Sanya said:Q. The patch notes for 1.70 said that I could make diminutive siege apparatus recipes at skill 800. Then, this week, I saw something in patch notes about skill levels being set to 600. My tailor is at 865 tailoring, and I still can't make these recipes. What gives?
A. The patch note, combined with incomplete/wrong documentation, is creating some confusion here. I apologize for that. This is what we’ll be uploading to the documentation section next week. The Tradeskill Princess (formerly known as the Item Princess) contributed to this answer, and it’s been checked with actual crafters, so it should be correct and complete.
Crafters first see the recipe for the diminutive siege apparatus when their primary tradeskill is at 800, but it appears in their recipe list as “grayed out.” That means they can SEE the recipe but not use it. It cannot be used until you get your primary tradeskill to 900 (and your secondary skill to 600, more on that in a moment). The recipes were set up this way for two reasons: To ensure that they would be very gray and impossible to exploit for free skill increases (diminutive siege apparatus recipes are incredibly cheap compared to other products at the 800 skill level), and to ensure that the crafter would almost never fail to craft a diminutive siege apparatus or fail to assemble and deploy the final product.
The patch note from *this* week is in regards to the secondary skill checks in each recipe. Even if you have the 900 skill required to use the recipes, your secondary material skills will need to be at 600 to fire off the recipes. This means a 900 Alchemist will need 600 Herbcrafting, a 900 Spellcrafter will need 600 Gemcutting, and a 900 Armorcrafter, Weaponsmith, Tailor or Fletcher will need 600 in Woodcrafting, Metalworking, and Leatherworking (600 in all three skills, not just one).
Again, I apologize for the bad documentation and the confusing patch note.