Discrepancies in the news ...



About the ETA of the 1.48 patch

As you all know Kemor posted on the 3rd the following :

Albion is entirely translated and tested, Hibernia is still under translation and Midgard is still untouched.As it is now, we still have many days of translation and testing before patching the servers to 1.48.

The french version is an identical translation of this (or more likely the english news post is a translation of the french one), however the german version differs and reads :

Die Übersetzung sollte nächste Woche fertig sein. Wir haben also noch einige Tage der Übersetzungen und des Testens vor uns bevor der Server auf 1.48 gepatcht wird.

In short : the german news post says the translation will be finished next week (that's this week folks, as the news post was last week) - of course it'll take a while to test, but this is quite different from what Kemor told us. His german colleague can do what Kemor can't : give an ETA on the patch.

Quite odd to say the least ...


OK so thats the German translation finished this week.

What about the french?

Does the German posting say that all translations will be finished this week??




Interesting that German GM, he always posts more information than the rest

hey Kemor, you want to knobble 'im quick like, can't have it being said that GOA provide quality information...

j/k - well only a little

p.s to take our minds off the delays, can we have the next part of our Pryd/Hib event please ;-)


The news is different because the languages are different.

Yes German translation is done, but what matters here (to the English players I mean) is that the French one is not and this is why it takes more time before the patch.

I changed this part in the news to give the status on both French & German though, since you asked for it.

ps : I fail to see how "German translation is done" can be more informative than "French translation is half done" :confused:


Hmm, yes, I agree the Germans GM gives a hell of a lot more information.... this has been seen in the past if some of you remember :D
But then again... why didn't Kemor tell us that the German one is done, he just expected us to realise it is all being done at the same time. Of course by translation he means to all langauges.
Strange tbh... if the german server is patched next week and we are not, I am going to break someones neck! At least then they could patch us aswell...


Let's stop this right now :)

Servers will be patched together, not one after the other.
That's how it works.


why ?

I don't know if this have been answered before but just for the record why not update the english servers ?

What is the main reason ?

It's should be possible, should it not ?


Originally posted by Kemor
Let's stop this right now :)

Servers will be patched together, not one after the other.
That's how it works.
Oh well, just hope it is soon Kemor ;)

The main reason of course is to keep it fair... pretty square if you don't get that reason :D
See the way I put it, hihi.
Anyway.... not much more to it :rolleyes:


Well, lets keep it fair. Fair enough.

But still its gotta be fair for all.

I dont think its fair i have to wait for something i could get now just because some don't like the way it is and want it altered before they want it (translated)?


Now im not saying stop all translations...

But couldn't GOA give the subscribers the choice?

Choose slower patches and german/french version OR

Choose faster patches and deal with it being english


Thx for yer reply Kemor, soz if i sounded a bit to critical but i found it rather strange all news post were identical bar such a rather important detail.

Also the german GM didn't really specify if it was only the german translation that was finished or the complete translation, hence his news post was kinda unclear (and led to some confusion).

The whole community is dieing to know about info about the next patch so we are very gratefull for every bit of information about it ;)


Originally posted by Kemor
Let's stop this right now :)

Servers will be patched together, not one after the other.
That's how it works.

Can you put that in big bold letters at the top of the daoc home page to save us half a dozen threads a day please? ;)


Kemor - your obviously reading these posts. Is it at least possible to give us an 'official' reason why the English servers can't be patched before the others. Technically they could be patched as no translation is needed (as stated in the news). Therefore there must be either a legal reason due to GOA's agreement, or it is a company decision that they want it to be fair as SFXman says.

If you could give us GOA's stance, at least we would know - some will accept it, others won't, but at least we would have a reason why we have to wait! I for one don't mind waiting if I have a valid explanation.

Thankyou :)


moosey its simple m8

Lets have a bit of roleplay here to illustrate the problem

I am felix von googleheim and I have 4 lvl 50 Uber characters on one of the german servers. I hear that the English servers have the new patch. No Fair I want to see how it works - so I think - aha!! I will log onto the english servers to see how the new patches work.

I log on, upgrading my client in the process and after about 2 hours wandering around I quit deciding that the patch is nice but I hate trying to rpg in a second language, I will log back onto my nice german server and tell all my friends what the patch is like.

Half way through connecting my pc crashes. I try again - the same thing happens, and again . Finally I get on - but everythings weird. The gfx are knackered. I must email tech support. . . . .

The patches arent (from what I can see) backwards compatible - hence the all servers / no servers issue that Goa have.


Revor (felix vonGoogleHeim a char in the making I think)


LOL Revor mate - good point. I would just like something official for a change as we seem to get different information everytime something is posted.

I'm not going to leave, spam flame etc - I just want to know :)


GOA is a french company, they wont do feck all to give the english players any kind of advantage over their own.

The market they appeal to is the Can-but-wont-speak-english french and german gamers.

There are very few, if any, other MMORPGs available translated into french or german, so in that instance GOA are marketing a unique product - and when the next wave of MMORPGs come out and all us english speaking folks leave GOA behind, they will most likely keep their french and german customers, since they will still be the only MMORPG avail in those languages.

