Anyone buying this today?
I quite fancy it as I'm not a fan of racing sims like Forza and I've never enjoyed PGR. I'm looking for fast and fun, arcadey type racing.
If the MP is decent I might shell out for it this avo.
Demo available on live? I'm finally off from work and can spend the day on marketplace.
don't buy it for live, but it for sp since its online features are its godawful weak point. You cant race any of the fun stuff and the stuff you can is only 'time trials'
How much did you pay?
Gameplay have it for 30 so I was considering waiting and buying it online for a change.
Heh not even close to using manual gears yet. The problem I have with manual gears in games is that you have almost no feedback (other than sound) to determine when to change. I realise you can use the rev meter but it just isn't the same as 'feeling' the revs (as per a real car).
Gone through it also and it was great fun, the detail and variety of the tracks was fantastic. Really a nice break from just rallying and nothing else. I do have 2 serious niggles with it though.
The AI are cheating cnuts, Less noticable on the slower races (t4, buggies etc) but if your playing rallycross on harder modes they have no qualms with knocking your rear end out whilst you can hardly ever make them go wrong.
And the most annoying bastid thing ever is how if you take a corner too fast it resets you 'anti exploit style' never mind the fact you gained no real benefit and probably only had 1 wheel off the track (Even on the outside of turns sometimes /boggle)
Other than that great game, wish there was more of some events though![]()