Devil May Cry 4


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Ok, ok so I know I'm well behind the curve here, but I just started to play DMC4 yesterday, it being the second of the two games I have for my PS/3, and I have some thoughts:

1. Does playing DMC4 make you gay? Or Emo, or gay and emo? Gemo?
I mean, come on, all this grunting, waving about your giant cock -err- I mean sword, jumping while wearing tight pants, pointedly ignoring luscious wimmins waving their scantily clad jubblies in your face. Am I gay? Is Dante gay? Will Dante and Nero ever have hot man love? Is it the secret wish of a thousand thousand fanbois the world over that they do? Because frigging Capcom seems to be going for it ffs.

1.5 ZOMG please make that song go away.
It's bad enough you have to listen to it for like 20 minutes while the game installs itself, while watching some Dante yaoi pictures and history of how much your life will suck because you happen to have a famous dad, but then out comes this chick (zomg a girl!) with an awesome rack, who then provides you with the ultimate turn-off by singing -NNNGH- that song :eek:

2. I am so not into controllers.
Zomg how hard can it be? Triangle, triangle, pause, triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle. Surely my fevered brain can make my rusty fingers do this simple feat? And not to mention that second, yes, second hidden game -I'm only that far in you see- where you have to buster bad guys while in the air, and without touching the ground. I mean, it's only two frigging buttons, but I spent half the evening trying it and then bloody died and the game kindly reset me to a checkpoint about half an hour beforehand :/

3. What is it with the magically reappearing furniture?
Ok, I know I may be nit picking here, but please, when I destroy a table with a sword that has a frigging motor in it (ffs btw, why not a gun -oh wait heh) I expect it to stay broken. Not that I mind the exercise you know. The burn of a good workout feels really good. Especially around the gluts. Mmmm. Oh, wait, I digress :/ Also, do the cabinet makers of GayAngstyville put demon blood in everything? Makes you feel for the poor demons. Also, if there are so many hunters about, why are there any demons to be had in the first place, specially since they all seem to be bloody miles better at it than my new male companion Nero is :/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's kinda hard to respond to any of your points. All I can contribute is that I played DMC4 and became neither gay nor emo.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Devil May Cry games rock, the cheesyness is a part of the enjoyment value. But then I watched every episode of sunset beach and thought it was the best thing on telly.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
If you are looking for another ps3 game then get uncharted: drakes fortune.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
hehe supremely frustrated with the game atm. it's trying to make me make my fingers do things they can't :)

and yeah Ch3tan, I got the demo of U: DF, and it's not bad, though I must say, as a PC gamer I hate using a controller to aim/shoot :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I didn't like DMC4 at all i'm so passed beat em ups.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
hehe supremely frustrated with the game atm. it's trying to make me make my fingers do things they can't :)

and yeah Ch3tan, I got the demo of U: DF, and it's not bad, though I must say, as a PC gamer I hate using a controller to aim/shoot :(

I know I say this a lot, but you have the same problem I do with the ps3 controller. It is too damn small to do the amount of button pressing that DMC needs. Trying to play ninja gaiden on it nearly made me cry. This is why I am glad I have a 360 for these games.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well atm I'm just thinking that I don't really know what I'm doing with DMC, mostly because I've never had a console/controller to deal with before and partly because I'm not used to having to inject em, rhythm into my button mashing. Atm I'm mostly feeling that I'm just off with every press.

edit: yeah, and most of the tutorial vids on the interweb, everyone's on an xbox ctrlr. They seem massive though o0


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Don't worry TdC, it is almost universally agreed that DMC is made for PS controllers. If you never played DMC before, you really just need to get used to the whole special move directional inputs being relative to nero's direction. Do you not really play other combat-centric action games?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well yeah mate, but I'm a PC head really, and tbh you did hit the nail on the head there: it's been doing my nut in that the input is indeed based on what direction the avatar is facing (and maybe on where the bloody camera is pointing ffs), I mean, I'm running in curves -making it very hard to run directly at an enemy or in a straight line to a door for example, and right back out of rooms just after I've entered them, and it's quite annoying :)

you guys can all call me a noob now :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
but it's so annoying! surely you have to agree :(

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