

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Plz ding 45 and leave Leirvik. And give me back the RP u got for us over and over, sick of trying to play Leirvik vs Bonedancers and Warlocks , Especially ones that dont ever leave thier precious little Towers/Keeps.

Just Stand still for 2 seconds so i can Bolt u from Behind just once, and stop using your sixth sense of knowing when im coming from behind :p

Btw our alliance agrees your our most hated player in Leirvik atm so we making u an award soon. We present it to u with 14 of us next week :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
He's a gimp, and strafe abuser to the max :p noone likes him... At least I know Celione is driving him fairly mad, spam-killing him every chance he gets :p



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
its not so much hes a bd that bothers me , as the fact he humps towers, even against soloers, and he seems to only run with another hugely unfair class , hes also in leirvik 24/7 , one of the only mids i ever see there lol

I dinged 45 now myself anyway so i wont need to worry about it i spose, but im working on a cabby, heres hoping hes still there when im 44 again so i can yellow nearsight his ass and spread some lovely wild power 3 dots on his precious little head xD

<IE : Attempt to do this, but just get interuted by a lifetap at the start and handed my ass on a plate as allways :p >


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Met this wanker bd today, all he did was stick pets on me, run away and lt me every 4 sec. "oh m8s this is so fun... weee.. almost orgasmic how I lt ppl lolz".... starting to think Leirvik is full of assholes (hi Dryrd) :puke:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
i wish i was lvl 44 with my scoutie. :p. would be fun to fill his body with arrows. there's also an annoying frostie WL there named stonee. can you NS him too :p.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Demon2k3 said:
i wish i was lvl 44 with my scoutie. :p. would be fun to fill his body with arrows. there's also an annoying frostie WL there named stonee. can you NS him too :p.

Saw him near beno today...doubt he's still L40-44 :)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Gotmagi said:
Met this wanker bd today, all he did was stick pets on me, run away and lt me every 4 sec. "oh m8s this is so fun... weee.. almost orgasmic how I lt ppl lolz".... starting to think Leirvik is full of assholes (hi Dryrd) :puke:

Yep I know what you mean - he's there now with his other 2 friends lol. 1 solo unbuffed mini against 3 BD's and another class, grow up and get outta lerivik so you can see how well you do in real rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Hmm dont know him very well have grouped with him though with various toons in leirvik basically he likes playing there dont see the problem tbh at least there is something there for you too fight.

anyway he seems a nice guy dosnt get pissed off and whine like me :p
just he plays for his own enjoyment if thats bad then /shrug

and celione is that the ns that /sticks to infil and duo's with it?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Dan can be annoying (especially with the razing of towers) but I don't think he's as bad as people make him seem.

I've had a number of fights with him, and we are probably about even, more likely with him slightly in the lead (due to his annoying ability to run in when I am solo on a tower captain :twak: ).

I've never seen him strafe - he runs all over the place like a madman, but use of /face works most of the time. And he is killable solo, you just need to use every ability to hand (I keep forgetting to disease the git) such as rooting the commander & legging it - he often folows, and without his pets...

Still - each to his own - and while he is playing an annoying class, I don't think he deserves such abuse, when all he is doing is enjoying himself (as I and Celione are doing - 1 from each realm I know are RR3 and having fun hanging around in Leirvik).

If he annoys you - kill him repeatedly. Its not that hard if you actually think about how to get him, and if he goes repair mad/seige weapon crazy just smash him! Problem solved! (If you are really annoyed do it slowly and painfully! - murder his pets first then dissect him piece by piece - any 2 chars should have no problem doing this, and well played solo's can do so also!

Murcalumis rebma - Lifegifting Cabby!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Arisen said:
Dan can be annoying (especially with the razing of towers) but I don't think he's as bad as people make him seem.

I've had a number of fights with him, and we are probably about even, more likely with him slightly in the lead (due to his annoying ability to run in when I am solo on a tower captain :twak: ).

I've never seen him strafe - he runs all over the place like a madman, but use of /face works most of the time. And he is killable solo, you just need to use every ability to hand (I keep forgetting to disease the git) such as rooting the commander & legging it - he often folows, and without his pets...

Still - each to his own - and while he is playing an annoying class, I don't think he deserves such abuse, when all he is doing is enjoying himself (as I and Celione are doing - 1 from each realm I know are RR3 and having fun hanging around in Leirvik).

If he annoys you - kill him repeatedly. Its not that hard if you actually think about how to get him, and if he goes repair mad/seige weapon crazy just smash him! Problem solved! (If you are really annoyed do it slowly and painfully! - murder his pets first then dissect him piece by piece - any 2 chars should have no problem doing this, and well played solo's can do so also!

