Desp for an Armsman Sc template plz




I have a lgm scer but only used him about 10 times as it gives me a terrible headache so I dont really no much about sc templates to say the least.

Ive just respeced from 50 slash, 50 shield and rest parry to
50 pole, 42 shield, 39 thrust and rest parry.

Ive got a mp af 102 full plate suit, mp guarded rapier, mp small shield and a mp partisan.

Ive also had it all alchemy'd up.

I know how to use the scer no prob but but all i need is a template made that I can load into leladias spell craft calc and get down to business.

Some of the jewelery I have is certainly less than uber but cant wait anymore to start rvr.

50 pole, 42 shield, 39 thrust and parry 6
All items are MP I wish to imbue.

Jewelery is as follows

Cloak of the stalwart arm.
constitution 12 pts
dexterity 12 pts
spirit 6%

Ancient copper necklace.
Crush 10%
Thrust 10%
Body 10%
Spirit 10%

Ancient roman coin.
Slash 8%
Thrust 8%
Heat 8%
Hits 24 pts

Scureols belt.
Strength 7pts
Constitution 7pts
Energy 10%
Matter 10%

Ancient Copper ring.
Hits 30pts
Power 4pts
Matter 8%

Ring of the stalwart arm.
Strength 7pts
Dexterity 7pts
Constitution 7pts
Slash 6%

Bracer of shielding.
Constitution 3pts
Shield 4pts
Body 12%
Crush 8%

Bracer of the strong.
Strength 6pts
Parry 3pts
Matter 10%
Thrust 10%

I have heard that it would be best to use a df ring rather than the Ancient Copper ring but cant be sure.

Please if anyone makes me a template can they do it for the df ring if better and ill get one no prob.

I will be of course willing to pay for this template.

Please mail any info to
or msg me in game.

Ill be on about 11pm uk time


What rings and cloak should i change for.
Within reasonable cost and availablity in game?


Originally posted by necrofill
get hooded blade cloak and infernal black diamond ring (18 diamond seal).. the cloak u get from the quest:

and remeber to take the right quest!!
What he said tbh. Hooded Blades cloak is pretty nice, and you get it from a level 40ish quest which is sooooooooooo easy to do when 50. Ring's from DF are easy to get as well.


Damn sold the hooded blades cloak for 700g about 2 months ago coz I didnt like the hood.
But after reading some patch notes last week see that in an upcoming patch u can do a /hooddown command.
Anyone wanna sell one of these hoods will pay well.

Jarahl Valinor

U can use the cloak from Restore the Magic as well.. quite nice 2 :)

Jarahl Valinor

Epic ring gets upgraded this upcoming patch 2 :) Might be a good idea to state if u want Quick capped or not as well :)


u could ofc also get summoners or oil rag cloak better utility but also alot more rare

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