DF and new toys


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Not long logged off after some casual lunchtime fun.

Was in DF and also the first time I got to play with my new prescience nodes.

Now bear in mind I'm about 10 years behind everyone else getting to play with this stuff so don't go mental at me. Not RvR'd much with cabby yet either.

With Mids having just taken over DF we expected to get ganked so invited a few peeps of varying levels into the group just to give us a chance. No zerg came though, just a trickle of SBs trying to find a way past the p-nodes without getting spotted.

Was great fun laying traps for enemy stealthers. Couple of times they wandered close and got ganked but sometimes, like Marath's last run, he managed to mez poison most of us, taking one down and having a damned good crack at myself before getting clubbed to death by the peeps I was with.

Then off to Mid side to cause trouble before being charged once enough Mids had arrived at top of steps to safely do so. By that time 5 of us in group of wildly varying levels. Another 3-4 in another group were with us part of the way as well but they died quite fast (I think - it got quite messy). I think it was roughly 3FG that steamrollered over us by time Mids charged.

Don't think I actually managed to kill anyone (would be something badly wrong if I did) but it was damned good fun :)

<huggles his prescience nodes>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Yeah it was fun.

Actually got some1s bot too but no rp on that 1. ;)
Its fun to try and get some1 even if its 100% suicide. Certainly a comic afternoon for me.

Oh and :worthy: your nodes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
O its your fault Maraths stood at amg with 8 other sb/hunters shoving mines on the door is it Roo ? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Actually yes ... was reading these boards then. ;)
Anyhow I wasnt there long as the mid stealther numbers grew to the no-fun-for-lil-me-level. And you folks prolly answered that and then hibs and plah plah blah. :flame:

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