Did i do wrong?



Well i tink i meesed up :(

I am now at lwl 11 minstrel, and when i started i took a briton and took 10 dex 10 const and 10 cha, as i had read these was the main stats for a minstrel. i also read that slash was the way to go in rvr.

So now i got a 62 str minstrl with slash...

How bad did i do? i heard that slash need more str, and i didnt take the strongest char, nor did i select more str :mad:

Do i need to delete the char and do the 11 lwls again, or is there hope for me?


Well the time to decide is now, the higher u get the more time u have invested in the char. With -10 str u will always know ur doing slightly less than optimal dmg with Slash. Which could turn into a nagging pain by time ur 50 :)

I would reroll tbh, u have the items/armour/instruments u have gathered so far as well as the cash - regaining 11 lvls wont take long now u know how to play the char/realm etc.


Indeed, you could start over now but if you like your minstrel, keep it. Choice of race and initial ability point division is not the critical factor in making a good character.
Your slash damage will not be optimal indeed, but again, the 10 points in Con will give you additional hit points thus allowing you to take a bit more damage. So you didnt do 'bad' at all :)


Well if i keep him i will always feel like i playing a gimp :(

Ting is do i have the energy to lwl the same 11 lwls again :uhoh:

Madonion Slicer

End of the day the Gimp is the one at the keyboard, play your character well and those little difference wont matter, but like the others have said, if you are unhappy then rerole now before you put to much time in.

I myself if i am enjoying it then i would carry it on, but lvl11 is no problem to get to if you did rerole, if needs be give me a call i damage buff you and your lvl even faster.


I've seen an Avalonian Cleric and Pali (in Guild) & a Highlander Thrust Scout (Pfy :p) all lvl 40 + so I really wouldn't worry about gimping there are lots more gimped then you who seem 2 do ok.

Find a nice Thurg or Wiz 2 EB you and you can fly through the first few lvls if you do delete :)


Originally posted by c0ngo
I've seen an Avalonian Cleric and Pali (in Guild) & a Highlander Thrust Scout (Pfy :p) all lvl 40 + so I really wouldn't worry about gimping there are lots more gimped then you who seem 2 do ok.

Find a nice Thurg or Wiz 2 EB you and you can fly through the first few lvls if you do delete :)

Heh ...


gimp hehe...when I started my cleric I did it to lvl like 15 or something all enhance...talk about a gimp char! Rerolled her after being laughed at to many time hehe


Avalonian Cleric

Lol I made an avalonian cleric back in Febuary. My first and still my main character.

I only twigged at lev 40 that this may not have been the best race for a character but at lev 40 you can whistle if you think I gonna restart.

And anyway Im quite happy with his performance and at least I look fairly unique as an Avalonian in Chain. So I would not want to change him anyway.


Heh. You're not the only Avalonian cleric either. :) At high levels it makes so little difference though.


11 levels as a Minstrel won't take long (especially now that we can charm pets and fight with a sword at the same time).

Hurrah for 1.48!

Anastasia lvl 24 Minstrel
-Dead Dragons Society-


i've seen a avalonian pala 40+ :D
at least he looked good ;)


I wouldn't worry too much about gimping from the initial speccing of your char, I'm an Avalonian Cleric too and I just hit 49. So no real harm done. Tho like Dhrun, I only twigged that an Av Cleric wasn't such a great idea about lvl 30-35, so I was buggered if I was gonna rerole by then.


Well i deleted my first minstrel too and he was lvl 12 .... , but i had the patience to go through that xp mill again :) i am sure that so can U...


Hehe, i was lvl 10 when someone told me that this is gimped, thats saracens dont go with slash, and probably they are right, cause i put also gimped my starting poits by puting 15 in str and 10 in cha. It may look like 100% gimp, but trust me, all this plays not much difference. With slash archers and mages, and! sadowblades (that are yellow) are easy. I doubt u would win a same lvl tank if i would picked thrust, or slash highlander. It's all how u play it. Now with this gimp i finaly got me rr4 and feeling that i'm playing gimped char disappeared at lvl 30 when i started to terrorize Upplands :)
So i dont think u should delete that char :) if u have puted alll 30 pts in empathy, than ye u better restart, but yours spec is still good!

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