I have been testing out a whole load of nVIDIA detonators on my system using 3DMark2K and 2K1. I'd like your opinion as to which ones to stick with.
I have tested them in 1024x768 res with a GeForce2 Pro 64MB on a 1Ghz proc. with 256MB RAM. No O/C.
3DM2K 3DM2K1
7.58 7532, 3001
7.76 7574, 2969
10.50 7086, 3071
10.80 7034, 3068
11.00 6989, 3098
11.01 6953, 3096
12.00 7182, 3121
12.20 7079, 3109
The 12.00s look the best at first glance but would it be good to choose a 3DM2K1 leader like these? Or would it be best to use a 3DM2K leader like the 7.76? Or should I just use an all-rounder?
I have been testing out a whole load of nVIDIA detonators on my system using 3DMark2K and 2K1. I'd like your opinion as to which ones to stick with.
I have tested them in 1024x768 res with a GeForce2 Pro 64MB on a 1Ghz proc. with 256MB RAM. No O/C.
3DM2K 3DM2K1
7.58 7532, 3001
7.76 7574, 2969
10.50 7086, 3071
10.80 7034, 3068
11.00 6989, 3098
11.01 6953, 3096
12.00 7182, 3121
12.20 7079, 3109
The 12.00s look the best at first glance but would it be good to choose a 3DM2K1 leader like these? Or would it be best to use a 3DM2K leader like the 7.76? Or should I just use an all-rounder?