporter to Castle Sauvage / Emain / Odin in CS or something. <grumbles>

At least DF wouldn't be so far away from Sausage :)
Always look on the bright side of life.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Sabu_ro
I try to go to all the calls of Relic under attack. The big problem for me is the LAG, is impossible for me to do anything. Killing seems impossible then i try to rezz deads. Make a rezz is another imposible mission, etc.

I beguin to being tired of that lag, i will go to the relic raids but not funny in that for me.

First time i saw 100 hibs in front of 100 albs i thought Omg what a great game! What a battle! .............. L ......................A................................G...............................ups reloging brb.........................lagggggggggggg.............................................lag.......................................etc

my system: AMD XP 1900+, 256 mb DDR ram, geforce 4 TI 4600
even with this monster (i like to call it that way ;) )i stil get very low framerates during large scale batles such as relic raids. when i turn effects to self it improves a litle bit and effects none is a tiny bit better, but not a gr8 imporvement so its that crappy gfx engine, im sure of that

ah wel, with the expansion pack (eventually) there will be a new engine, hopefully that one is allot beter in performance :)


Originally posted by ambeon

Ahhh life is so good. They should make a teleporter to Castle Sauvage / Emain / Odin in CS or something. <grumbles>


patch 1.52 ithink lets all realms BIND at there main teleport borderkeep . so i know exactly where my chars will ALL be bound for the rest of there doac careers . :) imo this will also make emain and the pother frontiers a lot more fun place to be . due to more peoplecoming back instead of not being assed to travelfromthe other side of albion fromthere bind stone everytime they die .


hmm I have

P4NW 1800, 768mb ddrrams and a TI4400 and I have NO noticable lag in RvR unless there is over 100 people, and even then its playable, oh well mayhaps the components manufacturer also has something to say ( I wouldn´t be surpriced)


Poor excuses all of it.

There are grains of truth here, but I don't have enough confidence in your fortune telling abilities to think it's cool that you stay back because 'it will be over when I get there'. Just need a few more people with that attitude and we can cancel this realms RvR and have those bothered go PvP.

I don't know what alliance everyone here is in, but there has never been much 'cry wolf' on Albion United, just Winter last night that I can recall. However to not cry wolf it means the scouts have to wait a long time before actually and 100% being able to tell what's going on and by then it can be a bit late yes.

The way I see people reason here is that you don't want to come once the raid is underway because you will be late, nor do you want to come and wait once we suspect something because it will be too much waiting for possibly nothing. Correct me if I'm wrong but is there any possibly scenario in which you would honour us and coming?


DAoC Frame rate lag on raids is normally caused by a shortage of graphics card and/or system memory (and it certainly was on my PC until I zerged the memory slots).

Buy more.

And reduce your resolution till you do.



The way I see people reason here is that you don't want to come once the raid is underway because you will be late, nor do you want to come and wait once we suspect something because it will be too much waiting for possibly nothing. Correct me if I'm wrong but is there any possibly scenario in which you would honour us and coming?


Well, actually I was at excal on saturday (and sunday), and attempted to make it to snowdonia - but didn't arrive in time (something I should really have predicted when half way there I saw a message about 6 rams (good grief)). I hope this is ok with you, because I would hate it if you didn't approve of any of my excuses.

I also know for a fact that quite a few of those pointing out above why not everyone drops sticks and runs to the relics at first sign of trouble were also at excal - because I saw them there.

It's unfortunate that you don't have faith in my ability to tell you that raids on a relic keep don't typically last over half an hour (the length of time required to get from lyonesse to excal - running through 2.5 zones, horsing through 4.5) from time of confirmation to time of resolution. But hey, I guess it's lucky I do have faith in my decision making ability, otherwise I'd never get anything done.

As for Alb Utd, well there you have most of us at an advantage - as not everyone is in the alliance. I wouldn't for a moment question the accuracy of reports from a group such as AU since I've never experienced them first hand; but do remember most of the realm hear of the raids through the old fashioned methods of random yells, group tells, rumour, speculation based upon /who, and dumb luck.


Weren´t excuses, i said i go to the relic raids but only i'm not having fun in that...

Buy more.

Ok Ramas a big help ....



I guess attempting to get other people to spend more on new toys helps me justify my own expenditure.


Extra RAM really did help my daoc framerate though - I was surprised how much.



Two points which have been said numerous times before :

1) The vast majority of the alarms are false. Basic relic defending entails : suiciding and then moving like the wind to Excalibur and then sitting (sorry : lagging) around Excalibur for a few hours during which virtually nothing happens because someone confused a group of 8 middies with a relic capture invasion force.

2) If you're in Lyonesse/Dartmoor you simply can't arrive in time. Suiciding is an option, but this requires that a) you're bound close enough and b) in most cases you'll find out you suicided for nothing and end up with scenario 1. In case of a) you better don't die xping as otherwise it'll be a looooooong way back to your xp spot - hence most ppl xping are bound far from Excalibur.

So basically two things can happen :

1) There IS a relic raid. You arrive to late.
2) There IS NOT a relic raid. You spend your evening doing nothing.

And lastly :

I'm not contractually obliged to defend relic keeps, I play this game for fun and if I'm xping in Lyonesse/DM and there is a relic raid I don't go. Most of the times there is nothing to do and - worst of all - it ain't fun either.

