diamond seals

  • Thread starter Ninth Dimension
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Ninth Dimension

what metal do you get from salvaging diamond seals?

thanx :)


asterite bars from chain/studded armor

Ninth Dimension

so both saph and diamond seals are asterite? if so COOL!!!! any ideas what metalworking skill you need to salvage diamond weapons? and what is a good price to buy the seals for?

thanx thanx thanx :)


yes, saphire seals give asterite too, but less of it compared to diamond hauberks

well, you buy the seals to get bars so you can make hinges

buyin seals just to salvage and sell to merchants isn't really viable
you need 750 skill to make asterite hinges... think they go grey (speed increase) past 800 (metalworking, that is)

I have 630 metalworking myself... If I've been farming money, and gotten some seals, I usually buy hauberks and salvage... then sell the bars back to the merchants.

Ninth Dimension

I've been buying saph seals from players to buy saph weapons, which i'm salvaging and then hinging to sell to merchants, that bit i've got fine (I made my first plat from an investment of 200 gold in the space of 8 hours so i know all about that :))

At the moment i've got 788 armorcraft and as a result 788 metalworking also, this is high enough for me to salvage the saph weapons and hinge the asterite.

my questions is that if I move on from the saph trade into the diamond one, do I have high enough skills to salvage the diamond weapons? (i know you get asterite, but i can imagine it being too high for me).

my second question is how much should I pay for a diamond seal? i've heard 9 gold, is this fair? and is the respective profit from diamond seals more than saph seals?

(i hope you understand what I mean) :)


You'll easily be able to salvage diamond longswords with 788 ac.

9g per seal would be a good price - 10g seems to be the norm and will generate something like 14.9g per seal after trinketing.

Sapphire gives you 4.95g so I normally buy at 3g.
Emerald gives you 1.49g or so and I buy at 1g. (note this is adamantium. Also some of the cheaper sapphire items give adamantium too).


to make a decent profit, buy seals for: 1g, 3g, 10g (em/sapph/dia). even buying dias at 11g isn't a bad profit.

Ninth Dimension

old.Vae based on what you have just said, if you started with an investment of 1000 gold you would make the following profits if you was to buy 1000 gold worth of seals of a specific type, you would make roughly the following profits:


Emerald = 490 gold (based on buying for 1 gold each and salvaging for 1.49 gold each)

Saphire = 650 gold (based on buying for 3 gold each and salvaging for 4.95 gold each)

Diamond = 490 gold (based on buying for 10 gold each and salvaging for 14.9 gold each)


Diamond = 655 gold (based on buying for 9 gold each and salvaging for 14.9 gold each)


Based on this i think that if i'm gonna be buying diamond seals, i'm not gonna pay more than 9 gold each :)


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension

Based on this i think that if i'm gonna be buying diamond seals, i'm not gonna pay more than 9 gold each :)

well, since all the crafters i've talked to buy dias for 10 or 11g, you'd better have something else to "offer" :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Yea...I don't think I have ever seen anyone offering lower than 10g per seal. Useful info though. Thanks. :)


Get your metalworking up to 800 (hinges turn grey which speeds up the process considerably). Won't be long from 788 anyway.

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Wend
Get your metalworking up to 800 (hinges turn grey which speeds up the process considerably). Won't be long from 788 anyway.
I intend on doing this (and more)

as for diamond seals, i'm making a huge profit from sapph seals buying at 3 gold each, so i think i'll stick to this :)


i normally sell my diamond seals for like 8/9 g no reason to sell for more

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Jebelious
i normally sell my diamond seals for like 8/9 g no reason to sell for more
before mythic changed the price 10-11 was a fair price, now diamons have dropped value, the cost of buying/selling should have too.

I feel really sorry for the guys paying 11 gold for them, you are being ripped off.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
I feel really sorry for the guys paying 11 gold for them, you are being ripped off.

oh the horror the horror, maybe its because you only ever see the small picture. Your not even a crafter? your just doing this to make a few more gold?

personally you dont even need money in this game after a certain stage, 11g/10g so what ? 220g less/more on 10 hauberks.

220g aint even 40 Arcanium bars

Besides there not set prices in this game you buy and sell for whatever you want mate and i wish you all the luck in the world watching the green line fill the box, and remmber macroing is illegal.


Originally posted by mid_Efour
220g aint even 40 Arcanium bars

Well 20 arcanium gold bars is 102g sommat, so 220g is 40 arcanium bars, but apart from that I agree totally with your post.

Crafting once you hit over 800 points in your chosen trade is stupidly expensive.
Crafting once you hit 1000 points in your trade is so mindbogglingly stupidly expensive it's beyond a joke really.

I'm now having to craft up on the AF51 items (lvl 10 materials) which costs 102g sommat for 20 metal, 29g sommat for 20 thread and 49g sommat for 20 leather.

The things I'm making use up 8 thread, 10 leather and 4 studs per item and retail back to the merchant at 35g ish.

(Figures are approximates cos I'm not in the game and I can't remember for sure off the top of my head).

Ninth Dimension

Regarding the 11 gold rip-off comment, i was just making a personal opinion public, sorry if i'm upset the great balance of the game in doing so.

All i know is that as the GM of the 12 Monkeys i've got to help support them in as many ways as I can (as any good GM would). and this includes supporting the 4 fultime crafters we have, myself at 835 point (been working on it a bit) and 3 others all above 500 points (when it starts to get expensive). i need to find the money somewhere so i farm and buy seals to salvage.

I'm also very interested in the idea of playing housing and intend on buying a guild mansion, this will also cost money.

So no, i'm not needlessly collecting money, and how dare you say i'm not a crafter?, just because i'm not a LGM. I think all the lowbies in my guild with new armor think of me as a crafter.

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by old.pala hellraiser
Well said Anima :)
Cheers mate, long time no see, do you play mid anymore? if so as who?

PM me mate :)


Originally posted by Wend
Get your metalworking up to 800 (hinges turn grey which speeds up the process considerably). Won't be long from 788 anyway.

Its 850...

iknow b/c im at 820 myself...


Originally posted by MesS°
Its 850...

iknow b/c im at 820 myself...

No your wrong. Asterite starts at 700 skill and Asterite hinges start at 750 skill. At 800 skill Asterite hinges go grey. The last Asterite trinket goes grey at 825 skill (I've just got to 826 metal working).

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