Consiquently, how can we be suprised that GOA dont give a fuck about us UK players? We will never be the captive audience they are generating in France & germany atm.

Mythic is aware of this and keeps its US customers happy with regular patches etc, and im sure with hindsight they would have maintained the UK franchise themselves, rather than selling it to rank amateaurs like GOA.


Lego: As I understand it, in the US you can have characters both on the test server (pendragon) and the regular US servers. GOA even mentioned that they may open their test server to the rest of us. Since the test and the regular servers don’t run the same version, it’s not a technical problem that is keeping GOA from patching the English servers first.


As much as I hate to say it - I can understand why Goa aren't patching the English server ahead of the others...

Aside from the uproar if they did something ahead of the french servers :D 'Sacre Bleu!!'

From a support point of view, having two different versions running would cause real problems for the already, ummmm, 'stretched' is possibly kind enough, RightNow.

1.50 being released today in US :(
I'd start a sweepstake on when it gets here, but it'd be like a never ending race...

<sigh> Guess it's my theurg to try it all out with then....

PS - As for the test server, yes you can have chars on that. Mythic are also working to allow people to copy their existing chars over to the test server too - this would allow many high level players to test changes etc.

I fell about laughing when Goa put up a test server, but didn't open it to the public - and then surprise, they hadn't noticed the negative damage problems.....


Originally posted by Kemor
Let's stop this right now :)

Couldn't agree more, RightNow is a terrible idea... oh... hang on.... that's not what you meant, is it.... ;)


This point has been made lots of times, Im sure, but one good (if not the best) reason for patching all the different language versions at the same time, is that people from the German and French language servers would most probably start jumping off the boat and switch to the English servers.

IMO there are already enough people on Excalibur and Prydwen that dont really understand English at all without all of the people from the German and French language servers. Now the German and French people who choose to play on English servers are more than welcome, and they are probably 'cream of the crop' (on the English language servers), as many kiddies from both countries probably choose to play using their mother tongue, and thus choose a non-English server.

Still, I would like to see game patched quicker and Im sure it could be done. But, what can I do (besides whine and wait)?



How about some unambiguous information for a change? Or at the very least the SAME information in each language.

You can never give irritated customers too much information.


The big mistake would be to give out a definite ETA. As although it is only 'an estimate', people usually (=always) tend to take it for granted that there are no delays, which results in a bunch of flames and disappointments when something unexpected happens and the patch turns out to be the patch from hell.
Also, if a specific time (or estimate...) for a patch is given this results in overloading the patch servers, making the patch a pain for everyone.
At least I wouldn't mind coming to play and discovering 'Vow, the game's been patched!' without any previous info. Of course, that doesn't stop me from hoping the game is being patched while Im typing this, heh.
More news would be good though, even if non-patch related, so that the community knows GOA is still kicking;) .


The reason why the servers are patched together is, as said before, mainly technical.

To Reborn, if you try to play on the Pendragon test server from your "normal" USA account u get the following :

Pendragon is Camelot's Test server. It may have features that have not yet been implemented on live servers, and these features may be partially developed or not working as intended. Please run camtest.exe to play on a test server

In short : you need a different, special login. As it is now ppl can switch between german/french/english servers, but putting them on different versions would stop this compatibility.


different versions

Originally posted by Prof
The reason why the servers are patched together is, as said before, mainly technical.
In short : you need a different, special login. As it is now ppl can switch between german/french/english servers, but putting them on different versions would stop this compatibility.

Yes but surely they could stop the loggin by address MR Frenchy living in Paris should not have access to the English server because his address is PARIS hence me living in oxford (poor part (see other thread)) should not be allowed to get into other servers
Just an idea would be really easy to implement too......


Prof: Ok, thanks for the input.

So there are technical problems, which means that they would have to sacrifice some compatibility to run separate versions of the game. Fine, loss the compatibility then, or lose some costumers, it’s their choice. It should, however, not be technically impossible to run separate versions, even if it will complicate things for the few players that want to play on both the English and the none English servers.

It should for instance be possible to have a window that pops up when you start the game. In that window you will have to select if you want to play on English, German or French servers.

I would not mind if we where only a few weeks behind in patching, but we are now months behind, and the gap only seems to increase.


Prof... Not sure if I misunderstood your post there, but you don't need a different / special login to access the test server.

You run a different .exe file, but thats because it's patched to a different version than the live one.

I have a couple of US accounts, and I can access any server, including pendragon. Mythic will soon be allowing people to replicate their mains on Pendragon (Test server) to make sure any bugs affecting high level players is picked up quicker...

If Goa actually opened the test server it would be start... Of course, then there would be translation issues.. yada yada yada What language is the test server etc...

Mythics response about the Goa situation is that they are 'aware of the issues with the European version'

Ho hum, let's also hope that they were 'aware of contractual obligations' if they put any in :D


which obligations are those? obligations to mythic from goa or visa versa? or from GOA to players/customers?

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