Aule Valar

ended up suiciding from lyon to get to the relic raid on excal, got there saw mids got thrown of the server, by the time i was able to log back on the mids where all dead, this sorta discourages me from bothering anymore if i'm gonna get thrown of even if i do get there in time


Originally posted by old.Prof

Two points which have been said numerous times before :

1) The vast majority of the alarms are false. Basic relic defending entails : suiciding and then moving like the wind to Excalibur and then sitting (sorry : lagging) around Excalibur for a few hours during which virtually nothing happens because someone confused a group of 8 middies with a relic capture invasion force.

This simply isn't true for Albion United alliance reports, which I believe your guild is a part of. However many times the opposing force is wiped early, changes nothing.

2) If you're in Lyonesse/Dartmoor you simply can't arrive in time. Suiciding is an option, but this requires that a) you're bound close enough and b) in most cases you'll find out you suicided for nothing and end up with scenario 1. In case of a) you better don't die xping as otherwise it'll be a looooooong way back to your xp spot - hence most ppl xping are bound far from Excalibur.

You should be bound close to Excaliber if you care, if you die, so does your group. If your group dies, it's quite likely someone is bound there and you will have to wait anyway. And more importantly, as I said in my post, you can choose between suiciding up once you KNOW the raid is at Excal (provided you are bound near), or you can choose to leave Lyon at first hint of trouble. You can't pick neither and still claim you care. You can't sit on your ass during the 30 mins people 'suspect' a raid and then ignore coming due to lack of time once established there is one, it just makes no sense.

So basically two things can happen :

1) There IS a relic raid. You arrive to late.
2) There IS NOT a relic raid. You spend your evening doing nothing.

3) You mentally prepare yourself for a relic raid, not necessarily sit inside Excal but move to an exp spot close to it, or make sure your entire group is willing to go on very short notice, stay together and return once alarm is over. Simply you CREATE an acceptable option for you, if you're not willing to wait for an hour inside Excal or suicide up then take measures to make sure you will get there in time anyway.

And lastly :

I'm not contractually obliged to defend relic keeps, I play this game for fun and if I'm xping in Lyonesse/DM and there is a relic raid I don't go. Most of the times there is nothing to do and - worst of all - it ain't fun either.

Well that's what it really comes down to isn't it, you might as well have stated it in one line from start. You don't care. I find that illoyal and annoying but naturally it's your right, and a weakness Alb seems to have more than Hib atleast.


Originally posted by old.Akirai
During hibernias attack on our power relic, there was 94 people excluding anon exping in lyonesse, most level 40+ and a LOT of 47+ i saw. Disgraceful because if you had a single care about relics the chances are we would have not lost it. Hell there was more in lyonesse than there was trying to intercept the relic. Its shocking.

/salute to everyone that tried to defend, there was even a lvl 8 turned up :)

so what? RvR is boooring. its a laggfest that ends up in ludlow after 2 sec. I play this game for the fun of it not the oh someone take our relic!!! noooooo we're dooomed!!! part of it. U gain some u loose some and then you gain it again. RvR is a waste of time untill u feel ready for it or got a good enough con/comp.


RvR is a lagfest...

And I agree people should try and defend their relics. But I hate to tell you this guys... it is a game, people play it to have fun.

If you login for 4 hours a night, spend the first getting to lyonesse, the second running to excalibur only to find out there was no raid in progress/it's already been stopped, then spend the next two hours travelling back to lyonesse and not getting a group...

That's a pretty wasted evening in my book.

One too many of them and they won't be playing DAoC at all nevermind not defending our relic from every raid.

Our attack on the hib relic started with taking a whole load of keeps, this meant the hibs knew there was a massive albion army in their frontier for a long time, plenty of time to get ready.

If it's a stealth attack, sprint through the frontiers and attack excalibur, it's gonna be over in 30m either for good or bad. If you head off to sauvage on first word of an attack you might make it there to port to odins and defending their relic keep... if you're lucky.

I'm not saying people shouldn't try, if noone did go then these attacks would end up in us losing our relics every time.

Ideas for stopping the crapness of the above thing:

If you have more than one character of a semi-decent RvR level (I guess even level 25 would be useful in a keep defence, if only to lag the enemy more ;) but say 35 to be of any real use.. some would disagree and say 45 :) ) then keep one at excalibur or sauvage.

Bind in prydwen bridge or whatever at the possible cost of some xp/wasted time getting back.

XP in the frontiers rather than Lyonesse (dangerous!)

Wait for Darkness Falls to xp ;)

Go /anon so the people counting /who lyonnesse don't feel so cheated ;) :p


I think xping in the frontiers is the missing key in Albion. People exp to 50 in Lyonesse and don't give a second thought to all other possible zones to xp in. Lyonesse has a few distinct advantages for 45+ ppl specifically, but there are exp spots in the frontiers too. Just not as comfortable pulling in, getting to and all that. And that's how it has to be with kids these days, comfortable.


XP in the frontiers rather than Lyonesse (dangerous!)

This is a good point - and I'm always surprised more people don't xp out there - espeicially as xp levels for the same con mobs seem to much higher in frontier zones than in lyonesse (although this is no doubt in part due to the camp bonus). It's just a damn shame that it's practically impossible to find a group out there.



Not to mention the odd sniper out to grief the xp-ers :)

but there's plenty of nice stuff to kill out there... might try it when I'm a bit higher level :)

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