Murcalumis rebma - Lifegifting Cabby!

HI just met you with my 44 zerker Dapa, stop humping the tower and try to run unbuffed :twak:
Might be more fun for you if you actually have 2 do more than let the buffed pet attack me :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
So let me get this right, someone is playing the game as they like and not breaking any rules etc and you are upset because you don't like this?
It is indeed terrible that the evil pixies force you to repeatedly charge tower hugging bonedancers against your own will...because if there were no evil pixies you wouldn't do it would you.

Unless of course you just want to have a good whine. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Wow I suck - can't even figure out how to do a proper quote! (shows how often I post I guess!)


"HI just met you with my 44 zerker Dapa, stop humping the tower and try to run unbuffed
Might be more fun for you if you actually have 2 do more than let the buffed pet attack me "

I'm a mixed Spiirt/Body Caby - which means my pet is always buffed, with Spirit spec line buffs. And if I recall I did most of the damage to you via nukes, then the pet finished you off as you ran away. (I had only just arived there so didnt know what the hell was going on - when outnumbered or clueless running for the nearest tower is generally the best option I think:) ) Oooh also I think I used Juggernaught on you - thats not common (normally Dan/a Lock of a Tower Captain) so be happy you made me use that! :worthy:

You could have had me if you had stayed on me, although I guess the Captain might? have hit on you - still not 100% sure where they aggro from - seems to be the back of towers sometime.

And yes I was buffed - sorry, it gives me a chance vs people like Dan, and more specifically means I can play vs Locks - I rarely win vs them 1v1 (unless I get the jump in a big way) but the buffs give me a minor chace of escape. So unless you somehow want to arrange to meet up sometime for a pure unbuffed duel, until they delete all Locks, I'll probably have buffs.

Anyway - was a shame that you logged right after that first meeting, a couple of us had a nice little ongoing fight vs Dan, Sue, a Kobby, a Norse stealther and for a bit a Shar & 2 Hibs - they got the tower in the end but Dan always does when he trebs! And when we met I wan't deliberatly tower hugging, I had been heading around to MURDER Sue :m00: , when I saw you! :twak:

Anyway - hope Leirvik stays fun, and while I don't necessarily like Dan's methods of gaming, I'll enjoy killing him repeatedly while he does them!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 11, 2005
I dont really mind him, he can die like every one else ^^

dunno if his the most annoying player in leirvik.

one think im quite sure of is that the most fair is Celione, dueled him 3 times 2 night was pretty even every time, and for faceing a merc none stealthed /cheer kinda wondered why you didn´t tho ^^

anyhow i find leirvik fun still, if there aint 2 much grp action its great gives a chance 2 solo.

and for the buffbot part. well if a melee char wants a chance vs a vamp or enough hp 2 get close 2 a warlock, they are needed sadly.

so sorry to those i might piss off by being buffed, but im just a "weak" merc so i need ^^

cya ppl in leirvik :]


Loyal Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Arisen said:
I'm a mixed Spiirt/Body Caby - which means my pet is always buffed, with Spirit spec line buffs. And if I recall I did most of the damage to you via nukes, then the pet finished you off as you ran away. (I had only just arived there so didnt know what the hell was going on - when outnumbered or clueless running for the nearest tower is generally the best option I think Oooh also I think I used Juggernaught on you - thats not common (normally Dan/a Lock of a Tower Captain) so be happy you made me use that!

You could have had me if you had stayed on me, although I guess the Captain might? have hit on you - still not 100% sure where they aggro from - seems to be the back of towers sometime.

And yes I was buffed - sorry, it gives me a chance vs people like Dan, and more specifically means I can play vs Locks - I rarely win vs them 1v1 (unless I get the jump in a big way) but the buffs give me a minor chace of escape. So unless you somehow want to arrange to meet up sometime for a pure unbuffed duel, until they delete all Locks, I'll probably have buffs.

Anyway - was a shame that you logged right after that first meeting, a couple of us had a nice little ongoing fight vs Dan, Sue, a Kobby, a Norse stealther and for a bit a Shar & 2 Hibs - they got the tower in the end but Dan always does when he trebs! And when we met I wan't deliberatly tower hugging, I had been heading around to MURDER Sue , when I saw you!

Anyway - hope Leirvik stays fun, and while I don't necessarily like Dan's methods of gaming, I'll enjoy killing him repeatedly while he does them!

