Dimebag's views...



Lo all

Well played dime and SAS for bringing those views to the public eye ;-).

I happen to agree with most of those points which is why we talked about them.

However its dime post so moan at him if you dont agree :).

My only real moan with CS is the rifles.
The AWP rifle is far too powerful in my opinion, and any LPB (including myself), has things too easy when they are armed with it.

While I dont feel it would be right to take it out or tone it down, they could provide better armour to protect a user with.
It would be nice to have a fighting chance when you get in a rifle mans sites rather than just die before u even saw the enemy.

or should that be =SIAS=Stoned? :)


Give up on it and play SWAT instead. At least that is in a decent engine :)



Interesting article. Some responses:

1) and 2) Personally, I've found myself buying armour less and less. When I first started playing CS, I always used to buy the full kevlar + helmet each round. Having found out about the 4x/3x helmet thing, and the fact that you can still be hit in the face, I've since only ever bothered buying full kevlar and helmet when I've got so much money it's ridiculous, and my side is winning each round. Otherwise, I tend to just buy the standard armour.

From my own experience, and from a few things I've read, certain guns penetrate armour better than others. In particular, kevlar helps quite a bit against the submachineguns. Against rifles, you might as well not bother wearing it. If my team is getting thrashed and I'm low on cash, I'll forget kevlar and buy a decent gun instead any day. *Much* easier to be cautious and use your AK than trying to shoot someone who's got a commando and kevlar with your pistol.

But I don't see this as a flaw in the armour system. I think a lot of people are just too used to playing Quake or whatever, where your armour gets used up first. I'd consider myself fairly experienced in CS now, and the times I've been most successful is simply by maintaining good situational awareness, and simply not letting the enemy get easy shots at me. If you get yourself into a good position, it can be hard for enemies to take you down. At the end of the day, if you hate the armour, why bother using it? :)

As for 3), I have mixed views. Shooting through certain walls/crates is fine by me, as long as it doesn't dramatically bias the map in favour of one team, or encourage blatant spamming of shots all the time. A good example is cs_siege. CTs attacking the tunnel can't make decent use of the cover, because Ts can just spam AWP, G3 and other rifle shots straight through the crates. So the CTs are stuck to using the corner for cover, and the Ts know exactly where to point their crosshairs. There's a clear example of where making the crates impenetrable (or at least, much tougher) would encourage much better play, and balance the map better.

I think 4) was probably a design decision by the CS team to stop people circle-strafing, etc. too much. I think it's there to encourage you to shoot from behind cover, because you can nearly always move enough to duck back behind cover if you're close enough to it, even whilst being hit by enemy fire. If you're out in the open, well, more fool you for not being careful enough! It also adds to the adrenaline when you *have* to take that risk and get out in the open in order to get to and defuse the bomb in time, for example. :)


I seem to do better when I don't buy armour, in fact I did real good when I bought nothing :D

The thing about shooting through walls is a luck thing.

First the bullet would slow
Second it might not make it through
Third it might get deflected and not hit you


Zog - afaik in q3 there is a split (as there is in CS) , If a shot does 100 damage it will still hurt your health. The difference is that in CS the split (as the column points out) is not as favourable to armour.

With regards to point 1. It would be interesting to see the "VIP" armour as an option for a large amount of money. It does strike me as funny when somebody takes me down to 40 health with still having 100 armour, but i guess its possible.

Point 2 - I think the helmet is ok.

Point 3 - Some of the shooting through walls is a bit odd. Crates you can accept, big fuck off walls no.

Point 4 - I sort of understand what you mean here, but i've not found it that much pissing off. The only thing i have to question is the "force" of a bullet. You would think a bullet would push you backwards, but more often than not it seems to simply stop you.


bigfoot - about q3, yeah I know. My main point is that a lot of people just expect the armour in CS to absorb more than it does because they've played a lot of DM-style games where that happens.


DIMEBAG is shite at CS :)))

You know i love u :)



Now on diffrent note
armour is good for one thing grenades :)
some flid chucks a gren round the corner almost half the dmg goes to the armour if ur not sitting on it that is also Helmets work fine i always get the ching noise when i get shot in the head i dont see what the problem is my only complaint is shooting people 20 thousand times and to be honest i am not a shit shot :) and they dont die due the lag there getting a bopping all over the place its is pretty crappy.

apart from that i dont think there is anything wrong with CS i think they have done a great job(game/mod makes make games they wanna play).
ps: sorry if u dont understand it :)

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