DF vs malmo



Lots of ppl like going to malmo u r sure of a group and the exp is constant and if u get lucky its a bulb per 1/2 hour. HOWEVER ppl are just plain lazy, why sit on the list for hours when u can take a trip to DF?? Recently as a healer i got to malmo at 6am GMT and didnt leave all day so alot of ppl didnt get groups for about 3 days... lets sum this up, say u sit in malmo for 6 hrs a day on list (easily easily done) for say 3 days thats 18 hrs wasted. Say u get a group on the foruth day for 6 hours. thats prolly about 1 level if u r v v lucky ie 10 bulbs. Now we look at DF. Lets be pessimistic and say we dont have DF at this time and need a keep. We head on over to alliance say and get a group together for taking one, get a ram and take a keep roughly an hour and a half. Then we head to DF down to the crossroads and advertise by /gu /as and /y that u r starting a diamond seal hunt. gettting a group together 1/2 hr. So in 2hrs u got a group. then u head on down to hulks killin everything on the way and when they r wiped out u go to the gatekeeper room which is almost consant pulling. This gets u a bulb about every 40-45 mins if done right (not pbae im talking normal CC exp here this is from experience recently and this is also at lvl 47) so thats 4 hours a day u r gettign exp for over 4 days thats 16 hours = 35 bulbs. Not to mention that u get a hell of a lot of diamond seals and gold, a hell of a lot, which makes u a nice profit too. and if u get bored u can go kill the princess for extra seals and fun. Now tell me again why ppl take the trek to malmo??


Main Entry: 1par·a·graph
Pronunciation: 'par-&-"graf
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French paragraphe, from Medieval Latin paragraphus sign marking a paragraph, from Greek paragraphos line used to mark change of persons in a dialogue, from paragraphein to write alongside, from para- + graphein to write -- more at CARVE
Date: 1525
1 a : a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new usually indented line b : a short composition or note that is complete in one paragraph

makes it so much easier to read


atm i say malmo cuz we havent had df consistently for 2 weeks


Anyone able to read that? my eyes start to bleed just by looking at it.



Prydwen's chosen ones have leapt out of the woodwork yet again to make an irrelevant comment about a topic they don't really give a s**t about.

How bout y'all just shut up unless you're gonna comment on topic? Commenting on other peoples attempts to spell and produce sentences in the full knowledge that half of Prydwen is Swedish and the other half claims to have dyslcieiscxiaaisixixiciica is getting fking boring and really is as lame as crashing an all-realms-are-invited wedding in Hadrian's Wall.


As for the actual topic of DF vs Malmo..

a) We hardly ever have DF anymore
b) Theres random aggro in walls
c) Stealthers
d) It's a pain in the ass to organise

Now, you can apply all the uptime/downtime calculations and bubbles per hour rate that you want, but it's not going to convince the establishment. The thing that you are going to run into all the time is that in Midgard, 75% of people (myself included) HAVE NO FKING CLUE. Going to DF requires a clue, whereas Malmo's rinse and repeat methodology does not.

and I'm spent..

I love Henry Rollins, such a pacifying force..


lol i love these forums, i also love the way im english and cant spell worth shit and yet some foreign dude will come along and write a beautful post. tbh i dont care how i spell i just hope that even a few sensible ppl read and take some stuff in cos then = more groups for meeeeee. (yes im selfish btw like the rest of the world). ohandjustforuguyswholiketomoanaboutgrammerandspellinghereisanicesentanceforu.


Originally posted by klavrynd
Main Entry: 1par·a·graph
Pronunciation: 'par-&-"graf
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French paragraphe, from Medieval Latin paragraphus sign marking a paragraph, from Greek paragraphos line used to mark change of persons in a dialogue, from paragraphein to write alongside, from para- + graphein to write -- more at CARVE
Date: 1525
1 a : a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new usually indented line b : a short composition or note that is complete in one paragraph

makes it so much easier to read

Wheres ure full-stop's and capital letters!


First post was actually nice, i moved some chars to df to get owned by a zillion infils.( well not yet but i know it will happen )


>Anyone able to read that? my eyes start to bleed just by looking at it.

So, are you really interested in the message in the post or are you just collecting besserwisser points among the inner circle on this board? You have to excuse my question but this board is full of the latter I am afraid, making for some rather nasty behavoiur among posters here.

Though his idea will never work as the albs are so much stronger than the mids.

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