I'm working over in the US next week, and thought I'd finally get myself a digital camera.
The last couple of times I was over, I've been wandering around Circuit City looking at the various offerings, and I've narrowed the choice down to 2.
The Kodak DC3400 or the HP Photosmart 618 (they're both about £150 cheaper than here). I can't find any reviews on the HP, but it does have a Pentax lens.
Anyone have one of these, or have a better recommendation? I'm not looking for a top-of-the-range jobby, as it'll be used for not much more than snapshots. Price range doesn't apply, as our yankee cousins get them much cheaper anyway.
The last couple of times I was over, I've been wandering around Circuit City looking at the various offerings, and I've narrowed the choice down to 2.
The Kodak DC3400 or the HP Photosmart 618 (they're both about £150 cheaper than here). I can't find any reviews on the HP, but it does have a Pentax lens.
Anyone have one of these, or have a better recommendation? I'm not looking for a top-of-the-range jobby, as it'll be used for not much more than snapshots. Price range doesn't apply, as our yankee cousins get them much cheaper anyway.