Sorry about me whining then, i used charge but when that ran of your pet stunnend me >.< so then its bye bye me

actually think your pet did the most dmg did 130 dmg or something each hit :(
+ some sort of dmg add i think.

Had some fun fights against some shar vamp, no need 2 have buffs for those if they fail to get fumble debuff sticked they are toast ^^

250+ dmg with double frost each hit main hand.

Anyway would love some duels 2 fellow enemy tanks :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I was that Shar vamp ^^.

Yeah debuff fumble resist does suck vs zerker in frenzy mode.

Killed Dan with a kobbie friend of his , but the 2 Troll BD's together are kinda tough.
Prolly only solo class with a chance is buffed Sorc , perhaps cabbie.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Vegedk said:
I dont really mind him, he can die like every one else ^^

dunno if his the most annoying player in leirvik.

one think im quite sure of is that the most fair is Celione, dueled him 3 times 2 night was pretty even every time, and for faceing a merc none stealthed /cheer kinda wondered why you didn´t tho ^^

anyhow i find leirvik fun still, if there aint 2 much grp action its great gives a chance 2 solo.

and for the buffbot part. well if a melee char wants a chance vs a vamp or enough hp 2 get close 2 a warlock, they are needed sadly.

so sorry to those i might piss off by being buffed, but im just a "weak" merc so i need ^^

cya ppl in leirvik :]

ooo more melee'rs :) mebbe ill swing by with warr again ;)



Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Just so you know, he now plays with his Girlfriend who is also a BD, so you will have to deal with 2 of them now

Her name is - Desparatesue

If you gotta come onto a forum and whine about someone elses gameplay because you cant beat them then it just shows how good a player you are :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Sye said:
Just so you know, he now plays with his Girlfriend who is also a BD, so you will have to deal with 2 of them now

Her name is - Desparatesue

If you gotta come onto a forum and whine about someone elses gameplay because you cant beat them then it just shows how good a player you are :)
Yep you gotta be a good player to be able to press the lt button......


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Formia said:
Killed Dan with a kobbie friend of his , but the 2 Troll BD's together are kinda tough.
Prolly only solo class with a chance is buffed Sorc , perhaps cabbie.
Well got em both with unbuffed theurg - aoe mez, dump stun pets, dump ice pets, dead BDs.

But aye, those 2 buffed up rr3 NS that seem just twinked to hang about leirvik indefinately are annoying. Bot is lvl 39 atm, will see if can create some havok there once it dings.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Arisen said:
Dan can be annoying (especially with the razing of towers) but I don't think he's as bad as people make him seem.

I've had a number of fights with him, and we are probably about even, more likely with him slightly in the lead (due to his annoying ability to run in when I am solo on a tower captain :twak: ).

I've never seen him strafe - he runs all over the place like a madman, but use of /face works most of the time. And he is killable solo, you just need to use every ability to hand (I keep forgetting to disease the git) such as rooting the commander & legging it - he often folows, and without his pets...

Still - each to his own - and while he is playing an annoying class, I don't think he deserves such abuse, when all he is doing is enjoying himself (as I and Celione are doing - 1 from each realm I know are RR3 and having fun hanging around in Leirvik).

If he annoys you - kill him repeatedly. Its not that hard if you actually think about how to get him, and if he goes repair mad/seige weapon crazy just smash him! Problem solved! (If you are really annoyed do it slowly and painfully! - murder his pets first then dissect him piece by piece - any 2 chars should have no problem doing this, and well played solo's can do so also!

Murcalumis rebma - Lifegifting Cabby!

I must point out , that i have nothing against him irl as a person lol, but anyone that rolls a bd doesnt get my respect in game. Even when i play mid or hib theres a few classes i refuse to roll ever. That being a BD/Lock/Vamp. Not tried bainshee but i hear they suck ass pve solo so i wont.. Bd need to have the lifetap timer upped to 8 sec or something..


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
knighthood said:
I must point out , that i have nothing against him irl as a person lol, but anyone that rolls a bd doesnt get my respect in game. Even when i play mid or hib theres a few classes i refuse to roll ever. That being a BD/Lock/Vamp. Not tried bainshee but i hear they suck ass pve solo so i wont.. Bd need to have the lifetap timer upped to 8 sec or something..

another good idea would be to freeze everyone to the ground when hit in RvR so no one can whine about how the other person plays....

Oh and also every class that i dont play, should be nerfed imo as they are all overpowered every time they kill me!

That way i could go to RvR and not have to worry about thinking how i am going to kill someone! Wohooo the fun!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Even easier would be when encountering an enemy you do /random 10 the loser falls down dead ... no more whine and endless fun

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