A Present for Desdeco, Visit and Soul
Heres a little pressie for you guys for helping out with the Ellyl Lords last night...star status in Shaeffs first Templar Chronicle
A Cabalists Dress
A Cabalist's dress
Is meant to impress
All those who are there to admire
We're glad that its done
Cos it ain't much fun
The damn quest to get it is dire!
The Cabalist Myste
Was utterly er..miffed <- I'm not that brave
At the deaths on Sunday night
We tried again on Wednesday
And this time HOORAY!
We gave'm a helluva fight
The Ellyl Lord
(not to mention the horde)
Are really tough sods to make die
So we lured Caessa 'n' Soul
And Visit n'all
With promises of hugs and pie.
We mustn't leave out
Desdeco the scout
For he knew exactly how it should go
'I'm gonna go pull
Be Weady to Wule!'
And off he went to shoot his bow
The fight, nice and brief
Didn't cause us much grief
The plan worked like you wouldn't believe
By the time we got there
The tailor in the square
A dress! She had begun to weave
The morale of the story
If you want to chase glory
And prevent it from all going bleurgh
Is to take patience pills
And remember youre skills
Failing that, say sod it, and ZERG!
Thanks for helping guys, appreciate it.
Heres a little pressie for you guys for helping out with the Ellyl Lords last night...star status in Shaeffs first Templar Chronicle
A Cabalists Dress
A Cabalist's dress
Is meant to impress
All those who are there to admire
We're glad that its done
Cos it ain't much fun
The damn quest to get it is dire!
The Cabalist Myste
Was utterly er..miffed <- I'm not that brave
At the deaths on Sunday night
We tried again on Wednesday
And this time HOORAY!
We gave'm a helluva fight
The Ellyl Lord
(not to mention the horde)
Are really tough sods to make die
So we lured Caessa 'n' Soul
And Visit n'all
With promises of hugs and pie.
We mustn't leave out
Desdeco the scout
For he knew exactly how it should go
'I'm gonna go pull
Be Weady to Wule!'
And off he went to shoot his bow
The fight, nice and brief
Didn't cause us much grief
The plan worked like you wouldn't believe
By the time we got there
The tailor in the square
A dress! She had begun to weave
The morale of the story
If you want to chase glory
And prevent it from all going bleurgh
Is to take patience pills
And remember youre skills
Failing that, say sod it, and ZERG!
Thanks for helping guys, appreciate it.